Tiberium Dusk is a re-imagining of the Kane's Wrath universe in a way I feel better fits canon, as EA did a pretty poor job with the C&C franchise continuity from Tiberium Wars onwards. This mod doesn't change anything with regards to the story but helps add elements to the gameplay that "fill the gaps" and provide a more Tiberian Sun esque experience (including all its flaws and unbalances) and departs away from the Kane's Wrath RTS formula. Still a work in progress, I've made changes to the AI (buffed turtle AI and made brutals harder), made changes to "Militant Squads" which make them work with the timeline of the franchise, changed the "Nod" faction entirely with a new name, as Kane's Wrath "Nod" works more of a splinter faction rather than a true "Brotherhood"; with Marked of Kane being the new face of the faction. There are also numerous changes to GDI and Scrin, especially Reaper 17 and Steel Talons, which make them play significantly differently.

Post news Report RSS Tiberium Dusk 1.26 BETA release

Tiberium Dusk 1.26 BETA is here and available to download on ModDB! Featuring hundreds of gameplay changes, new units, artwork, sound work, new engine physics and more! The most up to date version of Tiberium Dusk is now available for all to download and play.

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I'm happy to announce that 1.26 has finally become a Beta and will be receiving a full ModDB release! This version of the mod has a whole hoard of changes but is still yet a work in progress so expect some jank, bugs etc every now and then!

Below are some examples of what surprises await in store for you in the new version!

Nuclear Armageddon

Revel in the power of the revamped Nuclear Missile for Nod. Now upgraded for the latest version of Tiberium Dusk. This absolute monstrosity can wreak havoc in an enormous area and costs 5000 credits to fire once the timer has elapsed.


The new GDI Marv (aptly named the Pacifier Supertank) has an active protection system that can defend it from various ingame threats. Not seen here, this new revamp of the MARV features a battleship cannon that can cause tremendous destruction. The vehicle also provides build radius for nearby structures as well as quality defensive turrets that can cause a real headache for enemy commanders.

Revamped Physics

To add to the nuclear armageddon seen above, basic engine physics have been added allowing the nuclear missile to be more destructive than ever! This may be added to other units and effects over time.

More of the Classics


The Classic Obelisk of Light Returns in all of its glory! Pictured on the left is the classic Obelisk in pristine condition. This hasn't seen combat. The middle image is the Classic Obelisk pictured alongside its more modern relative and the final picture is the Classic Obelisk when damaged, red steam spewing out the side.

The classic Obelisk is available for players of Nod as an exclusive defense tower.

Tiberium Tank!


This Marked of Kane exclusive variant of the flame tank comes in the Beta of 1.26. This vile monstrosity spews vicious corrosive toxins that melt through armor and contaminate large areas of the battlefield. The Tiberium Tank is specifically designed to wreak havoc amongst enemy light and medium armor and can cause enemy infantry to mutate into visceroids.

The Flames will Rise:


Purifying flames upgrade has received a massive buff and change in the latest version of the mod. Now virtually all black hand units benefit from this upgrade allowing you to raze enemy infantry, vehicles and bases even easier! Leave them in ashes!

A pretty picture...

Lots of fresh unit cameos and descriptions have been made for this version of the mod. There is still work to be done on this front, but it makes the game look much more diverse as I've tried to blend them with the original game artstyle.

And much much more.

Honestly the changes are too numerous to list. The mod has come a long long way from version 1.25 and I'd like to say thanks to all those who've been following along at the Discord during this long journey.

Speaking of Discord, its open for everyone to join! For all those who want updates on the mod feel free to hit up here. I don't bite. :)

Click here to join the Discord!

And that's all folks... for this time!

Tiberium Dusk will forever stay a free mod, as I'm a firm believer that mods are made for fun and to expand the games that we love; however if you wish to donate I would massively appreciate it!

Below is my Patreon link, if you want to consider supporting the development of the mod (and help pay for my coffee working late at night ^^) its available for those who can donate. All donations are welcomed.

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