Tiberium Dusk is a re-imagining of the Kane's Wrath universe in a way I feel better fits canon, as EA did a pretty poor job with the C&C franchise continuity from Tiberium Wars onwards. This mod doesn't change anything with regards to the story but helps add elements to the gameplay that "fill the gaps" and provide a more Tiberian Sun esque experience (including all its flaws and unbalances) and departs away from the Kane's Wrath RTS formula. Still a work in progress, I've made changes to the AI (buffed turtle AI and made brutals harder), made changes to "Militant Squads" which make them work with the timeline of the franchise, changed the "Nod" faction entirely with a new name, as Kane's Wrath "Nod" works more of a splinter faction rather than a true "Brotherhood"; with Marked of Kane being the new face of the faction. There are also numerous changes to GDI and Scrin, especially Reaper 17 and Steel Talons, which make them play significantly differently.


The first actual release of Tiberium Dusk, a mod that's been in the work for almost a year now, which continues from an unreleased mod I made for Tiberium Wars.

Tiberium Dusk 1.22 Release
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daytor - - 115 comments

Very Nice!

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

Thank you. :D

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Guest - - 698,191 comments

Reaper 17 Hunter seeker is ridiculously strong.

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

Yeah, I'm aware of this. :D

The point of the Hunter Seeker is that its a double edged sword, extremely easy to cause friendly fire with your own units, but also highly damaging.

I do plan on having a minimum range nerf in the future though, so it wont be able to fire on units within tank cannon range, so stuff inside that radius will be able to fire without any threat. (Friendly and enemy vehicles)

Combine that with a soft nerf on Rate of Fire to reduce the effectiveness of spam and it'll just be a highly scary artillery that can be overwhelmed or flanked to defeat it.

It should be changed next update, I'm currently implementing a classic Tiberium Dawn style mammoth tank at the request of someone else to replace the Mammoth Mk.1; so there should be an update soon.

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Guest - - 698,191 comments

I see, thanks for the reply. Nice mod btw, buffing steel talon and reaper 17 was something EA didn't bother.

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warif - - 94 comments


It does not work, some kind of bug.

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

That's the error that comes up when you try and run the game on Tiberium Wars.

Its a Kane's Wrath mod mate. :)

If you've got Kane's Wrath, download WrathEd Mod Launcher and launch it from there, following the readme instructions.


Reply Good karma+3 votes
warif - - 94 comments

I see. Thanks)

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Guardian_2194600 - - 234 comments

Is steel talons limit supposed to only have one vehicle production structure?

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

For now yes (for balancing reasons), but planned in a future update Steel Talons will be able to build a "Support Factory" from their crane.

This will allow them a 2nd vehicle production crew to allow them to build light vehicles,such as; Pitbulls, MRT's, APC's, Harvesters, Surveyors, Wolverines, Slingshots and Rigs / Expansion units.

Said structure will only cost 1000 credits.

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MintyFreshDeath - - 7 comments

Quick question: Why does the radar no longer work in the campaign mode?

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

I believe its only on the first few missions. (Currently playing on the 4th and radar works fine there)

Its some sort of map related garbage EA put in to ensure that the radar never goes out even if you sell your conyard I believe. (Essentially scripted maps)

Not all the new features of Skirmish are supported in campaign fully, though generally MOST things work.

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SUPERNODD - - 65 comments

Is there a fix for the no mini map playing story mode ?
using 1.25 ?
Nice mod looking forward to 1.26 ;-)

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

No sadly, I never saw this comment due to it being on the original release. ^^

The minimap returns in later missions, but for some reason in the first 1-3 missions I believe, the radar is tied to the Construction Yard in the map editor, even though I removed the ability for construction yard to display radar, and gave it to the radar building / command post instead.

Essentially I think this confuses the maps, and even when you have the radar post it still doesn't give radar thanks to the map scripts.

Thankfully EA didn't use the scripts in later missions so the problem resolves itself. :P

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dude3141 - - 108 comments

I got everything installed in the right place I'm using origin when I load the mod in the mod launcher it just opens up the game and there's no mod any ideas how to fix this?

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

Look on the front page of the mod and scroll through the comments. There's a thread from Fonterdriller in where I found a fix for this problem.

Its all to do with EA purposely removing command line to their (origin) release of the C&C games preventing you from running mods.

You essentially need to download a set of classic launchers with registry fixes in order for command line based mods to run. :)

I can paste the link for the file here if you want, but its solved already technically on the front page comment section. :D

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nuruddinshah52 - - 469 comments

Bug Report
I'm playing GDI. The Expanse base doesn't have the circle ring for building. But the battle base does

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

Its working as intended mate.

The Battlebase is used for expansions now.

The Surveyor is now a large radius stealth detector.

It should say in the unit tooltips.

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nuruddinshah52 - - 469 comments

Question Did the Pitbull lose the anti-stealth cuz NOD use some stealth on building with no Stealth tower buliding. To get that anti I have to use the Orca anti-stealth upgrades

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

Yep, I'm reworking the Stealth Mechanics to make them more useful; but the work towards that is ongoing.

Essentially Stealth will only be detected by very specific units and abilities, making it more powerful than usual.

As a response to that though, GDI and other factions are also more powerful offensively.

NOD has the Shadow Emissary which provides stealth around its build radius.

You've got to read the tooltips mate, or turn them on. :)

Reply Good karma+2 votes
nuruddinshah52 - - 469 comments

Re on tooltips.
Some the tooltips don't have them EG Steel talons "Big tank with a railgun"

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

Yeah, but the Mastodon unit upgrade ability in the lower right corner is fully documented in the tooltip, mainly the Mammoth Mk.2 upgrade and Devastator cannon upgrade....

There's very few things I haven't already assigned strings for in regards to ingame functionality; though there are still some buildings and support powers I need to do that to. (Mainly explaining the new power systems on power plants)

Its also mentioned in the version patch notes above. :P

Its a mod, so you should be expecting there to be changes and gameplay differences for you to figure out at the very least. :D

You also have to remember that 1.22 is the first version of the mod, and there are some inherent flaws that I've fixed in version 1.23, mostly gameplay related.

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