Tiberium Dusk is a re-imagining of the Kane's Wrath universe in a way I feel better fits canon, as EA did a pretty poor job with the C&C franchise continuity from Tiberium Wars onwards. This mod doesn't change anything with regards to the story but helps add elements to the gameplay that "fill the gaps" and provide a more Tiberian Sun esque experience (including all its flaws and unbalances) and departs away from the Kane's Wrath RTS formula. Still a work in progress, I've made changes to the AI (buffed turtle AI and made brutals harder), made changes to "Militant Squads" which make them work with the timeline of the franchise, changed the "Nod" faction entirely with a new name, as Kane's Wrath "Nod" works more of a splinter faction rather than a true "Brotherhood"; with Marked of Kane being the new face of the faction. There are also numerous changes to GDI and Scrin, especially Reaper 17 and Steel Talons, which make them play significantly differently.


Tiberium Dusk 1.24 - Brutal KW contains a new gore system, a new map, new units, large (existing) unit changes, a few new music tracks, new artwork / graphics and more. Please view the changelog below for further information.

Tiberium Dusk 1.24 - Release
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shaithias - - 69 comments


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shaithias - - 69 comments

Disappointed by banshee. It tries to be a bomber, but its too unwieldy for the role, and takes too much damage. This relegates it to the role of support fighter bomber, which is sadly better handled by venoms. Its critical weakness is massed rocket infantry, and on large maps with buildings those garrisoned rocket infantry make it so dangerous to fly, it can't operate. Compare and contrast to the vertigo which is a straight bomber. The banshee has the potential to be a great unit with tweaks, but in its current state, it can't.

Tweaks I recommend:
Add in an afterburner ability. This is an activated ability that further increases banshee speed and decreases their turn rate so they can easily corner and makes rockets miss the banshee for the duration of the burn.

Give the banshee napalm plasma on its shots. It should 1 hit ko infantry, and burn buildings out. It would give banshees a solid role as anti garrison strafing fighter bombers.

Let the banshees fire potshots while passing over targets. This allows players to set the banshee to shoot at everything and only hit 1 shot per target. Combined with napalm plasma, this would make the banshee an excellent anti garrison strafer. But when the banshee is ordered to actually attack a target, it needs to empty all of its missiles in one go. its too fragile to do multiple strafing runs over an enemy base and MoK needs a bomber.

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

I agree with what you're saying, but I usually work in an iterative work-cycle. I create something often in a basic form, and work on it in iterations. (Or as you see it, versions of the mod)

Take for instance the first iteration of the Cyborg Commando, it was just the groundwork based on the Enlightened with a dumb looking rocket projectile placeholder and a different voice. :)

Whilst the Banshee may be underwhelming in some areas at the moment, I'll likely add changes (maybe even ones you've referenced) as I go along.

Nalpalm Plasma and being able to fire 1 shot at a time / burst fire / full auto sounds interesting though. ;)

I might change it so that you have firing modes that you can select at the airfield / tower to be just like that. :D

I wouldn't get too disappointed if the first version of a unit isn't to expectation, sometimes I deliberately keep things simple just so I can get feedback for improving it for the future.

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shaithias - - 69 comments

Blaster beam cannon has lost its ability to work with venoms to hit distant targets. It also has too slow of a charge up time between the time it decides to fire and the time it actually fires. This relegates it to anti super duty, but with the loss of venom interaction its utility has greatly decreased. I like the damage it can pull, it just can't quickdraw fast enough to make it count in actual battle.

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

I agree, and I'm going to revert the Blaster back to its previous health beforehand so it can fire shots off before dying.

I originally set the health slightly lower because I thought it'd be overpowered, but in hindsight after some testing with friends I still found it went unused, despite the initial peak in interest.

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shaithias - - 69 comments

think about decreasing the time to fire, and allow it to fire on the move. Perhaps even an instant charge time with long cooldown between shots.

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

I do like me weapon selectors...

I wonder, how about a "quick fire" option where it simply fires a laser beam straight off, for those intense fights, kinda like the avatar laser...

And then having the option to swap to a "charge up" laser that does very high damage when required? It'd fit the name "blaster" then pretty well. :P

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shaithias - - 69 comments

You will have to test the two options. Personally I think there is a danger of overkill if you give all nod units dual weapons. Commando is fine, banshees ok... but if you give it to all of them then its going to be problematic. But, it could work. The problem with them being avatar grade lasers is that the avatar actually has armor while the beam cannons don't.

Another upgrade is to have the recharge time be 1 second + random between 0-2 sec. this would stagger their fire and avoid overkill vs light units.

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shaithias - - 69 comments

I really like the cyborg commando, its is everything you said it would be! ^_^ One thing though is that other commandos can 1 hit K.O. the cyborg commando. Not sure if intended or not?

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

Its not quite 1 hit, (around 4 laser zaps from the Nod commando) but I did want a sniper counter.

I'm thinking of making him slightly more resilient to sniper though so he can just about win vs a regular Commando (when using the flamethrower though).

I think the Commando should be able to win when Cyborg is using his plasma cannon, but the Cyborg Commando should win when he's using the flamethrower.

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daytor - - 115 comments

Very nice!

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

Thank you. ^^

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nuruddinshah52 - - 469 comments

I think this is a bug ?
Light Infantry squad for Mark Kane don't have the "Veteran" symbol when LV up

So you did put repair on Cyborg like I said but I see the animation....It not working as it.....weird to do so. I need to move the unit around a bit to get it to work. If I just let it stand there all the drone repair bot start doing a
3-way ******** animation as I think it confuse

Nice job on the Cyborg I like it. But the weird dually is seen as their Vehicles armor make them kill faster IF a suicide squad get to close. So say like a "Zerg Swarm" of suicide squad can kill them all

My disappointed is I think my playstyle like to all factions have a "Medic" building so I can reinforce the squad. Cuz this mod is "The Veteran you have the power you have" as Veteran units really do hurts....A LOT

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

The veterancy / elite system does need some work I'd admit. :) Some units can't get veterancy at all at the moment due to the fact that they simply can't get it. :/ It can be fixed though, just takes time. ^^

Sometimes the drones do get confused repairing cyborgs, I don't think there's much I can do, its just because the Cyborgs are small. :D

I'm planning on making all infantry tech structures (secret shrine, statis chamber) have "hospital" functionality in the next update; so that problem will be fixed. :)

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BigBossFTW - - 6 comments

Hello, I'm playing this mod on the Campaign right now and it seems like the Radar doesn't work, is this Intensional or is it a bug? Enjoying the mod so far.

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

Its an unavoidable issue due to the way that the mod relegates radar to the "radar" structures. (Nerve Centre, ops centre etc)

Basically EA scripted Radar in the first few missions to work solely with the conyard (and not the radar structures) which causes an issue with the radar when its built.

Luckily it doesn't happen later in the campaign though.

The only other campaign mission I remember that has a problem is "all that glitters" which you may have to skip.
The mod is mainly built around Skirmish and multi so there are some minor teething problems you have to ignore with campaign. ;)

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SUPERNODD - - 65 comments

Is there a way to fix it ?
GD Mod looking forward to 1.26 :-)

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nuruddinshah52 - - 469 comments

Hey Dev
Something interesting happen
Seeker(ALiens) vs Sonic wave thing (GDI armor) Seeker damage GDI thing but...
Sonic wave thing
No damage to Seeker

I'm I miss something cuz there nothing on the patch note on that or is that a bug?

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

Known bug. ;)

I will attempt to fix it (hopefully) in 1.25.

Its due to the new "hover" locomotors that allow smooth terrain traverse.

For some reason it works oddly with the Seeker, yet its fine when it comes to hitting other hover vehicles.

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Guest - - 698,191 comments

Idk what you have done to the Shatterer but its just frustrating. Why is it some units are now immune to its weapon? They shouldn't be ganked by Seeker Tanks, because you can't harm them.

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

Its not deliberate, its a known bug that needs to be fixed. ;)

Its down to the new all-terrain locomotors that the hover vehicles use, which works fine for some vehicles but not others.

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Violet-n-red - - 492 comments

nice fun mod. i like how the faction diversification was done, reminds me of Dune games a little bit.

one issue: Nod turrets says they can have Quad Turret upgrade from the... Operations Center? or whatever the Nod radar is called, but that building only has Dozer Blades.

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

Yeah, description / upgrade picture needs to be removed entirely ultimately.

I actually removed Quad Turrets from the game completely (only used for the Marked of Kane Single Turret effect) due to the multiplayer crashes it causes. ;)

Quad Turrets is a strange beast. If you start the game with the upgrade, you NEVER have a problem with desyncs in multiplayer games, but if you buy it midgame and you have a turret in the field? = game desyncs and you're kicked from the lobby.

This is why it works great for the singular marked of kane turrets, and is essentially me just using the asset provided to an effect that doesn't crash multiplayer. :3

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Violet-n-red - - 492 comments


AI sometimes simply refuses to unpack. tried this on both built-in and downloaded maps. at first i thought it depended on starting position or faction, but it seems completely random now.

everything about blood and gore looks funny or bad: blood splatters on ground are extremely repetitive and turn into pixel art at a distance; low health soldiers gushes seemingly liters of blood per minute. that's just impossible; blood explosions... how is that even a thing? somehow even poisonous gas and small bullets causes loud crunchy explosions. lol.

visceroids are insanely tanky and always easily deal over a thousand dollars worth of health damage, oftentimes much more. so far it seems like the best strat is to walk a bunch of riflemen into enemy's tib field.

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

I know it happens on Black's Bigger Battle, due to the fact that the tiberium nearby prevents the AI from unpacking and messes up its scripting. This is just an inherent issue with the game, not much I can do there, plus I've not done anything to cause the AI to have an issue. I've changed what its spawns with, that's literally it. ;P

The blood was inspired by Quake 3, you'll either love it or hate it. The pixelization is caused by the Tiberium Wars Dynamic Decal system and there's no way of changing the forced LOD, it actually happens on all decals in the game to a certain extent, its why EA never uses them (and why there's little to no scorching / environmental damage).

Visceroids are made to be annoying pests like Tiberian Sun visceroids, and yes, that's meant to be a viable tactic. It'll be even more hell assuming I can get Tiberian Fiends to work. ;)

Point is, I'm not expecting everyone to enjoy it. I'm not making a mod that tries to keep in the same context as Kane's Wrath, if anything I aspire to throw KW and its gameplay out the window.

It does say it in the mod summary too. ^^ (Tiberian Sun esque experience (including all its flaws and unbalances))

That's not to say I wont try to bugfix things where possible and balance things for fun gameplay that isn't mindless. ;)

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nuruddinshah52 - - 469 comments

Hey Dev
Why Engineer Zocom have a "Ring" and what does it do

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

Oh, that's seldom looked at, nice job pointing that out.

Its a testbed for a "medic" engineer, if you damage infantry you can put him near them and they'll heal. It doesn't replenish lost infantry though, only ones that are alive.

I forgot about that lol. :D

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nuruddinshah52 - - 469 comments

Might wanna add that to the changelogs next time

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

Yeah, its something I just implemented for a test medic unit. Eventually I'll probably make it into something proper, but for now its just one of those leftover little things. :)

I do want a genuine GDI medic infantry at some point though, it'd be cool.

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undead32 - - 48 comments

well.. do i the only one who can't see description of new units and buildings?

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

You've probably got One Vision or some other mod and this mod mixed up as that's what usually causes the issues with unit strings.

Try to keep Tiberium Dusk in its own folder when you install as this is the most common cause of error.

The strings themselves are in the misc.big file, but the issue is when you have 2 skudef files in the same place as the game doesn't know which one to read (which can cause crossover with other mods).

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AlienScrin - - 4 comments

Hey there. Im loving the mod you made for KW I do want to ask about plans for Scrin? I would like to ask if its possible to have a Spcial unit for each sub faction like for Traveller-59 a Special Battleship/capital ship Of sorts and then for the Reaper-17 a "Alpha" walker of sorts.

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AlienScrin - - 4 comments

Just to clarify im not saying you must, its just some thoughts on my favourite faction that id love to see put in.

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

Hi mate, I've yet to really start work on Scrin though it is planned at some point.

Reaper 17 does have the Demolisher Hexapod so I wonder what you mean by walker? An upgraded Reaper Tripod? :P

It depends on what you're looking for. ;)

I do want to make some changes with the Mothership, specifically I want the AI to build it and use other special abilities other than just the lightning spike and buzzer swarm, but that takes time.

I've slowed down work quite a bit recently as I don't want to get burnt out like I did before, so I've dropped the monthy schedule; but Scrin is one of those things I do want to change. :D

As far as capital ships / heavy ships go, I would like to make the Planet Assault Carrier at some point be a one-unit at a time purchase, but this is assuming I implement the GDI Kodiak. I have some modifications in mind to make a possible Air Epic Unit out of the PAC. (Not overpowered, but I'd like a return of a "true" ion storm, not just that crappy little cloud thing)

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Guest - - 698,191 comments

Well maybe if I can suggest instead of 1 strong carrier, keep the carrier a multi build able ship and then change the mother's hip on traveler to a "mobile" aircraft carrier that you can build storm riders from and that it can fight wihh its own guns of sorts. As for the walker, maybe a different type of hexapod or even a big devestator-like thing and yes the iron storms need to be slightly better IMO and possibly tweak the A. It's aggressiveness. Been playing the mod with my buds and The ai can be a it unforgiving especially if it's a reaper 17 ai. I don't think I have EVER seen an ai pump out more tripods as that does. But still I'm loving the changes and how the mod plays out.

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Guest - - 698,191 comments

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

Personally, I would like the Mothership to be like a mobile support epic-unit, by this I mean; you can call in Scrin special powers and Forces at a reduced price as its "special" powers.

For example, I give it a power to call in a Small Meteorite for 500 credits (similar to Overlord's Wrath), another ability that can allow you to spawn an army of ground forces for 2000 credits and also the ability to spawn an ion storm within a certain range (for free).

The Mothership imo is a wasted opportunity to give a unique super-unit that isn't just this dumb 1 shot base killer that gets killed in 5 seconds.

I actually hate the catalyst cannon effect (where it hits multiple buildings)... I'd honestly rather just have it do a single big explosion.

In a previous unreleased mod for Tiberium Wars (joke mod, was just for fun, rather than serious like this one is), I actually made a mothership rather similar to that, except it spawned all the units for free and was kinda dumb; I feel giving it dedicated powers with a recharge time is a better way to implement it.

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AlienScrin - - 4 comments

Deffnitely, I agree with the 1 shot big cannon, and my friend agrees that the mothership is nothing more than a mobile ion cannon. But yes, you keep doing as you do. It is a good mod none the less. Just keep it up!

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AlienScrin - - 4 comments

IF you do consider asking for ideas for scrin. Please let me know~ Id love to help mod my fav faction in CNC!!

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

Will aim to buddy. ;)

Got a lot of stuff work in progress that needs finishing atm, so I'm mainly adding stuff in and tying up loose ends. :P

The mod's almost 70mb larger than it is from this release, tbh I can't even remember what I've added to make it that big; a lot of my work is experimentation that I end up polishing up to be "final". It can be quite confusing at times. xD

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IWYS - - 115 comments

absurdly & insanly hardocre mod one vision x100500 times better

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Burakkuhāto Author
Burakkuhāto - - 442 comments

Glad you like it. ;)

1.25 will be releasing soonish (hopefully before the end of this month), with a tonne of changes. I've been playing it with friends recently to try and squash any bugs. :P

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