ARX INSANITY is a remaster and immersive sim mod for Arx Fatalis. Improved gameplay, remastered HD graphics, revision, enhanced lighting and atmospheres, expanded universe, new quests, remastered soundtrack, original music, overhauled sounds, environmental effects and thousands of features. Adding new elements inspired by Arkane and Looking-Glass games, you can play with a variety of new approaches and choices.

This mod is still based in the original Arx Engine and it uses Arx Libertatis. One of the goals is to get the most out of the Arx Engine and AL features overcoming the challenges involved in overhauling the original game directly.

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QA Answers Event Finished

QUESTIONS & ANSWERS DISCORD EVENT FINISHED: Answering to 36 questions from the community

Thanks to everyone who joined our event! We received a lot of interesting questions. Initially, we planned to answer 10 questions, but due to your participation, we ended up selecting and answering 36 questions.

This was the first of three upcoming Discord events for the community. Stay tuned for the next one, and thanks again! We had a lot of fun answering your questions.

Question 1: When the mod will be released?.

Answer: The status is TBD (To be determined/announced). It is difficult to specify a release date at this point due to several factors. The scale of work required is immense, and unfortunately, due to our commitments to other jobs and real-life obligations, the development process has been prolonged and complex, we can't predict how it will run, sometimes it's paused or hard. Additionally, the lack of spare time to work, our real-life responsibilities or sometimes working as a solo dev is the issue. We plan to announce a real release date only once the testing phases are over. Despite the current difficulties, we are hopeful that the project will be completed within the next two years at a polished and ready state.

Question 2: Do you plan to add additional content after 1.0 release?.

Answer: I plan to release constant patches and updates for the base mod to address any issues players might encounter post-release. Our first goal is to polish and fix the mod as much as possible. Once the mod is in a well-polished state, I may add new content or small quests based on the unused/cut content from Insanity. However, these additions will come later, after I take a small break from Arx Fatalis haha. But another important thing is that we are planning special and limited time events, e. g. Christmas, Halloween and Arx Anniversary with exclusive contents.

Question 3: Will all the content be translated in other languages?.

Answer: Yes, if everything goes well, the final version will be available in English, Russian, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Polish, and Portuguese (Thanks to the job of our amazing translators), though speech and dubbing will only be supported in English.

Question 4: What was the reason to build such a mod and how did the story of the team and the dev start?.

Answer: The reason was simply: my love and passion for Arx Fatalis. This game changed my life radically. You know, still working on this after so many years and thousands of dev hours must mean something. It started as a mod with some new difficulties with minor additions. The name 'Insanity' comes from this: I created the Nightmare mode with tons of rats and strong NPCs (a secret difficulty in the demo, actually), and I thought, 'Oh, this is extremely insane and hardcore to play,' so I called this difficulty 'Insanity'. Later, I added more content like the Miguel's Fight Arena, new lighting, and scripts. Then I decided to remaster it and create serious quality textures, it became an ambitious project. I thought: "This will be hard to develop, very ambitious, this is insane", what should I call the project? Mmm... insane, insanity. Yes, let's call it Arx Insanity. A bit silly story but this name recalls the difficulty modes but also and the hardcore tasks of a project of these dimensions'.

Question 5: What is the current status of the Arx Insanity mod, and how confident are the developers in completing it by 2026?.

Answer: We're about 60-70% done, if I can put it that way. My goal is to finish all the pending tasks, including interactive/immersive-sim systems, quests, scripts, and textures. I want to fix things, finishing and implementing elements that will directly improve the mod's quality and experience. We've made good progress already; it's playable, but still a bit of a mess as a project. Yes, let's target 2026 and stay motivated to accomplish it.

Question 6: Are there any new storylines, quests, or characters introduced in Arx Insanity, and how do they integrate with the original narrative of Arx Fatalis?.

Answer: Yes, we have new narratives, quests and characters in Arx Insanity. There are many new NPCs in the levels. One of the strong points is the game lore, we expanded the Arx universe and even made it more cohesive, making it even more interesting and deep. I can confidently say it's now more fascinating than ever, logical and realistic. We also resolved some plot holes and narrative issues from the original game. I've always respected the original lore and based my work on what Raphael Colantonio (Arx Fatalis director) shared publicly, providing us with new interesting information we never knew. Some questions will be answered in the mod, but new ones will also arise.

Question 7: Why we don't receive new demo releases and patches?, in the last stream we see everything is improved with new models/game designs and would be great to access this.

Answer: Well, the final version will be a bit different from what we saw in the last demo release. We have new features, improvements everywhere, and updated weapon models. However, I want to hold off on releasing those contents until the full mod is available. This way, you'll get to experience something new, just like with the first demo versions. Spoiling the changes and additions with a new release would diminish part of the experience for the full release. But of course, we can show progress and stream on Discord.

Question 8: How much content did you add or cut along this years?.

Answer: Probably the most disappointing cut was a level that included a small part of the outside world, there is already a prototype, but the result was not what I expected, and it was a total failure. I’ve added thousands of contents, systems, and scripts. I'm constantly adding new features, finishing pending tasks, and improving what's already been made. The mod is all about working, adding, fixing, and polishing. A large part of the goal is to fix and polish even the original game, bringing a definitive version of Arx Fatalis (which was full of bugs and issues). I try to perfect everything that was already there and provide a smoothest experience. More cut content for instance, 'The witches', they were new entities intended to expand the universe, but in the end, I removed them because some things didn’t work, and I wanted to save development time. Maybe you may remember a giant spider in the first early modDB banners, it was actually an in-game screenshot, we had this giant spider and it was some kind of boss fight in the early game (2nd level), also we had giant spiders in other levels that were removed. There was also a new level full of black beasts, a level for some type of sewers and another with The Outsider from Dishonored. This last level was made to test and learn the Arx script engine, but ultimately, I wanted the mod to stay faithful to Arx and maintain a serious tone.

Question 9: What is the process when creating new weapons?.

Answer: We respect the vision of the original art director of Arx Fatalis, and our Arx Insanity 3D artist (SimonMT) keeps this in mind while enjoying creative freedom in most of his designs. When developing new concepts, we aim to ensure that the original Arx feeling is preserved, with a historical look and fixes to issues and details found in the vanilla designs. We avoid going too far into crazy fantasy for these designs (As Raf once advised me). We strive for a balance between historical accuracy and fantasy. Some weapons feature original designs, while others take a more realistic approach or are purely fantastical (though these are very few). Additionally, some designs faithfully respect the original look of the weapons while improving and remastering certain details.

Question 10: Would the progress of the developer team accelerate if the project got boosted by a certain amount of money or even if you guys maybe double the devs it would still have its challenges?

Answer: I can tell you, if there were 1 or 2 additional people working the same amount as I do, the mod would already be done and released. Alternatively, if I had enough financial support to focus solely on development, even just enough to survive in poor conditions, I could dedicate 100% of my time to the mod, which would speed things up significantly. In that scenario, the mod would probably be completely finished by now. But as it stands, we all have to survive and work in real life to support ourselves. Unfortunately, my job and responsibilities don't allow me to work on the project as much as I would like.

Question 11: How can one help the development?.

Answer: We're looking for help with NPC texturing, animals, clothes, armors, programming (Arx Libertatis and experience in C++ for implementations), level and general texturing (1k-2k at least), and scripting (capable of building advanced and interactive systems for the mod and debugging them). Everyone is welcome to join and help in the development!.

Question 12: What are the biggest challenges when deciding what to add?.

Answer: First, I assess how plausible the idea is. We can all have great ideas and concepts, but I need to ensure they can fit into the game not just in terms of lore or assets, but also within the engine itself. Is the idea possible to script and program? How should it work? Later, it needs to be tested. Sometimes implementing ideas in the game is very complex. Sometimes they work, and sometimes they don't. What doesn't work is usually discarded and removed. In rare cases, an idea may be implemented in the future if it's plausible but hard to manage at the specific moment it was conceived.

Question 13: Stuff you'd like to do but you won't due to costraints of the engine?.

Answer: Things I wanted to implement but couldn't include are handmade levels, new animations, armors, and NPC models. There are also a lot of discarded contents that were in progress but failed. For instance, I recently cut the 'kick' feature, which allowed us to hit enemies with our feet and even make them fall from heights. In practice, it was a failure, and there were technical issues with animations and the engine. Sometimes NPCs would go out of bounds or break their behaviors in very strange ways. I might revisit that feature later, but for now, it's discarded. Other concepts like explosive bombs when thrown and various new behaviors were also discarded.

Question 14: Apart from 'Dark Messiah' which other games would you say gave you ideas for features/additions? Any recommendations?.

Answer: Immersive sims are definitely my type of games. They embody a deep philosophy and respect for the player. Arx Insanity draws inspiration from these experiences. For instance, I found a lot of inspiration from games like Thief, Ultima Underworld, Deus Ex, System Shock, Dishonored, Prey, and even Deathloop. These games share similar values, designs, and feelings. It's amazing how all the new immersive sim mechanics in Arx Insanity fit seamlessly into the game due to the genre's nature. I highly recommend playing any game classified in this genre; you'll enjoy a bold and quality experience, allowing you to experiment and play your way.

Question 15: What is the biggest time waster when you are working on any parts of the game? For example is having to load/save/reopen maps in Danae the slowest part or having to write scripts or maybe reloading the game after every tiny change?.

Answer: That's another good question. Everything in game development requires a lot of time and dedication (when you work on small details), but I believe there are better ways I should use to optimize tasks and improve efficiency. Danae, at times was slow, laggy, and prone to crashing. A modern and practical editor would be perfect in my opinion, and could also inspire others to create their own content. Making and testing scripts usually is a slow process in the project, so, to reduce testing time, I created a testing directory with 16x16px and 32x32px textures, I can re-test in 3-5 seconds so the issue is the work itself. However, scripting sometimes doesn't work as expected or presents complications, requiring analysis and problem-solving to achieve the desired result, "challenges" are my personal time wasters and my enemies, but they're satisfactory when achieved.

Question 16: Will there be multiplayer?.

Answer: Arx Insanity is intended to be a single-player experience that overhauls every aspect of the game. Multiplayer mode is not currently in the plans and I've never aimed for that. However, who knows? If the opportunity arises in the future, I might consider contributing to it.

Question 17: Will there be multiple endings to the game?.

Answer: Yes, I plan 6 different endings for Am Shaegar based on the player's actions throughout the game. Also introducing new side-endings for Alia, and even Enoill Calpale's fate can be altered in six different ways. Additionally, without giving away too much, there's a big cliffhanger in the game you don't expect.

Question 18: Which part of the mod do you enjoy working on the most?.

Answer: First, I need to mention this, I love watching people and fans playing Arx Insanity in their streams and videos!, I really love that and it's like a precious reward for me after all the time and hard work in the project, it is sacred to me. Related to the work: building and overhauling visual environments, write lore or seeing something progress well, this motivates me to finish the task.

Question 19: Will the mod includes some easter eggs?.

Answer: Yes, Arx Insanity will have Easter eggs and secrets, some of them related to the game itself, others hidden or referencing other games. I hope that someday people will discover all of them! I think there will be a large number.

Question 20: How much bigger the game will be compared to the original.

Answer: In terms of size and locations don't expect too much, because Arx Insanity takes place in the same locations as the original, but we have new levels like the Miguel's Fight Arena, the meditation room, the council room and a misterious level I don't want to spoil right now, the exploration is deeper and exteded, in terms of features and gameplay it's a brand new experience, you'll have more fun with the game than you did with some elements in Arx and I'm sure you will be more immersed than ever in this universe.

Question 21: What is the approximate volume of text written for lore\quests.

Answer: I can say there's really a lot of new text and lore. We've introduced a rich variety of new books and expanded the universe, delving into details about races, underground life, and sincere words from inhabitants. We explore how mines were built, provide deeper insights into characters through their diaries, and emphasize lore as one of the mod's strongest features, but not just story or text, we can see new in-game events that will show you something visually.

Question 22: Will there be a Housing or central hub system for our character that can evolve over time?.

Answer: Yes, this is the Am Shaegar' chambers yet but now it has a system for upgrades, his room could be improved with some cool things as multiple storage, fortniture, deco or even some pets but those upgrades are expensive in-game!.

Question 23: Can we get some more information about "joining the evil this time" aka alternative ending?.

Answer: I can't reveal too much yet, but you'll have the opportunity to assist the cult and join Akbaa when he asks you to. Depending on your actions, you can take different paths that will significantly impact the world. This will lead to 6 different endings, some of which are related to Noden, Akbaa, Sylib, and Shaegar. These characters will interact with you in various ways based on your decisions.

Question 24: What are your plans, if any, to expand the ratman plot?.

Answer: I don't want to spoil details, but ok, we'll introduce new lore, books, and visual narratives/events that will provide deeper insights into them.

Question 25: How alchemy weapons work, is there a crafting system for that?.

Answer: Alchemy weapons are crafted using reactives and various ingredients, similar to potions. You'll need some points in object knowledge skill to access these features. The goal is to enable survival and efficiency for those who specialize as alchemists, essentially creating a new gameplay class with offensive, defensive, and even creative recipes.

Question 26: Are there alive dwarves in insanity?.

Answer: Dwarven lore has been expanded and their location overhauled, hmm you'll never know until you play Insanity for the first time...

Question 27: In the first walkthrough you made us, we saw new character with new dialogues made with a temporary weird google translate voice with multiple language, will this stay in the game after release?.

Answer: I remember this character, his name is Alessandro and yes it was streamed on Discord, it was an initial test but several people is requesting to keep him in the game, probably he will reincarnate as some guard officer or some alchemical herbalist... And with a good quality voice acting.

Question 28: What is the epistemiological value you find in your work (the result you're working on)?.

Answer: I had no prior knowledge or skills when I started this project; everything I've learned and improved upon has been through the process of developing Arx Insanity. I'm happy of how far the project has come in terms of results and progress, it's been a significant personal achievement for me.

Question 29: We saw on moddb that you are creating new weapons and maces, are maces different to other weapons when using or buffs?.

Answer: Yes, they have different aim times and stats, but the new 'weight system' introduces another layer. Agility will vary depending on our equipment. Maces have an exclusive bonus: they can effectively damage heavy armors, making them particularly effective against armored mercenaries or Ylsides.

Question 30: Old game reveal the gem dealers brotherhood, will they appear in the final version?.

Answer: Yes, this is something many of us have always wanted. They will have their cameo appearances and even their own quests.

Question 31: Is arx insanity digging or expanding the mysterious lore from snake women?.

Answer: Stepashhhh CODEX... Stepash CODEX!... Ssssssssh.

Question 32: Will there be new consistent ways to farm xp? (in the base game, as far as im aware theres no real way to farm xp for as much as you want, since enemies dont respawn, and quests are not repeatable).

Answer: I'm aiming to address this and make it easier for everyone through new quests, mechanics, and features. One of my goals is to achieve the maximum XP in a single playthrough without resorting to excessive farming, cheats or exploiting bugs and to be more gameplay focused. For example, players can earn XP by unlocking doors, disarming traps but now also reverse-engineering mechanisms used against enemies, get XP twice (Disarming and later reverse-engineering) and it's fun when playing.

Question 33: Will new types of weapons armor/types of mithril armor be added?.

Answer: Yes, you will be able to forge four different types of mithril weapons, and we'll also have an armor forge for crafting mithril armor. As a bonus, there is a very rare and unique secret weapon in the game made from this material.

Question 34: Will there be more different types of enchantments (for example, increasing intelligence or constitution)?.

Answer: Yes, there are plans to expand the enchanment system with variety and multiple ingredients, even combinations of them.

Question 35: The black monster will be rework or nothing changes with him?.

Answer: The original design and concept is still there but this beast will have some subtle variations in the gameplay, I can say it will be some kind of nemesis character for Am Shaegar.

Question 36: Could you give us more information about the crypt levels, if possible some features?.

Answer: All of the crypt levels were radically changed in gameplay, lore etc, so you will have a very different version, new puzzles, challenges, traps and even the enemies feel different here, vanilla puzzles are changed too for a fresh experience. I can say it's now a very frightening and hazardous place, with new enemies and monsters (Something new like that flying creature in the demo).

Thanks to everyone who joined our first Discord event and for participating, see you in the next event!.

Discord Server

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Firstly, I'd like to say hi and thank everyone who has shown their support and love to Arx Insanity over the years. We're thrilled to be a community of over 1200 members on Discord and that fact holds great significance for us. If you're interested in becoming a part of our community, engaging in discussions about Arx, or keeping track of Arx Insanity's internal updates, we invite you to join the Arx Insanity Discord Server.





We feel it's crucial to be honest and forthcoming about the current state of the mod and its development. Your unwavering support and anticipation for the game have meant a great deal to us over the years

We believe in being direct and transparent with you. At present, the Arx Insanity development team has disbanded, with the majority of its members having departed from the project. As a consequence, the official releases are now on hold, and the release date is yet to be determined (TBD).

We understand that this news might be disappointing, but we want to be open about the current state of affairs. Despite the setback, we deeply appreciate the support you've shown us throughout this journey. We will keep you informed about any future developments, and we thank you for your understanding and patience during this time.

Over time, several members made the decision to leave the project due to various reasons, including personal commitments, changes in their private lives, a loss of interest in the project, or a desire to invest their time in other endeavors. These departures have had a cumulative impact on the project, reaching a critical point over the past years and months.

At present, we have a significantly reduced team with only 2 or 3 members actively involved in the main development. The limited work and time has inevitably affected the pace of progress.



We had set multiple dates in mind, including testing phases to ensure a stable and polished release experience for the public. We were genuinely confident about these release plans. However, the unexpected departure of team members and the subsequent lack of staff have overwhelmed us. Despite our best efforts to work swiftly and meet the announced dates, the reality of the situation has made it difficult to achieve those targets. The sheer amount of work that needs to be done, coupled with the limited team size, has resulted in an overwhelming and unmanageable workload in recent months.

We are fully committed to bringing this project to a proper and successful conclusion, realizing the vision we set out to achieve. While the project has become ambitious with various ideas and add-ons, we understand that it's time to prioritize and focus on accomplishing those essential elements to ensure decent results. To ensure a smoother and faster development process, we have made the decision not to introduce any new delays, unexpected ideas, or major changes from this point onward, allowing us to concentrate on completing the core aspects of the game.


*At this time, we're unable to provide an estimated release date for the public version or testing phases. The game still requires completion and polishing, and we want to ensure a high-quality experience before making it available to the public, Managing time and schedules has been difficult, especially with team members having other commitments like work. Additionally, relying on voluntary contributions and pending assets has introduced further complexities into the development process, We acknowledge that we rushed the previous release date announcements due to the community's requests for official dates. However, unforeseen complications arose during development, causing delays and subpar results. This, coupled with personal stress, has impacted the progress.

12 1

The current situation has led to a crisis within the team. Dealing with difficulties, lack of personnel, time constraints and RL work or activities can be incredibly challenging. The overwhelming nature of the development process, combined with the burden of working alone on the mod for most of the time, has added to the complexity.



I want to extend my heartfelt apologies for the delays and challenges we've faced during the development of Arx Insanity. I feel deeply frustrated and even a bit ashamed that things haven't progressed as smoothly as we had hoped,I've decided to prioritize my peace of mind and creativity, and I will be continuing the development at my own pace, I believe that approaching the project with passion and without pressure will lead to a better result in the long run. Though my available time is limited to around 2 or 3 hours a day, I promise to make a dedicated effort to move forward steadily.


I want to take a moment to give a special shout-out to my dear friend Bjarky, our talented Art Director and Lead 3D Artist. Bjarky's incredible dedication and hard work on creating stunning weapons and 3D models for the game have earned him the well-deserved position he holds, his passion and unwavering enthusiasm have been a tremendous source of inspiration for me. Witnessing his boundless energy and creativity in action has motivated me to keep pushing forward with the mod. His contributions have truly transformed the project, bringing in fresh perspectives and designs for weapons and models.


A short summary of recent add-ons and Implementations

  • We have 81 different and unique weapons, all designed by our lead 3D artist, Bjarky. These weapons have been remastered with new 3D models, some are also brand new
  • We're proud to introduce a new time system in the Arx universe, where each in-game day spans 6 real-life hours. This time system adds a dynamic element to the game, allowing players to utilize time strategically for various interactions, shops, NPCs or quests, for instance, players can only save Shany during the early morning hours from 10:00 am to 10:20 am.
  • NPCS in the City Of Arx now have activities and routines, for example, Shopkeepers, for example, can be found at their stalls during the day but not at night. NPCs also engage in random activities, bringing the city more life and authenticity.
  • We've introduced a new sleep system to the game, where player sleep is now a must, but we've ensured it won't be annoying. This addition aims to enhance immersion and offer you the option to skip time when needed, especially if you want to attend a specific event.
  • We've implemented new weapon balances that give each weapon a unique identity with distinct stats and properties. This update allows players to explore a more varied and personalized experience, as they can now weigh the pros and cons of different weapons and tailor their builds accordingly.
  • We have a new weapon class "maces", they will have unique stats and the ability to damage heavy armor.
  • New passive ability "Armor rend", designed for heavy armor damage, against heavy armored enemies.
  • We have a new agility system, based in weight, we can have heavy armors and very dangerous double axes or big shields but they will cost a bit of movement depending on how heavy the player is.
  • We are changing the boss fights as well, for example with the ice dragon, he has new attacks and decisions, in addition that it now can fly during a combat.
  • Akbaa boss fight will be totally reimagined and imrpoved so this is one of the hardest parts to make nowadays.




  • Temple of akbaa is now darker and raw, you can see a really evil cult over there
  • Some cut-scenes have been improved or even reworked, for instance, we have a richer cinematic with more details and even new OST music when some characters meet themselves in a certain point of the game
  • Almost all scripted systems in Arx are reworked, fixing bugs or simply making them more credible
  • We have a new thief system, some of you already tried it out with Tizzy at the tavern, but now NPCs reacts to robberies, for example in the bank or some specific locations.
  • We changed the art direction of some levels to make them more atmospheric and immersive, you will notice that some locations are totally different for for good reasons and you will still be familiar with them.
  • We added a new fishing system, that let you immerse yourself a bit more into fishing, with real time animations and player's actions when using a fishing rod, completing it with new systems when you success but also you have chance to fail, also when using this and you are out of a fishing area or a level.
  • We have new secrets, plot and surprises in one of the troll mines.
  • The Brotherhood of Gem Dealers now make its own appereance in the game
  • We have a redesigned smithy so we can have a larger variety of options and weapons to buy.
  • Quivers have now extended purposes and functions, we have empty quivers now, and semi full, you can add arrows to them to reload your archer arsenal, the arrows you add, the arrows you will have in your quiver
  • Now we have arrows very present in the game, you can buy them or find them in different levels and locations, you can use a single arrow, stacks of them or even combine with quivers, all options can be used with a bow





Crypt changes

Well the crypts are one of the levels that were totally changed and we still working on it, some of the changes and addons are:

  • Crypts are now darker and more immersive, adding visual storytelling to enhance the experience.
  • Extended lore, rituals and fresh stuff to bring more life to the levels.
  • New puzzles, some of them reimagined, changed with different solutions or even new ones.
  • We have new traps and credible events inside the crypts.
  • Undead opponents are now formidable, instilling a sense of danger and fear. They are no longer to be taken lightly, and facing them will require caution and skill. Engaging with undead creatures is now a risky and tricky endeavor, earning them the respect they deserve.
  • Mummies may have reduced resistance, making them easier to eliminate, but don't underestimate their threat! These formidable opponents are highly damaging, forcing you to devise new tactics and strategies to defeat them
  • On the other hand, liches will be transformed into mini boss fights, each possessing unique and distinct abilities that set them apart from other ones
  • Brand new and mysterious enemies await you
  • Now we have lore about ghosts or better known as "The voices".
  • If you have the ability a hidden world of secrets and ghostly actions will be unveiled.
  • While preserving the original locations, we're also embracing new artistic directions and designs to create even more unique and captivating places within the crypts.
  • There are new surprises but we don't want to spoil them now


We have decided not to create a low-resource version due to the substantial growth and the addition of intricate details to the environments and textures, making such a version would mean compromising a significant amount of content from the full version. We will see later if we implement more quality options, allowing users with older hardware to have access to the mod. Currently, the mod consumes a total of 4-6GB VRAM, which can be challenging to translate into a simplified version. However, we believe that Arx Insanity should take at least a small leap forward, as hardware has advanced significantly. If we resurrect the plans for this version in the future... we will see, but it's cancelled at the moment.


Thank you for your unwavering support and understanding. We're fully committed to delivering a good experience for you in Arx Insanity. This journey has been a learning process, and thanks to the perspective shared by your friend Saggi, we are more inspired than ever to infuse this project with passion and love. It's a big journey and we get experiences from the beginning so we want to still giving love to Arx and we are dedicated to finishing this project with our goals. We periodically post in our discord server, if you didn't join yet you can do it now here.



  • Programmers (C++, Github, Arx Libertatis modifications and source code management)
  • NPC texture designers (NPC Armor, clothes, skins, drawing over the current vanilla models)
  • Level textures (We want to achieve high quality textures for some specific locations, like floors, stones, ornaments, with some realism and similar to the Arx Insanity art style, we work textures from 1k to 8k in resolution)
  • Props and 3D environment remastering (Remaster and improve props and deco objects in the game)
  • Lighting artist for a specific level.
  • Audio engineer or some knowledge in professional mastering for sound quality and audio structure in the game.
  • Arx scripting and game design (If you have some knowledge to make scripts or solve complex scripting, or at least add detailed events in the game, for example new behaviors or quests, you can help us a lot).


Thank you for standing by us. Your support and enthusiasm have been a driving force behind our progress. We'll continue to keep you updated with all relevant information as we move forward, maybe soon or in a while...


Hello everyone, some months have passed since the last demo patch was released and we are still working daily in the Full mod and the next patch.

The patch was expected to be released a month ago but it was delayed due to new implementations and addons that we are finishing, we want to release a major patch instead, some of the upcoming features are:

IMPLEMENTATIONS:3D Remastered models for weapons and misc objects

swords in progress

It's a very requested feature from the community, redo most of the weapons in better quality, after we did and experimented with the implemented bone as a contribution, a lot of you requested to remaster every weapon in the game so now it's happening, thanks to our new 3D artists we have some of the remastered weapons already done, a new Lord Inut's bow is in the works, after that we are done with every weapon from the demo.


The work consists in work the mesh on blender, fix and add details, collision spheres and the required attachments, paint textures and finally make a post-process to make the new weapons fit in the Insanity graphics environment.

As an standalone step we make about 6-7 blood variants for every weapon in 5 different blood colors found in the game, our idea is to have dynamic and real time bloody effects depending on the NPC we fight.


Bringing back to life early concepts and ideas discarded by Arkane

We want to implement new content based on old concept arts, ideas and concepts that Arkane Studios removed back in the days because of their deadline or other reasons.


Early concept art by Arkane Studios, featuring a goblin weapon and a shield.

As you already know, we have brought back the Miguel's Fight Arena, a concept that was completely discarded by Arkane due to the lack of time, we are using unused dialogues, sounds, weapons, skins, puzzles and many things that were lost in the final version.

3 swords

New Am Shaegar's faces and some remastered NPC faces

We experimented remaking the textures for the Am Shaegar faces, our goal was to make them more realistic and the first prototype had very good results, so we decided to implement this feature as official and replace all the Am Shaegar's faces in addition to remake others such as Tizzy, Alia, etc


patch 0 4 7 banner


Patch 0.4.71 has been released solving and balancing some issues found in the latest one:

  • Fixed a bug with 2 trapdoors at the outpost
  • Fixed Kultar not firing the first cinematic at the prison
  • Fixed a wrong description for the medicinal herb
  • Buff for the drop attack game mechanic, now they inflict more damages
  • Nerf for general npcs in insanity and nightmare difficulties
  • Taar is now on its old spot and not inside a crate anymore

The latest patch is now available in 2 versions, full and patch only. 84 new bugs fixed, requests and new features done, update your demo installation to this latest version to get an improved game and a better experience.

In the most important changes and addons:

  • Optimized all-fog quality to significantly increase game performance on most systems and very high resolutions
  • Fixed a bug with a door not opening when showing a gem dealer license at the prison introduced in the previous patch
  • New magic system and balance
  • New and improved drunkenness system
  • Updated level design and level lighting for some levels
  • Localization minor improvements
  • Fixed some buggy goblins not hearing noises in the goblin prison
  • Nerf for drop attack and added a new system for them
  • Nerf for trapdoors and new system for them
  • A few brand new gameplay mechanics
  • New sound effects
  • General bug fixing and improvements


To install the latest version or reshade read the complete updated instructions once again.


Old saved games from old Insanity demo versions/vanilla/libertatis are incompatible with new patches, so start a new game to apply all changes and avoid corrupt scripts or broken games, thank you very much.


There are 2 different downloads available for version 0.4.7:

  • 0.4.7 Patch only version: this just include updates so it's required to have 0.4.5 (Or latest) previously installed before hand (0.4b is obsolete and not supported).
  • 0.4.7 Full version: this is an all-in-1 package (Full Insanity demo + patch), if you don't want complications just install this package and you're done, older demo versions or patches aren't required.
Questions & Answers Discord event

Questions & Answers Discord event

News 5 comments

Today our first Discord event ever has started. You can ask whatever you want about Arx Insanity, this includes contents, development, questions for the...

Release is TBD yet, work in progress and call for contributors

Release is TBD yet, work in progress and call for contributors

News 8 comments

Hello everyone, this post was made to share more work in progress, express a letter, a call for help and share with you the current state of the mod with...

Arx Insanity Release Date is now TBD

Arx Insanity Release Date is now TBD

News 8 comments

Hello everyone, now we reveal the definitive and final release date for Arx Insanity in addition to the official release calendar. First of all, thank...

Development update 12/06/21

Development update 12/06/21

News 10 comments

Some news about the current development progress and the upcoming patch.

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Arx Insanity (Demo) 0.4.71 - [Patch only]

Arx Insanity (Demo) 0.4.71 - [Patch only]


Download only if you have an older demo release previously installed: 0.4.5, 0.4.6 or 0.4.70 (0.4b not supported anymore so you need to reinstall the...

Arx Insanity (Demo) 0.4.71

Arx Insanity (Demo) 0.4.71

Demo 34 comments

Everything in 1 download. Includes access to 5 levels. Fixes new 84 issues and adds new features, this is a complete demo download so no patches or older...

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-SEVO- Online
-SEVO- - - 57 comments

two years delay again ?

well i still do not understand:
-►two years ago you was 100 % sure that Mod will be released in one year.
-►one year ago you told that you need one more year.
-►and one year later (today), you do not just one.. but even other +2

you know this is very suspicious
(seems like pulling for the nose)

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Noone- - - 15 comments

It's so sad, I was so excited to see such a huge Arx Fatalis mod made by passionate people :(. Are you guys still working on it or did it completely halt at the moment?

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Pedro_Ordaz Creator
Pedro_Ordaz - - 384 comments

Hello, thanks for your kind of words, we still working hard on it, development sometimes is paused but I still working on it, recently finishing the rebel camp

Reply Good karma+5 votes
-SEVO- Online
-SEVO- - - 57 comments

Rebel Camp is isolated/hidden community,
they have to try not to be seen when they go out , otherwise their existence d be revealed

that means all thier clothes (soldiers) must looks like rags/dirty and everything should looks like worn out/low weapon durability
bc no much new supplies

all as contrast to relatively well supplied Arx city

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Noone- - - 15 comments

Great to hear those! Rebel camp... That is a huge ******* area despite being a small part of the campaign. That must been insanely hard work! Thanks for all your efforts. I will be waiting and checking regularly!

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-SEVO- Online
-SEVO- - - 57 comments

you can join discord server
there are updates

sadly im banned in Arx Insanity discord for some unknonwn reason

why im bannned ?

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Pedro_Ordaz Creator
Pedro_Ordaz - - 384 comments

Hi, sorry about that. Our Discord server has internal rules. If you don't respect them, committing a foul will result in a permanent infraction. There is a maximum of 5 infractions, which will lead to a permanent ban as a measure of respect for the community, also some cases of toxicity could lead to a direct permanent ban depending on the moderation criteria

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-SEVO- Online
-SEVO- - - 57 comments

there was actualy one or two (for trivials)
if remeber correctly

can you put here a log with these 5 infarctions

i wanna look at them in detail.

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Guest - - 698,200 comments

Hey, thanks for all your efforts to keep this masterpiece alive especially after some members are leaving your team! I hope you guys are doing well! I just wondered how are things going on with the latest patch

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Pedro_Ordaz Creator
Pedro_Ordaz - - 384 comments

Thank you very much for your kind of words!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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