Arx Insanity is a remaster and immersive sim mod for Arx Fatalis. Improved gameplay, remastered HD graphics, revision, enhanced lighting and atmospheres, expanded universe, new quests, remastered soundtrack, original music, overhauled sounds, environmental effects, new story decisions and thousands of features. Adding new elements inspired by Arkane and Looking-Glass games, you can play with a variety of new approaches and choices.

Post news Report RSS Development update 12/06/21

Some news about the current development progress and the upcoming patch.

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Hello everyone, some months have passed since the last demo patch was released and we are still working daily in the Full mod and the next patch.

The patch was expected to be released a month ago but it was delayed due to new implementations and addons that we are finishing, we want to release a major patch instead, some of the upcoming features are:


3D Remastered models for weapons and misc objects

swords in progress

It's a very requested feature from the community, redo most of the weapons in better quality, after we did and experimented with the implemented bone as a contribution, a lot of you requested to remaster every weapon in the game so now it's happening, thanks to our new 3D artists we have some of the remastered weapons already done, a new Lord Inut's bow is in the works, after that we are done with every weapon from the demo.


The work consists in work the mesh on blender, fix and add details, collision spheres and the required attachments, paint textures and finally make a post-process to make the new weapons fit in the Insanity graphics environment.


As an standalone step we make about 6-7 blood variants for every weapon in 5 different blood colors found in the game, our idea is to have dynamic and real time bloody effects depending on the NPC we fight.


Bringing back to life early concepts and ideas discarded by Arkane

We want to implement new content based on old concept arts, ideas and concepts that Arkane Studios removed back in the days because of their deadline or other reasons.


Early concept art by Arkane Studios, featuring a goblin weapon and a shield.

club 1

club 2

Now we revived the early club design and it's implemented and totally functional in the game.


As you already know, we have brought back the Miguel's Fight Arena, a concept that was completely discarded by Arkane due to the lack of time, we are using unused dialogues, sounds, weapons, skins, puzzles and many things that were lost in the final version.


3 swords

club big

New texture format and optimizations

Some users reported slow loading screens and performance impacts in a few computers due to user hardware limitations, so we are changing the game format from bmp to png in most of the textures, this to improve greatly the game, now we have x48 times faster loads per texture. We changed the color profile to index limited to 255 colors in the bmp textures to decrese up x32 the charge and size loaded in the vram, this means faster loading times, light processing and a smoother gameplay (Another lite version with low resolution textures will be available for the Full and final version only).


A new overhaul for the goblin prison level

The upcoming patch will feature brand new textures completely re-worked to match with the other levels and standards, now we have more realistic and deep walls with the same current Insanity art style.

Gameplay modifications

We did gameplay modifications as well, including some radical changes that were very requested by the community in general. Now we are able to find taar from the beginning of the game, so if you are a mage you're no longer vulnerable and the game will no longer be unfair when fighting with enemies and difficulties at the start of the game, so the game it's more balanced now. Currently we are looking for a way to balance the archer class from the beggining as well, it's very requested as well so we'll be on it in the next days.

Magic balance

New Am Shaegar's faces and some remastered NPC faces

We experimented remaking the textures for the Am Shaegar faces, our goal was to make them more realistic and the first prototype had very good results, so we decided to implement this feature as official and replace all the Am Shaegar's faces in addition to remake others such as Tizzy, Alia, etc


Face rem

Difficulty modes re-work

We received a lot of criticism and suggestions for the new implemented difficulty modes, specially for the Nightmare mode and number of enemies, a lot of you made reports saying that those difficulty modes were hardcore and frustrating in some cases. So we re-tweaked all difficulties from Normal, Insanity and Nightmare (Secret mode) completely, to give a better and enjoyable experience, being fair with the players, the important thing is to have fun in the mod.

Misc changes and addons

There are multiple changes in the patch from graphics improvements, new lighting designs, new behaviors (For example the flying creature will have a new poison cloud attack) and new props like a new broom to add a better atmosphere and world in the game.

General bug fixing

We already fixed lots of bugs for the next patch, fixed some of the ones you found in your gameplays and bug reports, so we still getting rid of them and other new that we have found recently, so the patch will have a better experience with less bugs (If you found some, please report them to improve the mod)


Patch 0.4.71 has been released solving and balancing some issues found in the latest one:

  • Fixed a bug with 2 trapdoors at the outpost
  • Fixed Kultar not firing the first cinematic at the prison
  • Fixed a wrong description for the medicinal herb
  • Buff for the drop attack game mechanic, now they inflict more damages
  • Nerf for general npcs in insanity and nightmare difficulties
  • Taar is now on its old spot and not inside a crate anymore

The latest patch is now available in 2 versions, full and patch only. 84 new bugs fixed, requests and new features done, update your demo installation to this latest version to get an improved game and a better experience.

In the most important changes and addons:

  • Optimized all-fog quality to significantly increase game performance on most systems and very high resolutions
  • Fixed a bug with a door not opening when showing a gem dealer license at the prison introduced in the previous patch
  • New magic system and balance
  • New and improved drunkenness system
  • Updated level design and level lighting for some levels
  • Localization minor improvements
  • Fixed some buggy goblins not hearing noises in the goblin prison
  • Nerf for drop attack and added a new system for them
  • Nerf for trapdoors and new system for them
  • A few brand new gameplay mechanics
  • New sound effects
  • General bug fixing and improvements


To install the latest version or reshade read the complete updated instructions once again.


Old saved games from old Insanity demo versions/vanilla/libertatis are incompatible with new patches, so start a new game to apply all changes and avoid corrupt scripts or broken games, thank you very much.


There are 2 different downloads available for version 0.4.7:

  • 0.4.7 Patch only version: this just include updates so it's required to have 0.4.5 (Or latest) previously installed before hand (0.4b is obsolete and not supported).
  • 0.4.7 Full version: this is an all-in-1 package (Full Insanity demo + patch), if you don't want complications just install this package and you're done, older demo versions or patches aren't required.

To download any version click here


Now you can play Arx Insanity testing the first levels of the game as early access, sneak and use stealth in the goblin prisons, visit the outpost and survive the dangers of the crystal caverns. This demo is only available in English, Spanish, Russian and Italian. Thank for all your support and for the recent inconveniences. More updates are coming in the next weeks.

We hope you'll have fun in this Arx adventure, it was a hardcore week but finally the demo is here, don't forget to share your experience!.


You can download the mod here:

Demo download

Also don't forget to join our discord server dedicated to Arx Insanity and Arx Fatalis

Join the discord server

trailer release


Finally, I'm happy to announce the Arx Insanity trailer, after 6 years of development the mod is in a good state and it's getting solid and the mod demo will be released on NOVEMBER 8TH 2020, starting with a beta release!.

Plus, to commemorate the release date announcement, a first trailer for Arx Insanity is now released!, you can watch it in the link below:

Post comment Comments
Iron_ - - 212 comments

People complained that it was too hard? Bitch, I want this mod to be impossible to finish. Arx Fatalis is **** easy. Please make it VERY hard. Or at least offer us an option for the ultimate difficulty.

Thank you for doing this mod btw. You are amazing.

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
Pedro_Ordaz Author
Pedro_Ordaz - - 384 comments

Hi Iron_, thanks for your feedback, well the opinions in the community are very divided so maybe we'll develop a 4th difficulty mode

Reply Good karma+4 votes
GrEg_StAr_3000 - - 43 comments

Ok? Well since you are raising the tone already so high Iron_? Bitch, I for my part like some others thought that the higher difficulties , and especially the option for the ,, Nightmare-Variant ,, were totally legitimate for what they were. Ó_ò It is true that there is always room for raising the stakes in regards to the difficulty setting & the components that come along with the specific mode and that gamers like you are looking for the most brutal experience imaginable. Fair enough, I also think that once the player developed or in other words got accustomed to the Key-Skill of dodging Melee-Strikes by walking backwards a step or two, even the confrontations themself withing the hidden Nightmare-Difficulty are manageable and possible to master, so I let you have that. But if you look at the other side of the coin and try to compare all the changes that were made over time with the mechanics in terms of Enemy-Behavior towards actions the player is doing, customized or in other words ( at least for the higher difficulties ) noticeable increase in Enemy-Stats, health that is no longer replenished naturally over time, and most importantly the overall pacing or speed of battle that is taking now effect, alright? All those things ( and there is even more I haven´t pointed out ) are features that force you now to be really on you toes and watchfull of every enemy-/enemypack you are going to face. . . Yup, you are right about Arx Fatalis beeing easy, but that game at the time of it´s release, as we all know was full of bugs and unbalanced to say the least ( specifically talking about the overpowered Fireball-Spell ). But if you take all the new features that I listed up above so far into account, Insanity ( and even more for ,, Nightmare ,, ) makes for quite the challenging Arx-Fatalis experience. Furthermore ,, Arx-Insanity ,, is in a constant and serious developement-state that is changing or improving on itself on a almost daily basis. Up until this point we only were presented with a demonstation of Arx-Insanity and the usual common Roll-Up of fiends one would expect anyway. Because of that fact, we should wait for the final release of this modification, for the game --ITSELF-- is past the end of the demo so much --LARGER-- that we have seen with the Goblin-Prison segment´s/Human-Outpost and Crystal-Cave´s. Having said that, the many tweaks in enemy-behaviors and rearrangements in level design and all those interessting & amazing stuff that the Author managed to present to us already up until this point, we should wait how the Mod truly will feel difficulty wise, once we had the chance to challange all them creatures & monsters and got a taste of the many rearranged riddels & obstacles the rest of the game or Pedro is going to throw at us. - Miguel´s Fight Arena *__* -

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Iron_ - - 212 comments

Yes, fellow stranger. Take this gold. I too like reddit.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
GrEg_StAr_3000 - - 43 comments

Now that´s what you would call a serious Roll-Up of nice informations!! It´s bitter sweet seeing that Insanity is growing steadily and reaching new heights with every day passed. I´m really pleased regarding all the updates that are already shown to us ( specifically the Weapons-Overhaul ) & even more excited when I read that there is still so much planned room for even more ideas ready to be unleashed to Exosta ;). And. . . By the guardians of the Noden Ó_ò. . . A complete overhaul for the Goblin-Prisons?! Awesome!! Now, but with all that out of the way, take as much time as you need Pedro- Don´t rush yourself friend. You and your team are already doing an excellent job with all those gorgeous ideas and the fact that ya´ll always taking our ideas within the community into account. I said it once and I say it again: Mr. Ordaz, you are doing a great job. ;)

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Pedro_Ordaz Author
Pedro_Ordaz - - 384 comments

Yes greg, thank you very much, I was working hard last weeks and I got some vision problems in my eyes again so I will resume the work in a few days, thanks for your support

Reply Good karma+1 vote
fresco - - 144 comments

Keep up the good work, this looks fantastic!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Pedro_Ordaz Author
Pedro_Ordaz - - 384 comments

Thank you very much for your kind of words

Reply Good karma+1 vote
dioxyde0 - - 69 comments

you're doing gods work sir

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Pedro_Ordaz Author
Pedro_Ordaz - - 384 comments

Thanks, now we are a team with a few 3d artists and they made an amazing work

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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