Hi, my name is Viktor, and I have been working as an artist in the gaming industry for more than 12 years, participated in both indie games and a couple...
Hello! This time we wanted to show the environment and level design we have done for our game! These are not the final product but are highly indicative...
Announcement of our first Video Game in the works, pre-production and early modelling currently underway as well as looking for volunteers who wish to...
Thanks to everyone for their help and who is following the development, so I finished the demo version of the game. The future of the project will depend...
A remake of a small fast-paced Onslaught map I built for 2004. Just getting my legs with the new editor features. Full bot support and playing. Lighting...
UE 5.4 and new location Unreal Engine 5.4 has recently been released and I’ve worked to upgrade the project. Epic did a great job as almost everything...
Let there be light! Beta Q1b/2024 is a major update release adding a material system and a new lighting subsystem. The first addition in this version...
Two enemies that can be found in the vast desert beyond the village of skalotl.
In this article, we will be showing the Spec-sheet about our Game.
Hello! Today we have another update to give on our project, this time we are going to show some studies we have done on the logo of the game.
Hello everyone! I'm Kamil Bitner, an indie game developer, and I'm excited to share daily updates on the development progress of my latest title, "ZONE...
In this article, we will be showcasing our project and going into detail about the game concept.
The main menu of the game, where you can create save cells, and start a new game or continue playing the old one.
We've made great progress this year and we would love to share it with you all!
this is a 3 classes mod (Quake 1,Quake 2,Unreal) each with its distinctive aspects, Weapons, movements , Powerups and graphics. but they are not copies...
“The heart of the world” is a third person top view ARPG* style 3D game.
“The heart of the world” is a third person top view ARPG* style 3D game.
Location Agroprom from STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl on Unreal Engine 5 from Zheka Deminov. Of course, it’s difficult to find out that this is Agroprom...
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