Fight for your own stake of Middle-Earth in this full conversion mod for Age of Mythology! And continue battles in the newest update for Legends of Middle-Earth!

Post news Report RSS There'll be Another time

The time has finally come to say farewell, and look forward to the bright, bright future ahead! Check out of Odyssey of Dremid'ir on Steam!

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Hey everyone, Andrew here! LOME V5.0 started just about 8 years ago now, if you can believe it. What was first a return to an old high school hobby, quickly became a staple passion in my life -- a foundational block in my lifestream. No matter how low things went, or how insurmountable it felt like things were, LOME was always a great way to create my own corner of the world, and it's been fantastic so far.

Over the years, I've become a seasoned game designer -- a professional artist, a business owner, and also soon to be -- a father!

Excluding that last point, LOME really has been the stepping stone that's gotten me where I am. I encourage anyone who is interested in getting into game design to start with modding a game you're passionate for, it'll teach you so, so much that you need to know.

Throughout my time with LOME, I've learned about:

  1. Balancing a game
  2. Casting and directing voice talent
  3. 3d modeling and animation
  4. Building and maintaining 3d motion capture faculties
  5. Texture art, iconography, and character designing
  6. Scoring music to cinematic scenes
  7. Sound design, recording and mixing
  8. Building a community, and engaging with players, including how to deal with criticism
  9. Writing screenplay script
  10. Graphic designing for logos and other promo material

Truly, I'm absolutely grateful for the budding skillset that this game has taught me. It is, with a heavy heart, however, that I must announce:

There will be no more content updates for Legends of Middle-Earth

Back in spring 2023, we saw the 1.3 update that gave the Orc civs a sprawling rework, including new techs/icons/models/units, the complete works.


We also saw the release of the LOTR RPG campaign demo, a persistent campaign with hero level ups and more that saved between levels. Unfortunately, there was simply too much work to go around, and not enough hands, so it put to the way side. Now, I know I've said this before, but I've really only meant "hiatus", but I think this time, I'm really ready to let go, and move on to greater things.

It's time to pack up the ol' "LOME HD" folder, which houses all of my textures, icons, and reference materials throughout the mods development.


Clocking in at about 6.4gb, with over 31,000 files, this is the folder in which I kept ANYTHING that had to do with LOME, excluding sound files, they got their own folders. Created on August 1, 2016, the true start of the adventure that LOME has come to today. Ahh, I was so young, brash -- handsome even! A mere 19 year old man -- I am now 27! And last but not least -- over 40 articles posted to Moddb over the years! Thanks so much for reading and staying tuned everyone!!

What can we look forward to?

Since 1.3, there has been a host of smaller updates, mostly balance and bug fixing, so if you still enjoy playing the mod, I will most likely still be supporting small bug fix patches, when bugs are reported. Mr. Agree in the Discord is very frequent about bug reports, which has my eternal gratitude is given to for.

And of course, Odyssey of Dremid'ir

store capsule main 3

Odyssey is the culmination of all these skills LOME has taught me over the years put into my own, original 2D RPG game. It's a fully voice acted game, with story, exploration, and much more! PLAY THE DEMO FOR IT, AND DON'T FORGET TO WISHLIST THE GAME, TOO!

What about AoM: Retold?

Yeah, I don't really care.

Actually, if you want my full thoughts on Retold, I made a video a little while back about it:

TL;DR, I would like to maintain being an active modder for Retold, but probably only in regards to working with other modders that I know and like, such as XLightningStormL of "Expanded Mod" acclaim.

Until next time, lads. The last 8 years have been an absolute blast -- and no matter what horrible things have come and gone, I wouldn't change anything about them. These experiences make us who we are, and only one thing is certain: You will only ever have yourself, so I hope you like who you are.

Farewell, and be good! See you when my game, Odyssey of Dremid'ir releases next Spring!

Post comment Comments
Eärendil_Ardamírë - - 1,871 comments

Thanks for all the time you have spent working at LOME! You have shown a lot of creativity there which might inspire others to follow some directions into the deeps of the modding world.
Best wishes for the upcoming days, have success with your game!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
LordofGilneas - - 712 comments

Do not be afraid to cry, for not all tears are an evil.
May you have the best of fortunes in whatever endeavors you take friend.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
JjForcebreaker - - 933 comments

Thanks for all your work!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Argeomer - - 5,586 comments

Thank you for all your wonderful work and dedication! Best of luck and cheers !

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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