Consider all these features that ZDoom has that are not found in the standard Doom originally released by id:

  • It runs well under all modern versions of Windows, from Windows 95 to the new Windows Vista. If you have Linux, it works with that too.
  • Can play all Doom engine games, including Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, Heretic, Hexen, and Strife.
  • Supports all the editing features of Hexen. (ACS, hubs, new map format, etc.)
  • Supports most of the BOOM editing features.
  • Many more all-new editing features such as:
    • Colored sector lighting.
    • Custom monsters, weapons, and items.
    • High resolution textures.
    • Many, many extensions to ACS that were not present in Hexen.
    • More music formats: Ogg Vorbis, MOD, XM, IT, S3M, MIDI, and MP3 as well as old-fashioned MUS all work.
    • More sound formats: FLAC and WAVE can both be used for sound effects.
    • More texture formats: PNG and JPEG are both useable for artwork.
  • The vast majority of Doom limits are gone.
  • An OPL softsynth is provided that can play the standard MUS music for an authentic "oldschool" flavor.
  • Free look (look up/down).
  • High resolutions.
  • Translucency (regular and additive).
  • A console.
  • Full-featured joystick/gamepad support under Windows.
  • Up to 8 player network games using UDP/IP, including team-based gameplay.
  • Support for the Bloodbath announcer from the classic Monolith game Blood.
  • Quake-style key bindings.
  • Jumping.
  • Crosshairs.
  • Walk over/under monsters and other things.

With thanks to...
id Software / John Carmack These are the people who developed Doom and later released the source code for the Linux port. Without them, there would be no ZDoom. I have also used some of the functions from their Quake2 game DLL source.
Bernd Kreimeier Packaged up id's Linux code for the initial source release.Raven SoftwarePortions of Heretic and Hexen were used in ZDoom.
Christoph Oelckers Most of the DECORATE support as well as numerous bug fixes.Chi Hoang / Team TNT Responsible in one way or another for BOOM, which provided a significant codebase for ZDoom. Information about BOOM can be found at the Team TNT website:
Lee Killough For all his brilliant work on both BOOM and later MBF. Portions of MBF were used in ZDoom, primarily to fix BOOM bugs.
Martin Collberg Creator of the Cajun Bot.Sebastien BacquetCreated qmus2mid which I used to determine the structure of DOOM's MUS lumps so that the game would have music.
Greg Lewis Released his DeHackEd source, without which adding DeHackEd support would have been much harder.

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Greetings all.

Development of Paramelancholia has continued in a steady, fast pace for the past five or so months. In the current iteration there are six maps available with full functionality and (almost) the amount of detail originally envisioned. Most of the missing content or features are in textures and sounds, some of which still remain stock or otherwise low-quality. That said, the progress has been substantial, and much of the "early alpha jank" has been gotten rid of.

Level 6,

Overall interest for the game has been low, but that was to be expected as I'm well aware of the fact that the actual quality of the product matters not if there are zero marketing forces behind it - nevertheless, the aim never was to gain "high spread" but rather get the project as close as possible to the original vision. After all, the concept for this game has always been "an art gallery disguised as a game". The gaming aspects haven't been neglected though, since the play-experience is an integral part of the whole. Even if the art is the driving force, the beating heart, the observer must be immersed in the virtual world to get the intended experience. Hence, no part of the game is considered something to be neglected, but every corner must be polished into perfection. Nothing else suffices.

Level 5:

I have also recently created a patreon-page for those rare individuals who might be interested in this project. It is quite barebones for now, still, as I'm not expecting much. However, there's two tiers that do not give anything special, except for the good feeling of knowing that I have something to eat next month. Perhaps I will give it some more attention in the future, when I get a steam page running, but for now, simply its existence is enough.

Patreon-join link

So, there isn't much else to mention for now. In the coming weeks I will continue honing the details, and slowly get into mapping the seventh level. The priority is in the texture and sound detail in order to get the early-game experience as smooth as possible. Weapons and enemies will also improve incrementally, when I have time to get into sprite-work and develop better code for behaviour. Since there's no outside expectations for this game, no boss or audience to hang over the shoulder, I'm free to focus on things that matter the most, (even if simply subjectively), for me.

Level 4:

As always, feedback and bug-reports would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

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Doom II

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