In the heart of the Ventudare Kingdom, shadows of an ancient malevolence stir—Vitoel, the harbinger of doom, whose dark hand once sundered the grand empire upon whose ruins Ventudare now stands. Amidst the gathering gloom, a beacon of hope emerges: Skeletar, a young mage of prodigious talent, rises to challenge the encroaching darkness. Yet, as the dawn of his triumph appears on the horizon, a new treachery unfurls its wings. The royal wizards, veiled in secrecy and malice, weave their insidious schemes, seeking to ensnare Skeletar in their web and thwart his righteous path. The clash of light and shadow intensifies, the fate of Ventudare hanging in the balance, as ancient evils and newfound betrayals converge upon the brave heart of one young wizard.
Hello everyone!
I am really happy to announce that my last game - Wrath of Skeletar Origins is finally finished and released!
It has been quite a journey on which i have learned many interesting things. I would say it is my best game so far!
The game is sequal to my last game called Wrath of Skeletar. This time we will look more into the Skeletar´s past and see how he ended up as the main villain in the previous game. The game is quite heavy lore-oriented and it offers rather rich lore background about history of Ventudare Kingdom and of the mysterious old Empire.
Here are some screenshots!
Picture 1. Main menu
Picture 2. Cave entrance
Picture 3. Fight 1
Picture 4. Fight 2
Game trailer
The game itself is divided into 2 maps on which you will follow Skeletar´s tale of tragedy.
Thank you very much playing and any feedback is much appreciated!
Hack and slash game with cool pixel art graphics. Step into the boots of a promising young wizard, locked in battle against an age-old malevolence. Yet...