Welcome to WARMONGER56 mods. Here you will find three full version mods to download, plus over 20 addon mods. From the 3 full versions mods plus addons, you can build just about any type of mod you want to play, with the aid of the model manager 1.5 that is available for download here. The full mods and addons consist of A female advisor, recolored maps, music, AI'S, Original ETW and Napoleon movie that plays while your in the grand campaign menu screen, new campaign map generals, admirals, rakes, ministers, and clergy icons. A lot of different new flags, new loading screens, and the list goes on. I invite you to drop in on my download page and check it out. Weather you are looking for something to enhance your mod or want to start from scratch and build a new mod, I am sure you will find something new to add to your mod to further enhance your gaming experience.The full V'S are, WM56 ETW 1700S mod V1,V2. The Pirates Gate mod V1,V2. The Napoleon mod V1, plus I am currently working on V2 which is reskinning the Napoleon mod eastern factions. Their are currently over 20 addon mods that cover all 3 full version mods. I test every thing to make sure the mod works before I ever release it to the public, so you don't have to worry about bugs and crashes. If you decide to download and try my mods, I would greatly appreciate it, if you could give me some feedback or maybe even rate my mods on Mod db, that would be greatly appreciated as well. I hope you have a great time and enjoy browsing my downloads. Happy gaming from WARMONGER56!

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  • Welcome to the latest Napoleon mod update news and addon mod info for March 2024.
  • I have just released the latest Napoleon mod video, which has three episodes. The first episode depicts a sea battle between Great Britain and Spain, with a lot of fire power and explosions. In episode one, Spain is out numbered six to two and still wins a victory on the high seas against the British. Episode two depicts a battle between Great Britain and France during the Napoleonic wars in Europe. In this episode, Napoleon kills four or five British soldiers in a French cavalry attack on the British infantry. Episode three, pits the British against the Martha Confederacy, while the French fight for there lives against the Ottoman Empire. This Video is full of intense action from the beginning to the end. The new AI for the Napoleon mod makes it a lot easier to deal with the major and minor factions governments. It is now easier the obtain technologies and land from friend or foe instead of having to fight for it. This AI concept allows you to choose weather you want to pursue a game of peace or be a warmonger like me. With the new AI, all of the major and minor factions are more evenly match, which mean you have to deploy some kind of battle tactics and strategy in order to win the battle. The artillery is deadly accurate at 50% or better, so it is important to try and take the enemies artillery out with your cavalry when the opportunity arises. If your units start routing or retreating from the battle, they can regroup and return to the battle. I have found when testing the AI, that it depends on the strength of the unit, weather you use them as a support unit or put them on the front lines. I have also added two new volumes of music, giving you four volumes of music to choose from. The units that I still have to reskin to finish the eastern factions are, eastern officers, musicians, cavalry and artillery. I hope to be finish with the eastern factions by June of this year or sooner. I will be posting images of the progress that I am making on skinning the eastern factions until it is done. Once the Napoleon eastern factions are done and uploaded, I will start working the American Civil War mod. I don't have a time line on how long it will take to complete it yet. I would like to say thank you to mod db and those of you that follow me and support my modding. I greatly appreciate it. Until the next article, happy gaming! WARMONGER56!

  • WM56 ETW Napoleonic Wars Video - ModDB
Mods and Addon Mods News Update

Mods and Addon Mods News Update


Hi to all! Welcome to my second mod news article for 2024. I deleted all of my past articles so we can get a fresh start on up-to-date news on my mods...

Mod News Update

Mod News Update


Hi and welcome to the WARMONGER56 mod news update. Today I will be talking about the Napoleon mod changes and improvements plus the mod that I will be...

News Release

News Release


Hi, and welcome to Empire Total War Napoleon. Now that the Napoleon mod has been released, you can now bring about the war of 1812 as the Americans or...

WM56 ETW Napoleon Mod News

WM56 ETW Napoleon Mod News

News 11 comments

This is the latest news about the WM56 ETW Napoleon Mod That will be releases in the near future. The video and images in the news article depict all...

Add file RSS Files
WM56 Napoleon CAI BAI

WM56 Napoleon CAI BAI

Model Pack

This is the new CAI and BAI for the WM56 ETW Napoleon Mod.

WM56 ETW 1700S Models

WM56 ETW 1700S Models

Model Pack 1 comment

This model's pack contains 130 uniforms for the early and late campaign plus 130 new face variations. NEW UPDATE!

WM56 HD Graphics

WM56 HD Graphics

Model Pack 2 comments

High-Definition Graphic Pack Terrestria Orbem new version edited by Imperial Splendor team and downloaded from Imperial Splendor. You can use this graphics...



Model Pack

The files in this mod consist of recolored maps of the campaign ,trade routes and campaign hud Plus the ESF has been edited to give all major factions...



Model Pack 7 comments

Welcome to the WM56 ETW Napoleon mod. With this mod you have access to North America, Europe, India and the middle East. You can bring about the war of...



Model Pack

This Napoleon mod updates contains grand campaign generals for all 11 major factions. 1 new euro line infantry for Bavaria. Almost all Eastern factions...

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 83)
DonRural - - 79 comments

Hey got a quick question would your TACW mod include all 3 theaters, europe and india included?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
WARMONGER56 - - 49 comments

Yes! all 3 theaters are included. North America and Europe will be TACW. I haven't decided about India yet. Either way you will be able to play in all 3 theaters. This mod is also in vanilla.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
domia - - 6 comments

Can you make a musket model submod?

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keyinnoodles - - 16 comments

can u change the flag of great britain to the 1801 flag cause it looks better

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WARMONGER56 - - 49 comments

Hi! Thanks for the request! Right now I am knee deep into TACW mod. When I get to the flag section of this mod, while I am doing flags I will make an addon flag mod with your request. all other flags will stay the same except the British flag. I will make it in a mod format so it can be activated with the mm 1.5. This way if I get any other request, I can just replace which ever flag and upload it in a new file to the same addon. If you have any other request, please let me know. Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Happy gaming from WARMONGER56!

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WARMONGER56 - - 49 comments

WARMONGER56: New Update on the Courland Faction. After further testing, I found that, sense Courland is in the middle of three factions, Prussia, Russia and Poland Lithuania. Courland won't attack Prussia or Russia because they are apart of the Prussia and Russia factions group. However, Courland will attack Poland Lithuania. Outside of Prussia and Russia, they should be able to attack any of the other factions. It looks like for now that Courland is good to go as a playable faction for those of you who are interested in playing them. Please note, that Russia or Prussia can and will declare war on you and attack you, so you can be at war with Russia or Prussia at the same time. For this reason, you need to build up a good army to fend off attacks from both factions if the situation arises.

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lokochon - - 198 comments

Please, make a submod or pack that has different musket models!

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WARMONGER56 - - 49 comments

Hi! If you are talking about the Napoleon mod, I am currently working on the Napoleon mod Eastern factions, reskinning the models with new uniforms. I gave them muskets in the AI, which is where you change the weapons from axes, bows and lancers to muskets. I hope to be finished with reskinning the Eastern faction models in the next two months or so. I will address your request in the next Napoleon mod update. Thanks for your feedback and happy gaming.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
lokochon - - 198 comments

May I help you ?

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WARMONGER56 - - 49 comments

I will address your request for a musket mod in the next update for the Napoleon mod. If you have any other request for the Napoleon mod or any of my other mods, I would be glad to see what I can do. Your feedback in is greatly appreciated. WM56!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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