Carnivores began in 1998. 25 years later, its Legacy continues...

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Discussing future updates, and a thank you to our community.

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It hasn't been all that long since Carnivores: Legacy released, and we still haven’t heard the end of it. It’s probably the most immediately successful Carnivores mod to date, hitting 1000 downloads in a week and since then getting to over 3000.

We also became the first Carnivores mod to ever be featured on ModDB’s Top 100 Mods of the Year list, which we owe to the combined effort of our fans.

With that much support, we want to thank the Carnivores Community (on Discord, Youtube, ModDB, and anywhere else) for showing so much support for this project. We couldn’t do any of this without you all.

Because of all that support, we also believe you should be aware of our plans for the future, or in other words, what’s next for Legacy?

waterways beastie

A Streak of Movement? Or Your Life Flashing Before Your Eyes...


The next major update will be the addition of Vereschagin Waterways, a riverine paradise of swampy bays and basalt grottos. The waterways are home to a slew of new map specific creatures: hunters will find unique dinosaurs roaming the floodplains, and should beware of what lurks in the water…

Alongside the waterways, we’ll be updating a few of the other maps, bringing them up to our standards, adding new landmarks, and maybe even introducing a few critters.

After the Waterways Update, Legacy will essentially be complete, but the story doesn’t end there…

the waterways basalt

Great Pillars of Basalt Rise From The Waterways...


Beyond the near future, we have to acknowledge that Modders Edition is always updating, bringing new changes to the game that we’ve yet to see or mess with.

As ME changes, we want to keep updating Legacy alongside it, so expect development to continue even after the mod is “complete”, albeit at a slower pace.

turan land

Many Secrets Lie Along Treaded Paths...


We have a lot planned for Legacy, including a few projects we’re still keeping secret… for now.

Our advice is to keep your eyes peeled and remain patient, you might be surprised at what comes next.

THANK YOU! - The Carnivores Legacy Group, 2020 - 2024

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Guest - - 698,141 comments

I think it would be cool if you guys added dinosaur variants (sexual dimorphism,pigmented variants, elder members etc.)

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Guest - - 698,141 comments

I love this mod, it sucks how carnivores was abanndoned like so many other loved games of the past, I would love to see some kind of big boss, like a Sauropod?

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Guest - - 698,141 comments

You should add unable crocodilians

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teopampuri - - 6 comments

But the fun of the game is randomly getting killed after wrongfully getting near a lake :)

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Guest - - 698,141 comments

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