In the Year 2199, Earth was attacked by the Gamilas Empire, Earth was nearly defeated if not for the valiant efforts of the Space Battleship Yamato and her crew. The Yamato and crew would then face many foes over the next five years, nearly facing destruction at every turn. You play as the Commanding General of the United Nations Cosmo Navy during what became known as The Five Years of Fire. In this total conversion mod, you will be able to chose playing as the EDF, Galman Empire, Gatlantis Comet Empire, Bolar Federation, or The Dark Nebulan Empire as you battle across space. Will you take command of the mighty Yamato and protect the Earth or work to bring about the absolute domination of the Galaxy?

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Long awaited update regarding the Mod and it's status!

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Greetings everyone! Apologies for our lack of updates on ModDB, most of our live updates are done on Discord! We know it's been 7 months since our last major update and we're happy to bring you this! Over the weekend we made major strides in getting the UNCF Faction ships into the game! Here are a few screenshots we captured whilst ensuring the ships were appearing properly in game! Now these aren't ALL new models in game, some need to be revisited and we don't want to show off some of our models that aren't working properly. We're having an absolute blast teasing these on our Discord and hope to have an update regarding abilities soon!

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Battleship Arizona with Kongo Escorts


Battleships Andromeda and Yamato with a Supporting FleetFleet Standby

UNCF Fleet Engaging EnemiesFleet Action

Dreadnaught CruisersDreadnaught

Asuka Class Cargo CarrierAsuka

Black Tiger FighterBlack Tiger

Post comment Comments
DragonBun - - 29 comments

It's looks amazing
Can't wait till the mod be release, looking forward to it :D

Wish you all the best of luck

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Wildstar1701 Author
Wildstar1701 - - 57 comments

Thank you! We’re excited to be able to bring these iconic ships to life in Sins! Stay tuned or join our Discord for quicker updates!

Reply Good karma+3 votes
marks1997717 - - 82 comments

there is a lot of fan created ships on Pixiv

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Wildstar1701 Author
Wildstar1701 - - 57 comments

As previously stated, we’re not looking at fan designs right now. With 3199 on the way we’re hoping to see more official designs come to light!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Tyloth - - 27 comments

Me likey ❤️

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Wildstar1701 Author
Wildstar1701 - - 57 comments

We do too!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 698,097 comments

Been waiting patiently! So far the art and models look spectacular!!!

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Wildstar1701 Author
Wildstar1701 - - 57 comments

Thank you so much! We're definitely taking our time and making sure things are done right! We've got plans to move to Sins 2 once official mod tools are released, but fret not, we're going to keep working on this one until such time!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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