Makes character raise up his active weapon when hugging the wall or cover
This mod tries to emulate gun dimensions and makes player raise it up when hugging walls and covers.
There are few features and caveats you MUST know before using it, PLEASE READ:
- This mod utilizes hud adjustment functionality in a creative way, and while it was tested, its not perfect and sometimes might lead to bugs (see below)
- The animation speed and trigger radius depends on the gun. The more heavy the gun, the slower the animation. Pistols have reduced trigger radius, you can be at the wall really close for player to raise the weapon
- If your weapon has a 2D scope, you can't aim the scope when the weapon is raised. This is done to ensure no bugs and glitches happens at that moment, otherwise you would zoom in with no scope texture, etc. To compensate for that, guns with scopes have slightly increased speed of return to initial position compared to non-scoped weapons
- To add to p.3, sometimes the gun can bug out and not trigger scope texture when aiming the scope. It happens rarely, but its a possibility, more often when trying mount the scope onto weapon while its in raised state. To solve this:
Unmounting & remounting the scope while out of cover should fix the issue. Additionaly you can save the game and reload it. (thanks to LifeDecoded1997 for the feedback)
Another way to bypass the problem: when the issue appears, switch to alternative sight or grenade launcher (default key "V") Tested many times and it works. (thanks to Cpt.Gunner for the feedback)
- For smoothest experience i recommend using EFT Reposition mod The animation with other positions might be a bit sharp, but the mod compatible with any positions, including vanilla ones.
- Archive includes patches for most popular weapon packs (Blindsides pack, BaS, Firebreath and BAN's mods, Souvlaki's Fal, AR Pack DLTX)
- When the weapon is lowered, or if the weapon is used with flashlight/detector, the animation won't be triggered due to wacky left hand animations
- The animation won't be triggered upfront the enemy stalker or a monster
If you have noticed errors or something else, let me know in comments, thank you
- Dropped 1.5.1 version, consider upgrading to 1.5.2
- Reduced gun trigger radius for pistols and smgs, increased for snipers
- Reduced default gun tilt radius to 0.61, reset to defaults in mod's MCM to apply new changes
UPDATE 12.1:
- Fixed the position of vanilla MP-133
- Added patch for AWAR mod
- Reduced default gun tilt radius to 0.68, reset to defaults in mod's MCM to apply new changes
- Added patch for new BaS update, its in separate folder, apply it if you using new BaS
- Fixed some positions for vanilla guns: MP7, AK-105, SVT-40, AUG, MP-133
- !!! IMPORTANT !!!, 1.5.2 ONLY
- 1.5.2 branch of mod received a potential fix for bush situation, resulting in triggering tilt in front of them. To achieve it, the engine received a bit of changes to check material of thing in front of player.
- Modified EXEs are required for this fix to perform. Without exes the mod will still work, but this fix won't be applied, so it will work same as UPDATE 10
- To get modified exes, go here and download archive and manually unpack everything in it into your Anomaly folder. It includes all other stuff such as DLTX, Shader Scopes and Screen Space Shaders changes
UPDATE 10.1:
- Fixed bug of script when actor is equipping NPCs PDA in 1.5.2 branch of script, thanks to HarukaSai for report
- Updated to work with Anomaly 1.5.2. Left old version for 1.5.1 compatibility. Choose appropriate version in the archive, wrong version will not work correctly
- Techincal update for external mods to utilize WCT functions
- Edited default position, now its more far from player then before and should behave better when near wall
- Adjusted positions for M24, Barrets, SV-98, M249, MP5 alternative, Firebreath's L96A1, BaS RPK-16, SCARs, L85.
- NPCs will stop telling you to hide the gun if its manually tilted, so its similar to lowering the gun for them
- Added new parameter in MCM called "Weapon Length Modifier". This will adjust trigger radius dependancy on weapon length. Increase it to make more difference between short and long weapons and vice versa
- Adjusted trigger radius for 9A91 and VZ-61
- Adjusted positions of 9A91, HK417, M60, SVU, FNC, K98, G43, MP5SD
- Integrated positions in main module for KAC PDW and some guns from DLTX Simple and Modern weapons packs
- Small update
- Moved BaS PL-15 position closer to actor
- Added patch for Better Bizon Weapon ( Go get it now
- Added possibility to manually tilt the weapon. Its disabled by default, you have to enable it in MCM. By default the key for raising weapon is "," ("Б"). You can change the keybind in MCM also
- Added patch for RPG-7 Reanimation by Jadey (
- Tilt Rattle is now switchable in MCM
- Lowered minimum possible Animation Inertia value in MCM to 9
- Fixed bug for some weapons to be not detected as having scope installed (SKS, Type 63, etc)
- Added possibility for scope weapons to be aimed before lowering animation ends, to the extent. The algorithm will try to calculate the remaining time of animation, and if its lower than the animation time of zooming, it will allow weapon to zoom, increasing fluidity of aiming without encountering bugs described above. Best demonstrated on light weapons with scopes such as 9A91 with PSO and similar ones, they can be aimed before animation ends
- Added most of the guns into radius table, thanks to HellblaueHoelle and KronQ for the help and adjusting values
- Added dependency on attached silencer for trigger radius calculation (can be disabled in MCM)
- Added rattling sounds on raising and lowering weapon, depending on the gun weight. Based on sounds from EFT Rattle by Qudix (
- Added simple callback system for the script, other modders can utilize it for making their own extensions to the mod. The rattle thing utilizes it as an example of how to use it
- Revised the detection of scopes on the weapon, should be more consistent with guns that have wrongly set scopes or attachments like some BaS guns
- Animation Speed setting is renamed to Animation Inertia to be less confusing
- Default trigger radius is reduced from 0.78 to 0.75, you need to reset settings in MCM to apply that
- Added MCM with options to adjust animation settings
![1 7]()
- Added roll and yaw variation on each gun raise that will improve variation of animations, creating more natural animations
- Slighlty improved animations of pistols
- Slightly improved BaS patch, added Igigog's KS-23 Ecolog gun into it
- Some guns received reduced trigger radius, for now its Sawn-off shotguns (TOZ-34 and 66), P90, MP7, Vz-61, PP2000 and Kiparis
- Fixed printing of "unknown command g_firepos" in console
- Potential fix of broken animations in extremely low fps (<10)
- Fixed position of some guns such as SVD, P90, MP5, SIG-552, PP-2000; BaS guns: RPK-74-16, Saigas, AK5C, Remington 700, SKS, TOZ-106, Val, Vintorez, PL-15; Blindsides: Saiga, Vepr, Skorpion; Firebreath: UMP
- Fixed bug when binoculars were triggered for animation
- Lowered trigger radius for guns
- Added a bit of inertia in the beginning of animations, they look more natural this way.
- Fixed potential bug when switching guns while being in raised state that could lead to skewed positions
Good job!
I won't ever again play without it. Works perfectly, does what it says on the tin.
Love it!!
NO F*CKING WAY! now I can take a break from lowering my gun. Thanks for this.
Man this game gets better and better every day thx;) Fck Tarkov !!!
cool. thank you
For me BaS Saiga is bugged. :<
Alright, i check it for the next update. For now you can open weapon_cover_tilt_positions_bas.script, find "o["wpn_saiga12s"..." lines, that describes all saigas in BaS, and change y = 0.2 to y = 0. This will lower the position of the gun while its raised
Damn, good work!
demonized with nothing but quality yet again
God damn, today is a good day, visible body and THIS?? great work!
******* amazing!
This is a really good mod, just like that video from Gunslinger! I do have some humble suggestions - it would be amazing if suppressors increased the distance that you have to raise your gun, and each weapon had its own length value (if you could do the script I could fill in every value with research)
I have plans to extend the mod to this functionality, if you have free time, you can send me a list of them while im looking for a better solution for this
So you'd like the length of every gun in the game? Yeah I can do that, I have plenty of free time and patience. What units do you prefer them in?
i think stalker uses meters, so in them.
Will do, STALKER! I'll get back to you with the list (it could take a little while though)
now thats what im talking about some pretty good stuff you have got there
He's done it again.
10/10 all the way with small little issue, again this is not a big deal but it is there and needs to be addressed.
When you sneak through the bushes and you're aiming your rifle also raises itself which is kinda of a bummer because you can easily lose track of the enemy you are sneaking either to shoot or avoid, I don't think there is a need to auto raise the gun when sneaking through bushes.
Rest is perfect.
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very nice
Yes!, this will go great with the new movement animations that have come out as well as weapon sway!
Выдайте уже этому мужику значок Легенды свалкерского моддинга
Если стоит EFT reposition вместе с Boomsticks and Sharpsticks и BlindsidesReanimation нужно ставить оба патча с аддона или 1 какой то ? Или работать в таком случае не будет этот аддон ?
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I love the idea man, but it has some flaws, let me make a productive criticism
1-(whit ByS and hud fov on 70) the arms are separated from the body, that is, it looks as if they are floating (with the kalashnikov saiga and the unisg special forces models mod)
2- It would be epic, if instead of raising the weapon, it would lower it and not raise it, as if trying to lean on the cover you know
3-the hitbox of the weapon and the coverage is very high, that is, the character is very far from the wall and still raises the weapon (with the kalashnikov saiga and the unisg special forces models mod)
Sory for my bad english !! great mod and idea!!
It's just great mod!
Hell yeah
Pretty much a must have addon. Very wow. Such tactical. 10/10
i was thinking yesterday "man i want and addon that added weapon tilt" and now look
i can make anything real just by thinking about it holy ****
also HOLY **** i never seem this amount of new users
Thank you very much for the Saiga fix! Perfect addon <3
this is cool
Ты думаешь этот слепой педик тоже плюнет на это?
We needed this! Excellent job. Thank you for your efforts.
As I can see in the description, the mod tries to approximate weapon length for the trigger radius. If I wanted to adjust that length on weapon by weapon basis myself (Like making sawn-off shotguns trigger less than the not sawned off ones), would that be possible by edting like a text file or config file? Or via a console command? Or is it already in a feature of the mod?
In any case, it's clearly going in my install. This is a new mod on my list of absolutely necessary to play!
This will be added in the future, for now only difference is between pistols and anything else
Привет! Мод Супер! подскажи можно ли как то увеличить скорость анимации? какая строка кода и в каком фале?
next update options soon
Found a way reliable way to trigger the no-texture 2D scope bug - using a PSO-1M on my AK74, if I mount the scope while the weapon is raised then it results in the bug, however simply unmounting & remounting the scope fixes the issue for me.
alright, good to know, i add it into description, thanks for the feedback
Good **** bro
I have to play with this mod enabled now. Excellent work. Easy 10.
I've been staring blankly sticking my guns to the wall these days, and now the immersion is finally complemented.
It works very well! But i noticed after you reload a raised gun, it needs a few seconds to raise up again, wonder if that can be fixed.
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