Uprising Reborn has now been shut down but fear not, Revival has taken its place Revival will be a brand new mod for Red Alert 3, featuring brand new units and structures, returning uprising units, new awesome VFX and sound effects , brand new multiplayer maps and a fully edited campaign

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Hey guys I know it’s been very quiet lately, but I have some news for you.

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Is the mod dead ????

All content removed ???

What’s happened ???

Hey guys, I know there are a lot of questions and worry’s and concern's, I have the answers for you today and hopefully after this, your minds will be settled and assured

Uprising reborn was first made back before 2019, the final version for the original beta was released in 2020 and reuploaded again in 2021, after this, I took some time away to learn my techniques with modding but also modelling, there is very little help in the community these days regarding learning how to mod and model and so I needed to learn this by myself for the most part, I will say there were a selection of talented people who helped me along the way, LanYi, NordLicht, Egozi, Parametheus … to name a few

I felt like I had learned enough to bring some really nice quality models and visual effects and so I began working on the new Uprising Reborn 2.0 that was going to introduce many brand new units and also a 4th faction

a quarter into my progress, Corona Mod was announced, and it was then, the verbal and social attacks began online against myself and the mod project

sadly a lot of modders in this community do not like it when another modder can also make content at a high standard, a lot of my original ideas I had already implemented quickly became “Corona did it first” even tho this wasn’t the case, a lot of their fanbase were on the warpath against me, accusations of asset theft, idea theft and lots more , but because corona mod had become so big, so fast, uprising reborn began getting a series of regular attacks, which if I’m honest, shattered my enthusiasm for mod creation and it became exhausting, I was no longer enjoying what I was doing

My first born child was born in 2022, my second born child was born this year, I then got married a few months later and my personal time became non existent

and so with the regular assaults by the online community, and the lack of time, I decided to make the decision to cancel all of my modding plans, and I had left the community, by that I mean I cancelled the mod, closed the servers and disappeared

with my time away I’ve been able to assess everything and I’ve reminded myself of why I began modding in the first place

I wanted to mod red alert 3 because it’s one of my all time favourite C&C games, I’ve been played it for many many years now, and I really enjoy creating things, and so I’ve refocused my mind on what I enjoy doing, and set aside the opinions of others

What does this mean ??

the mod is returning, but this time fully rebranded and fully redesigned, I feel like my mind has had a good time to refresh, and I’m ready to jump back into the C&C world

The Rebranded mod will be named “Revival”, and don’t worry, a lot of uprising reborns content is still on my PC, which means tons of the content you looked forward to, will still return :)

I hope you guys can understand the decisions I made, and I hope you also have great patience , because it’ll take me some time with my busy life, but I’ll get there :) and personally I feel the mod needs to be released in small versions instead of you waiting 10 years for a single version, this allows you to give your feedback while the mod is in progress, instead of giving me an enormous amount I’ll need to change with a fully finished product

A new discord will be created nearer the time of release along with images and YouTube videos of the new content

Thankyou for standing by

- ItzTeeJaay

Here’s just a little look into the most recent progress -

IMG 9027

IMG 9028

20240221172901 1

20240221101226 1





Post comment Comments
Rus32 - - 66 comments

Wow nice, thx for your work, and glad to hear this news!

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ItzTeeJaay- Author
ItzTeeJaay- - - 416 comments


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Valherran - - 2,450 comments

Ah, so the harassment regarding this mod was true all along. Sucks that it happened, but here's hoping your new iteration of the mod goes well!

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ItzTeeJaay- Author
ItzTeeJaay- - - 416 comments

Sadly it is what it is
Onwards and upwards

Reply Good karma+2 votes
chakotay02 - - 591 comments

I randomly decided to read this news article and it is such a shame to hear that there was harrassment and that it killed your joy. It is always such a shame when a community cannot focus on celebrating but has to attack others.

I hope you're getting the hang of modelling. No idea what tools you use, but there is a Youtube channel called Arrimus 3D that has lots of brilliant tutorials. Youtube.com

It's been ages since I was very active with modelling, but I used to work a lot with 3ds max. If you ever need help with that, send me a message.

Anyway; best of luck and mostly fun with the new mod!

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ItzTeeJaay- Author
ItzTeeJaay- - - 416 comments

Thankyou I appreciate that and I will keep you in mind for sure

And yeah it’s one of those things, but I am always happy to help people if they ask for it, I’ve helped a lot over the years with their projects

Personally I use a newer version 3DS Max to make the models, Substance 3D Painter for textures and then export it to 3DS Max9 to animate it and then export in W3X format (which the game uses)

Thankyou again

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Radu273 - - 1,486 comments

your ambition is remarcable. i want to see the new mod and factions and unista and all that. and please make a custom campaign also because i am crazy about those

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ItzTeeJaay- Author
ItzTeeJaay- - - 416 comments

I also love custom campaigns, so this will be something you will see on this mod :)

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fresco - - 144 comments

This looks really good - take your time :)

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ItzTeeJaay- Author
ItzTeeJaay- - - 416 comments


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