This expansion feature the return of the Nomads as its own race in the world of Athla. Nomads as a race have been included in the project in what began as a campaign project only, where I finally decided to expand the content further with a new race. Most of the planned nomadic content around race has been included and integrated into the campaign, so they are playable and fully set up.

So far, players may encounter bugs and traces of what could be the remains of the Human race. There could be abilities and requisites that can be leftovers from other races. The Nomad race strives to be balanced in comparison to the other nine vanilla races available in the game. So any inconsistencies that may seem inappropriate should be reported.

Lizardman is also introudced in the expansion as race rather than a dwelling. An aquatic race fully set up with quirks and good stuff like water walking.

The Wasteland Campaign:

This is the campaign following the after story of what happened to the outlaw faction Nomads. You will progress the campaign with two different leaders and move on Athla's world map together simultaneously with the characters. The Wasteland Chapters follows Sundren's and Edward's campaigns simultaneously in the background, explaining a story point from a different view. You will encounter familiar characters and new faces as you progress with either hero. The Wasteland alliance is the main faction in the story, and on the world map, your colour will be orange.

I'm developing a series of scenarios that are taking the original campaigns of Elven Court and Commonwealth a bit further. This by adding a third story branch that follows the same timeline as Edward and Sundren's stories. Reynald and Tanner will be the main leaders of the story, and you will intervene with both characters in almost all scenarios.

Regarding campaign and mods. Each scenario utilizes new things and progresses differently with scripts. For example, the player can only use one leader at a time and progress with fewer heroes on each main story branch.

The campaign only uses base content available from the original game and DLC. This ensures compatibility and does not force players to use other mods only to play this campaign or depend on other mods to receive updates.

New custom content:

To further establish the content of this campaign, I also intend to add custom things. I will make this out time, but the priority is to finish the campaign with its story, while the new content will be secondary and included as a bonus.

Released content so far:
Nomad Race
Lizardmen Race
Royal Tent Dwelling
Syron Dwelling

Things needed to be done for later:
Balancing the Nomad racial lineup
Tuning some icons and models
Altering, balancing and improving the racial governance tree
Updating the campaign content with Nomads
Finishing the Horn of Kesh mission
Adding more and new abilities
Revising text and grammatical errors

Bugs & feedback:

The English language is not quite the best currently, and there should be plenty of mistakes grammatically. If you find a mistake, I would be happy to apply changes if you discover something quirky during your playthrough that is either by the quests, story or dialogues.

If you get stuck in a scenario where you cannot press a button or cannot continue at any given moment, please report this, and I will do whatever I can to fix it quickly.

Regarding balance for the campaign difficulty, it is set to be around intermediate for Reynald's story and hard for Tanner's story.

Special mentionsThat Human - Helpful insights and additional textures provided for Nomad horse riders.

Huanglukuzhu – Provided some texture refreshments for Nomad City

dpentlow1 – Persint on insight for campaign feedback and other balance awareness

lisk – Helpful feedback and insight on campaign feedback and other balance flaws.

Legal stuff: This mod reuses story content from the original campaigns of Triumph Studios, such as screens, maps, characters and background content. World maps were made using the psd* template provided by Triumph Studios for custom campaign creation.

Custom characters are all part of this campaign and, in scenarios, provide a fun experience for the AOW III universe and community.

Cheers and enjoy
Sincerely Gladen "Refineus"

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Frequently Asked Question


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  • It seems like mods for some reason dont work. Invisible models, lack of content, loading screen freeze or other wierd reasons seems to be the issue that my modded game doesn't work properly. Can you tell how to fix it especially since I'm on windows 10 or 11?

OneDrive seems to interfere with the user content folder. Try to first relocate your document folder and user content for Age of Wonders 3. This is an unofficial solution that is specifically made for AoW 4 and initially credited by TriumphBas. This is confirmed to work as I done this myself.

Go to OneDrive -> Settings

1. Remove the Documents folder from the Backup list

2. Navigate to the OneDrive/Documents folder, go to Properties -> Location tab

3. Change the location of the Documents folder to a local folder on the harddrive.

4. Move the files from the OneDrive folder to the new Documents folder

5. Optional: Unlink your PC from OneDrive and reinstall it.

6. Unsubscribe and Resubscribe to the mods you'd like to enable.

7. Launch the game again, make sure to add the mods and update the Aow3 launcher.

The mods get put in your documents folder, however, that documents folder can be an OneDrive folder which isn't an absolute location, meaning the game has trouble finding and loading in the mod content when enabled.

  • My game is crashing alot and I'm using alot of mods.

Certainly mods do interfere with memory and a 32 bit engine is abit fragile to add on more workload. That is that more mods using up more memory.

Other possible solutions and reasons for crashes is random and unknown but rare fortunatly. However, it seems that some user experience alot more crashes with Vsync enable on Windows 10/11, it may depend graphic cards or processor. Consider turning Vsync off and experiment with graphics settings.

  • Are there any incompatibilities with other mods?

All mods created for this game may interfere with eachother on different levels. Most incompatibilities comes from the same sources of edits. Graphical mods like new colours may conflict with mods that alter banners and similiar. While big mods like Wasteland Expansion has very little impact due to having control over the content, but may still conflict with other mods using the same "Levelgenerator.rpk" like a new dwelling mod adding their custom dwellings to the rmg settings. Mods that adds only custom uits to various races are considered safe without conflicts to only being under the rule that it adds stuff rather then edit stuff already "vanilla". In general there are no rules which mods to use over one or another. It boils down to fun and trials of errors.

To make an example of what incompatibilities are:

  • Mod A edits the Human Knight and add Armor Piercing
  • Mod B also edits the Human Knight and have added 3+ fire damage.

The AoW III launcher will decide between these two mods and randomly take one of the edits when playable. The only deciding factor is priority of either mod. If Mod A is priority 0 and Mod B is priority 1. The launcher will always take Mod B over Mod A due to being higher priority.

To make an example of what compatibilities are:

  • Mod A edits the Human Knight and add Armor Piercing
  • Mod B has not edited Human Knight but edited the Human Archer instead and changed it's model.
  • Mod C has modified the Human Race in the RaceLogic.Rpk and rewritten racial description telling us they are Gremlins.
  • Mod D has added 400 new units and added them to the unit spawn list by adding new list with identical names.
  • Mod E only added 30 new leaders to different leaders.

All of these mods have priority 0 and the game launcher will include all of these changes since they are not in conflict each other despite having alot of new stuff and changes.

  • I want to my own mods? Help

Consider going to the steam forums and locate the modding guids. Its general the best source since the closing of the offical forums that were before.

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Wasteland Expansion 1.26

Wasteland Expansion 1.26

Full Version

Wasteland Expansion. Full latest version that matches steam version.

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