Game balance, sound balance and sound remake mod for Wrath:Aeon of Ruin.
This is not the final version yet, i still need to do more testing on
hard setting and make adjustments for the final episode soundscape.
Also, if anyone, - including the original Wrath developer, who left
mid-project, - wants to help rid the game of its existing bugs,
improve atmospheric and dynamic lighting in the levels, improve
detailing (or teach me how to edit that) and make a map feature
for the game - i'd be glad if anyone wants to help with that.
The game has some solid potential, but the problems and bugs
won't go away on their own. And definitely not through
Slipgate Ironworks...
Alright, even though i am not ready to make the big launch yet, as i still want to make an SFX-dedicated video, - nonetheless, i am uploading the mod without any further delays.
How to use:
1. Unzip the archive. Inside, there will be a file named "UNWRATH_1.9.pk3".
Place that file into your Wrath/kp1 folder. This takes care of the weapons
mechanics, and the sound remake. You should see the UN-WRATH logo at the
title screen, if this part of the mod has been loaded correctly.
2. In order for the game balance changes to take effect - YOU HAVE TO START
A NEW GAME. Otherwise, the mod will only load partially - and half of it
will not work.
3. For the movement part, - go inside your kp1 folder and open default.cfg file
with Notepad. (make a backup copy first). Make sure that in the "SYSTEM"
section - you have this line at the top: sv_cheats 1
Next, go down to the "PLAYER" section and delete everything there is in it.
Instead of the stuff you erased, paste these settings:
// ----- PLAYER ----- //
sv_friction 16
sv_gravity "550"
sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag 1
cl_movement_friction 16
cl_movement_maxspeed 440
cl_forwardspeed 380
sv_maxspeed 380
cl_backspeed 440
cl_sidespeed 440
sv_accelerate 26
cl_movement_accelerate 26
sv_stopspeed 380
cl_movement_stopspeed 380
sv_stepheight 16
cl_movement_stepheight 16
sv_maxairspeed 90
cl_movement_maxairspeed 90
sv_airaccelerate 10
v_kickpitch 0.7
v_kickroll 0.7
v_kicktime 0.7
v_kickpitch 0.2
cl_bob 0
That's it!
Now you're ready to kick some ass!
Do not forget that YOU HAVE TO START A NEW GAME, for the mod to fully take effect.
Until i make an official release post, here are a couple of videos that explain all the gameplay changes. Sound effects remake already comes without saying, lol, but it will have its own separate presentation.
Guns and Balance changes:
Platforming changes: