Left 4 Quake, an Indie game developed by Ribcaged Entertainment, aims to bring the fun, unique, 4 player co-op gameplay of Left 4 Dead to the Playstation Portable.
We have an active forum again! Please stop by anytime! There you can share your input on our work!
So in an effort to make the site a bit more fun and to promote more activity I have installed a point/cash system into the site called RibCash.
What does is it for?
Well, while i have nothing at the moment, we were thinking anything from buying access to see special VIP sections of the forums, forum themes, titles, ranks, and possibly early releases or exclusive content.
How can I get RibCash?
You earn RibCash by:
•Posting Topics and/or Posts - Amount of RibCash you get depends on quality of your post or topic. Adding attachments and polls will add bonus points.
•Robbing other users - You can decide to rob other users of their hard earned RibCash, but theres only a small chance you will succeed and you will be penalized if you fail and lose a % of what you tried to steal and goes to the lottery.
•Lottery - Yes a lottery you can buy tickets (up to 5) for a chance to win the jackpot every 48 hours! Jackpot depends on how many tickets sold and robbery penalties have occurred. Lotteries can have NO winners, increasing the jackpot for the next time
•Transfers - You can send and receive RibCash to and from any user
But I don't want to get robbed!
Then you can store it in the Bank of Ribcaged, you even get interest! There are minimum deposits and withdraws, and costs 1 RibCash a month to keep your Bank Account running.
For a limited time Sign up on our forums and receive 50 RibCash instantly!
More information and RibCash related actions can be found by clicking on the RibCash link next to log out at the top of the forums page.
NOTICE: All aspects of RibCash are currently in trial period and are subject to any changes, including a reset if necessary.
I took a break from coding and took the time to setup a site for the community to socialize. Even talk to the devs! We're always on!
Give a round of applause for our bots. For they have graduated teamwork college! They are smarter and can help any team member in need.
As the title states, we need a mapper, a SKILLED mapper. One who is familiar with Worldcraft, QuArK, or even Source SDK.
No we aren't dead people... How many times have I specifically said that we won't let this game die? We do a lot of behind the scenes work without updating...
This is a single player, one map demo. Which means no coop, no multiplayer, no bots, the currently memory hogging player models are to blame. The map...
Can i know this game informations
It's now 2021, is there ANY news at all or even a release if the project is officially dead?
well someone talked to the creator and the creator said that they lost majority of his project but he is doing it again ,i dont know if thats true tho
idk im planning to continue this game since i have almost all the software
its pretty much dead :(
it is but i downloaded the .zip file and i have almost all the software to continue the game i already know how to change textures
im trying to learn how the code works since i haven't found all the code is at unless its in the eboot which i have no idea how the eboot works
im learning to map
and models
btw i do not think ill add the bots :/
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please o it pal i want to see it done since i was 10 years old if you want i can maybe help you
i cannot play any psp games. because my psp is broken. Select and Start Button are broken! Anyways i can play on psp emulator!
It's sad to see a good dead project. If they had released at least one source code :/
yeah i almost have everything to continue this game
i still have no idea where the code of the game is