An Eastern-made total conversion. New story, reimagined levels, gameplay improvements, revamped visuals, custom voice-over, and an official translation.

Report RSS True Stalker System Requirements

By popular demand, we publish the True Stalker system requirements.

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By popular demand, we publish the True Stalker system requirements. Please note that a comfortable game is not guaranteed on configurations below the minimum requirements.

spec en 1

For faster downloads and smoother gameplay, we recommend using an SSD.

ss wolfs 12 14 23 10 41 22 esca 1

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PsyWarVeteran - - 1,962 comments

Just fine. 50 gigs is a bit much but it only matters to people making a collection of mods anyway, can't wait to play it.

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Chriotmao - - 70 comments

50GB is taken with a reserve for the main archives, patches and cache.

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Haruspicij - - 133 comments

Masala 50 giga

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AyeBlin - - 365 comments

50 Gbs for STALKERs mod isn't that surprised anymore.

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Borg.Overmind - - 237 comments

Please put the Radeon card equivalents also. And it's probably GB you mean not Gb at disk space. Thanks.

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Chriotmao - - 70 comments

Just make an analogy with Nvidia cards

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chrisjb - - 39 comments

Thanks for the info. This game is on my Christmas wish list.

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JohnHighway - - 90 comments

50GB indeed seems a little bit much considering the age of the game. Sometimes I wonder if we really need 4K+ res textures and millions of polygons big assets in what is ultimately a ~2007 game engine with a few community updates.

I'm just nitpicking though, I'll still play the mod.

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raynor009 - - 103 comments

"few community updates"
GAMMA begs to differ

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PsyWarVeteran - - 1,962 comments

Because gamma is the only STALKER mod in existence that's more than just community updates.

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jns. - - 220 comments

potato pc users in shambles

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wearededsec - - 1 comments

Hey CAn i Run in 1024Mb Vram
True Stalker Please reply

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Amoch - - 1,541 comments

Are people seriously complaining about the size? It isn't 2007 anymore, graphical updates are necessary. Btw., many thanks for an amazing mod!

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Guest - - 698,110 comments

Graphical updates are not necessary. Imo graphics is the last thing that matters for games. Even these days I run CoP on minimal details with only draw distance maxed out. I could easily run it on max details but I prefer more fps over nicer textures. Its an FPS game after all

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Guest - - 698,110 comments

That's you. I prefere it maxed out at 30 fps than 240 fps potato mode. It's a singleplayer game after all, fps doesn't matter much but immersion do.

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Guest - - 698,110 comments

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teringlijer - - 145 comments

Thanks for all the hard work didn't play this for long, but I think I will, but it looks like a piece of arts with a big difference from what we have seen in other mods, it looks like a mod witch is not rushed and made pure out of passion and love to the community. To get it done for a so called "released" date. I think you True Stalker is released when the devs thought it was really like done, which is seldom these days in time.

I mean damn on top of that the game is free, so give these devs a freaking medal already man.

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