TRRP is a first person roleplay game based on Tolkien's works. My goal is to create a Skyrim-like roleplay game set in a high-fantasy universe.
Mae govannen!
As we near the end of 2022, I wanted to let you guys know that my absence was not without reason. All this time, I have been doing code works that I could not show off the community! Map progress has been going on swiftly, and while we have not completed all of our objectives for this year, the results so far are satisfacatory!
- Around 85% of the second map has been finished ( Only Part left to be done is Southern Darkwood and a very well known fortress placed here)
- Our unique worldmap concept has been very well received so we will continue with it for all of our maps
- Yet another big step forward is the programming of our Spell Creator, which has been shown off in our Discord Channel recently
- Updated character/npc models
And much more!
--Plans for 2023--
- Completion of the 2nd map ( 85%/100%);
- Completion of 1/2 of the 3rd map;
- Introduction of at least 2 new races;
- Populate a large part of our current maps with NPCs;
- Integration of our Worldmap and Spell Creator systems;
- Character models animations and textures rework;
- Professional interface remaster;
- Opening of our Alpha Version;
That is all for today... May the Gods be with you!
An update about my current situation, what's been done meanwhile and why I've been gone for so long.
An article showcasing the Northern Wastes area and a small insight into our plans for the future.
An article showcasing the Northern Realm, a starting zone for the Northener and Dwarf races.
An article presenting the The Southern Wilderland + a small teaser for our next zone ;)
Our third demo release. Many features have been added than can be checked on our changelog on this page or Discord!
The 2021 March Demo. Includes character creation and 3 simple quests!
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it looks amazing already but real reason why we should play is, of course the gameplay. So when do you plan to show game mechanics?
There are some basic mechanics available in our demos. Right now we want to finish the 2nd 100KM2 map to be able to focus entirely on the next demo which should include a bunch of the mechanics you are talking about.
Sadly, I do not think we will be able to release it before summer's end. We want to take our time and go next level with this one!
Hi! As a lotr fan and game player I would like to ask some questions; :)
1) Will those maps be appart, like will we click to travel to go somewhere or will all those maps combine as a one map like in skyrim or other RPGs
2) Will there be a campaign? (you don't need to answer that though because I don't want to be annoying :) )
I love the stuff you put here! Keep up the great work! (especially used "great" to show your stuff is better than "good" xDDDD )
1) All maps will combine into one larger one. The reason I have to split it is because most PCs will explode when dealing with a 300km2 one xD
2) There will be Main Questlines and Side Questlines. No quest in this game will be mandatory. Only do what ya want!
Cool I liked that "do what ya want" style xD (that was a joke, I get what you meant :) )
I wish you luck in your project!
I sincerely hope you'll not give up. This looks great!
Thank you sir!
I can assure you I won't give up unless WB decides to do everything to destroy me. Even then I will drag it as much as I can. Let's hope that won't be the case xD
Have you considered hiring others for polishing the landscape, since you already do so much yourself? I am pretty sure many would do it for free and since the basic structure and landscape is already finished, one could not **** it up to much.
It's not really the polishing problem, but you might have noticed that the greater distance the terrain is, the weaker the details get. That's Unity. If I decrease the terrain error to 0 I get like 5000 draw calls which makes everyone's pc lag... :(