The stand-alone mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly aims to be the most stable and customizable experience for fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. It's powered by the Monolith 64-bit engine, a custom fork of the X-Ray engine.


An extensive overhaul of all of the traders in the zone made to create more immersion as well as a better reason to actually travel the zone from place to place.

Trader Overhaul Complete 1.33 (1.51 & 1.52 Version)
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 1,376)
Guest - - 698,079 comments

You are a legend. The traders without this mod are just plain stupid and broke the game mechanics. Having done 2 playthroughs with this mod, I can't recommend it enough. It is brilliant.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
AGoodSetOfPistol Author
AGoodSetOfPistol - - 779 comments

Thank you, its been my pleasure to try and make the zone a more entertaining place to travel in.

Reply Good karma+19 votes
ChlebZeSmalcem - - 24 comments

bloodsucer is on ya *** :3

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AGoodSetOfPistol Author
AGoodSetOfPistol - - 779 comments

А ну, чики-брики и в дамки!!!

Reply Good karma+13 votes
Deez6_9nuts - - 3 comments

nice pfp (btw subcribe to pewdiepie)

Reply Good karma Bad karma-2 votes
nize2864 - - 52 comments

Hi! I'm using your mod with the B&S optional patch but some items that are supposed to be in certain merchants can't be found there. For Example Meeker the outskirts merc trader is supposed to have some B&S silencers and leupold tac kit but he doesn't. I even checked the file for meeker and the items are in there but they don't appear ingame for him for some reason. And i've got 2k+ reputation with Mercs too...

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IDeathstalkerI - - 13 comments

Yeah same here, all of the kits are missing from the traders but can be spawn through debug menu spawn items..

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Reef_Budseed - - 81 comments

Just new to this series (Anomaly) and the trading is one thing I wish would change.
BTW Extremely well presented :)

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Δαμοκλῆς - - 222 comments

I would hope those optional files for certain features comes back. I don't like the idea of being able to buy the tools kits so easily.

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AGoodSetOfPistol Author
AGoodSetOfPistol - - 779 comments

I simply combined it all as a way to simplify all of the potential comparability files. However, with that being said, I am making some guides on how to adjust the trader files for those who would like to adjust out these things. Not sure If I'm going to bring any of those back however... Sorry about that.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
Cravez - - 70 comments

Well done on this, a lot of good features for traders that it should be implemented into the Anomaly base game.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
xGrenadier - - 6 comments

Congratulations with this sort of "Completness" and "Official Release". I've been using your add-on since v1.03, and out of 10 pages of add-ons for Anomaly, it's one of the most well done and important ones.
Also, really like that the complexicity has been cut down a bit, cause latest versions were starting to get slightly out of hand with all the folders and compatibility patches.
Hopefully people won't immideately overwhelm you with requests for patches and merges, and will let you rest a bit. Congrats one more time.

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AGoodSetOfPistol Author
AGoodSetOfPistol - - 779 comments

Thank you for the flattery! With that being said I honestly didn't mind the comparability files in of themselves as much as I minded all of the different optional files which were clogging things up. It REALLY needed to be cut down a little so that's exactly what I did. I will still likely add them in the future but I have to see which ones people are actually using before I do anything too extensive. Again, thanks for enjoying the addon! And great addon yourself!

Reply Good karma+5 votes
manzmnl - - 485 comments

Thx for the new release!
But I will stay with the prior version due to BaS compatibility and patiently wait for the new patch.

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AGoodSetOfPistol Author
AGoodSetOfPistol - - 779 comments

Its one of the reasons I'm still keeping the older version up for those who want those files still. I don't blame you. Like I said I will add some of those files in the future I just wanted to start fresh with all of that stuff.

Reply Good karma+5 votes
Ephion117 - - 19 comments

where can i download the previous version compatible with BaS?. BaS has a patch for V 1.19 normal but cant find it on addons section. Is that patch working on 1.20.1?

Great work by the way!

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illinaru - - 33 comments

do this work with warfare or only with story mode ?

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AGoodSetOfPistol Author
AGoodSetOfPistol - - 779 comments

To be honest I have never played Warfare and never tested it out for it either. Sadly I cannot say as I don't play Warfare mode... But with that being said I don't see why it wouldn't work. Please do tell me if it does however, as I'm generally interested to find out.

Reply Good karma+5 votes
Vardayn - - 269 comments


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OnlyaWanderer - - 168 comments

I think it's fundamental to have a compatibility version for "traders buy broken **** and old ammo".

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
Vylkas - - 38 comments


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OnlyaWanderer - - 168 comments


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AGoodSetOfPistol Author
AGoodSetOfPistol - - 779 comments

I may add something of that sort or at least add a few traders who do that. Regardless if you want you can edit the files as you see fit. Added a guide about traders that goes into good, but simple detail how they work and how to edit them.

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AGoodSetOfPistol Author
AGoodSetOfPistol - - 779 comments

Added The Trader Guide for anyone who wishes to do their own adjustments to the files!

Reply Good karma+6 votes
reter - - 615 comments

amazing! a must have mod!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
sk1lledk1ll - - 22 comments

where do you get the alternate versions of the sunrise suit (bear,graphite,tiger stripe, etc) with this mod?

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AGoodSetOfPistol Author
AGoodSetOfPistol - - 779 comments

Barkeeper now sells them. However, a few traders sell one or two like the Travel Suit or Wastelander ones. I'm actually adding Loris I think to the list of people who sell them just to add a little more depth there. However, as of right now its pretty much Barkeeper.

Note: Oh, and I just looked and nearly forgot! So does Cashier! He sells them as well!

Reply Good karma+4 votes
sk1lledk1ll - - 22 comments

Where can you find Caisher?

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AGoodSetOfPistol Author
AGoodSetOfPistol - - 779 comments

He's the trader in the Loner Hideout in Outskirts.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
LegsFoDays - - 15 comments

This mod is absolutely amazing! Though, I would really like an optional file that makes all the traders neutral, or at least somehow protects them from stray mutant/monolith attacks. I hate finding out that sometime during my playthough dushman got secretly eaten by a pseudogiant. Thank you!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
AGoodSetOfPistol Author
AGoodSetOfPistol - - 779 comments

Yeah, I can do a version where ALL of the traders are neutral in the future. I have one which has only a few turned neutral so that wouldn't be hard to do.

Reply Good karma+5 votes
BandyRFC - - 53 comments

New here, and looking forward to giving this a try. Skimmed the guide and may have missed it, but install instructs and how to implement optional files? I see they are a series of nested folders within a 'gamedata' so think I can muddle through, but (HARD) and (Main Folder) are mutually exclusive versions, or is (HARD) added to (Main...)? What do you do with the tier files - are they only for reference outside of the game? Does mod install require starting a new game?

Maybe dumb observation from noob, but seems to me that default Anomaly prices for <everything> are a factor of x10 at least, and arguably some unreasonably so: 600+ RU for "bread crumbs" etc? LOL. Thank you S!

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AGoodSetOfPistol Author
AGoodSetOfPistol - - 779 comments

To answer your first question the Hard file should be installed OVER the main folder. I should honestly put it back into the Optional files foe ease of understanding there. So If you want to use optional files then simply take the folder you need (Normal or HARD version when necessary) and overwrite anything it ask to.

As for the guide it is simply a guide for adjusting the traders files as needed. The Tier files are more for myself but also as a way to show How I have done the weapon tier system. They are both of no use In game and are mostly for modding purposes.

As for the final part, sadly that's something more innate with the game. I could adjust those things but trust me... It's best the way it is.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
BandyRFC - - 53 comments

Thank you sir for quick but thorough reply!

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OnlyaWanderer - - 168 comments

Thanks author. For adding compatibility with traders buy broken ****. Much appreciated :D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
AGoodSetOfPistol Author
AGoodSetOfPistol - - 779 comments

No problem! And welcome!

Reply Good karma+4 votes
reter - - 615 comments

This addon is a very good one, thanks mate! I wish they'll add it in the base game

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
AGoodSetOfPistol Author
AGoodSetOfPistol - - 779 comments

Thank you. and even if they don't add it I hope the take a few notes from this addon and use those ideas in the next major release!

Reply Good karma+4 votes
Cravez - - 70 comments

Eyyy thanks for buffing Ecologists buying Mutant parts and nerfing Butcher :)

Edit: Also wanted to ask, is it only Bandits, Owl, and Loris that will buy damaged goods if you use this optional file?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
AGoodSetOfPistol Author
AGoodSetOfPistol - - 779 comments

No, all traders will buy damaged goods. That effects everyone.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
Arszi - - 675 comments

I used 1.01 so far. Do I have to start a new game for 1.02?

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AGoodSetOfPistol Author
AGoodSetOfPistol - - 779 comments

No! That's the beauty of this addon. All you have to do is overwrite. However, take note that you may have to wait for the restock cycle to pass before the stock of some traders change.

Reply Good karma+5 votes
Arszi - - 675 comments

Great, thank you!

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BandyRFC - - 53 comments

"No, all traders will buy damaged goods. That effects everyone. "
This is not my experience with mod installed, unless the mod simply moves the sale threshold up, e.g. I cannot sell guns in the mid- to high 40% range (yellow), so is it only above 50% or only certain merchants?

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AGoodSetOfPistol Author
AGoodSetOfPistol - - 779 comments

Its an optional files not the main addon file. That is probably why it isn't working as you intended.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
slipkid69 - - 1,339 comments

Do the Traders buy broken weapons?

As it is extremely annoying to collect them so as to make some cash only to find that they cannot be sold.

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AGoodSetOfPistol Author
AGoodSetOfPistol - - 779 comments

Sorry for the late response. It is an optional file in this addon so the initial traders DO NOT buy broken stuff.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
slipkid69 - - 1,339 comments

Thank you.
I was able to sell Sid some broken pistols, however I tried to sell him a shotgun that was seriously damaged and he would not buy it.

If the weapons are really badly damaged will Sid not buy them?

Additionally he would not buy the damaged suit.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
AGoodSetOfPistol Author
AGoodSetOfPistol - - 779 comments

Hmm... Not sure why that's the case... May require a new game for that to work. I would wait till the new stock cycle has passed and if it doesn't work then it probably needs a new game for it to work.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
manzmnl - - 485 comments

Any chance to compatibility patch for BaS?

I'm getting a crash nearly allways when opening a guide magazine. I'm not sure if that is related to item_letters.ltx, but the game is stable otherwise. Only happens when I want to look for required item parts in the guides. I think it's wthe engineer's guide, but not entirely sure. However, I'm still using the older version, that has a BaS patch included.

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AGoodSetOfPistol Author
AGoodSetOfPistol - - 779 comments

I may in the near future come out with a BaS patch unless someone does it before me...

As for your second question yeah, I have noticed that myself. Not sure what would be causing it. I'm currently testing it to see HOW it happens but I don't get a log telling me any issue has happened at all so its not easy. I'll probably try WITH and WITH OUT the file and see what happens. I'll get back to you when I find a solution.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
Mich_Cartman - - 3,788 comments

Oh man, I'll be more than happy if you can make adaptation for BaS.
Thanks for great work!

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AGoodSetOfPistol Author
AGoodSetOfPistol - - 779 comments

It's out now!

Reply Good karma+4 votes
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