We are glad to introduce you a canonically accurate modification of The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II: The Rise of the Witch-king. Canonical characters, powers, and accurate balance between the units. We have developed our modification with the deepest respect to the professor's work.

Post news Report RSS The Word of Tolkien Project: The Grand Release

The grand release is here! This is the complete version of the modification. The development is officially over at the moment!

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We are pleased to present you a 10-year project that was created by one developer.
The co-developer was responsible for translation, description, canonical accuracy, and some ideas.

The principal idea and reason for creation is to follow the canon.

The mod has automatic features of units and processes. Some units and processes function automatically. It is highlighted in bold.

This modification offers the new systems:

  • Food System

Farms and Slaughter Houses produce food.

Hunger occurs if you do not have a Farm or Slaughter House. The effects of the hunger increase over time, just like in the real life.

At first your warriors will be slower to move and fight, then they will slowly die.

You need to build at least one Farm or Slaughter House to make the hunger disappear.

The original does not have a similar system. You can keep even a large army without a single Farm/Slaughter House.

If you are playing as Darkness, a hungry troll will look for an orc to eat automatically.

Продовольственная система

  • Ranged & Melee Combat System

Ranged units will automatically use melee combat if enemies get close to them.

Система дальнего и ближнего боя

  • Limited Ammunition System

All ranged units have limited ammunition. Place them near the re-forging buildings to resupply ammunition. The ammunition will be replenished automatically.

Система ограниченного боезапаса

  • Smart Heroes System

Heroes use some abilities automatically.

The Nazgul use screech in combat automatically.

Gandalf gives advice to other heroes automatically to reduce the time of unlocking powers from the Powers Menu.

The Eagles of Manwe fly to Gwaihir automatically if they are out of combat.

Sauron summons bats and spiders automatically to fight various foes. He becomes more powerful and grants various bonuses over time automatically.

And much more!

Система умных героев

  • Ground/Air Combat System

Land units can attack air units automatically.

Select any melee land units and order them to attack an air unit. They can attack this air unit when the unit comes at a reachable distance from them.

Система наземного/воздушного боя

  • The Powers Menu System

The Power Menu no longer summons units on the battlefield from nothing.

Flying units come from the air.

The Oathbreakers come from outside the map.

Other units can be summoned in producing buildings for free after using the respective power from the Powers Menu.

Система меню способностей

  • Automatic Fortress Defense System

Some fortresses have a defensive garrison.

For example, Rivendell is protected by cavalry and archers.

Dol Guldur is defended by spiders and bats.

These units act automatically.

You also get certain advantages when playing in fortresses. Learn the advantages of each fortress.

Автоматическая система защиты крепости

  • Insane Artificial Intelligent System

The computer opponent is crazier compared to the original game. It uses the abilities from the Powers Menu. It constantly attacks. It uses everything and everyone to destroy you.

Безумная искусственная интеллектуальная система

  • Horde Mode System

There is a Horde Mode. It is like the final frontier.

Choose Goblins or Angmar as your opponent. You will be attacked by waves of enemies. Destroy all the waves of enemies to win.

Be careful, Goblins are more insane.

Система режима Орды

  • Mount/Dismount System

Gandalf the Grey must take his horse from the stables.

The Nazgul must take their horses or Nazgul-birds from the Great Siege Works.

Any type of transportation does not appear out of nowhere now.

Система монтажа/демонтажа

  • The Last Chance System

You cannot lose if you have certain heroes or buildings.

It is not just the producing buildings that keep you from getting defeated now.

For example, you cannot lose if you have Aragorn.

Also, there is the Last Chance option for each faction. It summons builder and provides resources so that the player can start building again.

Learn the defeat rules for each fraction.

Система последнего шанса

  • Convenient Restoring System

You can heal units next to producing buildings.

You can repair siege weapons next to the producing buildings.

You can sell monsters, siege weapons and regular units.

Read the features of each building.

Now you can refresh your army easily.

Удобная система восстановления

  • Special Weapons System

There are special weapons in the modification that have special effects.

Aragorn’s Anduril frightens foes nearby.

Morgul-knives deal deadly damage over time. Only elvish medicine can help to get rid of it.

Daggers of Westernesse can break the spell that is upon the Witch-king of Angmar.

Система специального вооружения

  • Repairmen System

Repairmen arrive faster. It is easier to repair building now. There are 4 types of new Men repairmen. All of them have different amounts of HP points. Classic repairmen move slower than the new ones.

Dwarven and Elven repairmen repair buildings better than men, orcs, and goblins. But they are equal to each other in this.

Система ремонтников

  • Recalculated Balance System

We used Math to get the balance right.

The main heroes are equal to each other.

And we didn't forget to take the canon into account.

All units have canonically correct strength. And they are balanced between each other.

Система перерасчета баланса

  • Special Units System

Some units have special abilities.

The Spirit of Sauron can fly over any objects.

The Oathbreakers can move across any surface and pass through any obstacles.

Wights can pass through buildings.

Система специальных подразделений

  • Improved Physics System

Ships are heavy now. They need time to accelerate. They need more time to turn around. Smaller ships are more maneuverable than larger ones.

Ships don't seem like toys now.

Only particularly large units can fell trees. For example, Grond. The Knights of Dol Amroth cannot do so.

Grond can squash enemy units.

Улучшенная физическая система

The development of the mod is officially over at the moment.

Thank you all for your support!

We're not going anywhere. We see and hear you.

Please let us know about bugs and errors. We will gradually release patches if bugs and errors are found.

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