The Tower of Egbert is a game about a tiny sorcerer who is too clumsy to fulfill his dream of building an impressive tower. He is in desperate need of help...

The Tower of Egbert is a physics-based tower building game with a magic twist*.
Unlike in most mobile building games, there is almost no limit on how many elements are used to construct a tower. It’s possible to use thousands of blocks (bricks, arcs, roofs, decoration items, …) to build quite impressive towers and discover interesting areas as the buildings grow towards the endless vastness of space.
Of course there is much more to it than just the placement of some blocks. The players have to fight gravity, winds, falling rocks, and other dangers on their way up but will be rewarded with one of the most comprehensive and rewarding building experiences on the market.

*the player is able to build freely until a certain height has been reached and the physics simulation was activated. A few seconds after that Egbert the Sorcerer comes to the player’s aid and enchants/fixes all the blocks built so far to ensure that the construction can continue

If you’re interested you can find the background story here: The Tower of Egbert | Story

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If you're looking for something interesting to do this week and want to win some nice stuff - I've started the first “Tower of the Week” challenge!

Whoever uploads a picture of his or her tower to my homepage (Upload Tower | Giggly Mill Productions) has a chance to win 1 out of 5 keys for the “Unlimited Deco Item” package in the game - it doesn't matter how your tower looks, don't be shy!

Also there will be one single tower that will be announced the “Tower of the Week”.
It will be displayed permanently in the Hall of Fame (Hall of Fame | Giggly Mill Productions). Additionally the winner can choose between a key for the premium version of the game (ads away, unlimited deco, and all worlds unlocked) and a letter with 36 handmade magnetic blocks that can be used on magnetic surfaces (I use them as fridge magnets as you can see on the photos).

1Small 2Small

This first challenge will stop about a week after the first tower has been uploaded.

Have fun!

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