In the shadowy fairy tale metropolis of Prava, the world-weary gun-for-hire Lucille - better known on the streets as The Banshee - takes a job from enigmatic entrepreneur Ark McLean. Her target: Bullseye, the deadliest gangster in town. On her travels through the criminal underworld she meets all manner of friends and foes, with plenty of action and intrigue along the way.

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The First Hello

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After seven months of non-stop craftsmanship, the Guild of Inventors is proud to introduce The Last Goodbye! Why don't you stop for a drink at this here diner while we get down to business?

tlg diner

Firstly if you're wondering how progress is going, rest assured that the majority of development is now behind us. Whether it be visual and audio assets, level design, voiceover performances, soundtrack or the script - it's all coming together nicely and the end is in sight. It's been a grueling process but with some careful planning and relentless effort it should be complete within the year, God willing.

So, what can you expect from this project? Something you've never seen before. Something unexpected, something unbelievable, but all the while real. TLG's gameplay will certainly be different from the usual Half-Life fare. While it is still a linear narrative-driven shooter, it puts emphasis on exploration and interactivity within the game world. The player will have to conserve ammunition and keep a keen eye on their surroundings in order to get the upper hand during combat. Weapon damage on both sides is increased to make shootouts or brawls far more dramatic and dangerous. There's no HEV suit or PCV to keep you safe and sound in Prava, only a trusty coat and figure-flattering catsuit, so you better watch yourself out in the streets. Once the sun sets, all the trouble comes out to play.

Speaking of trouble, you'll get to meet an assortment of troublemakers in your tour of Prava's rather less-than-reputable districts - from the streetwise "Margarita Maestro" himself Mercutio to the belligerent (but stylish nonetheless) kingpin Franz Jaegar and all the misfits in-between. There'll also be some giant monsters to contend with, but we'll leave them to your imagination for now.

A release date is still up in the air but don't let that deter your interest. At the Guild of Inventors we believe in making our own certainty with things (it's not like the world can provide any for us anyway), so once it's ready to ship we'll let you know right away.

That's all for now but rest assured that work marches on. There is still much to be done in certain areas. Prava wasn't built in a day, after all! If you'd like to get in touch with us and learn more check out these social media links below:

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Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 20)
Denzel20 - - 88 comments

Very god, I can't wait to try this!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
MPS. - - 73 comments

Amazing work! It looks really cool and very unique for an Half-Life mod, can't wait to play it.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Hiems - - 112 comments

Looks gorgeous.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
maxtimes3 - - 1 comments

I'm really liking how this looks, can't wait for it to come out!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
reasonablec76 - - 6 comments

This looks amazing

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
TheRenegadist - - 2,089 comments

If this doesn't get you a job at Valve or another game company, nothing will.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Aynekko - - 680 comments

Looks very impressive

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Serious_Samsung - - 357 comments

First Fallen Aces and now this. Is this the year of the Prohibition era?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
TinPlateMan Creator
TinPlateMan - - 4 comments

History repeats itself again and again...

Reply Good karma+2 votes
monster_urby - - 3,049 comments

Ah, there it is. Been waiting on this one for a while.

aaand tracking.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
TinPlateMan Creator
TinPlateMan - - 4 comments

Now that's an endorsement!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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