The UTTERMOST Dawn of War races(factions) combiner, vanilla races revamp, AND MORE. Search no further. Really. (Latest Unification version: 7.2.5 - (29/5/2024)

Report RSS The journey towards 7.0 (Part3)

Welcome back to our part 3 of our dev blog-roadmap of 7.0, this time bringing more news for the long requested Farsight Enclaves.

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Last time, we mentioned that we would reveal more about the Renegade Guard. But just like the turns the Damocles Crusade had, and because of high request from the Community, we have decided to cover the long awaited(and teased) Farsight Enclaves this time instead.

Adding the Enclaves has been a huge challenge. The main obstacle was making them a race that can stand on its own, without feeling like a Tau Empire clone with a red scheme or be compiled as just a branch addon in the base army. As either methods, would not make the hardships and backstories of the famous Eight. And thus, in the Team we have came up with an interesting(we hope) and unique mechanic, gameplay and visuals for this new faction.
For this, it is better to let our Fuggles, the one who came up with the idea and code for the new Enclaves to explain it better:

Whenever anyone mentions Enclaves on the forums it boils down to "tau that can melee", or distilled further, just "Farsight". So given that we are X years and Y races down the track, how do you extrapolate this into something that is fresh to play? Let's theorycraft.

Farsight is a rebel and so he is hated and hunted as all rebels must be. This likely means that he is engaged in guerilla warfare alongside his Crazy 8's and as such they are probably not big on static bases. This can only mean one thing...

The Enclaves rely nearly entirely upon units and resources being dropped in via Orcas and so if you need a hero dropping in then they're coming on an orca. Need troops outside of the HQ? Orca. Extra resources? Orca. The problem with this is that it's not exactly subtle as you are coming down from orbit, so the trajectory is likely tracked and this manifests itself in the game by a global ping going off when an orca lands.

Now this is a clearly a bit of a bummer, but if anyone has played Ruse then you know that mind games are a thing. The Enclaves can use ping devices to simulate the landing signature on the radar, causing a false ping on the minimap. Furthermore you can research stealth drives for the Orcas at later Tiers so they don't leave a ping and then you can combine this with ping grenades to spoof movement, if you like.

Once an Orca lands it can only stay in the combat zone for a short period of time, owing to the risk. Whilst it is on map it generates resources until it deploys a unit or a resource bundle so your opponent can either harass or just kill it. This creates a bit of risk/reward as you want your Orcas to sit there until the last moment giving you goodies, but your opponent does not.

The Eight are unlikely to all be within close range of whatever random planet is under attack so whilst you can request help, some are just going to be further away (conveniently the most powerful) but when they arrive the Eight are a mighty force, each with their own abilities. Indeed, ultimately, you can get all of the Eight deployed, if you have the means and resources and time to do so.
Indeed, as per Farsight's method of fighting, a lot of his Tau forces are good in melee. Much better than regular Tau that is.

It has been interesting to develop the Enclaves and we all are excited to see how they will be received, but certainly I can tell, they are distinct to the regular Tau. Time will tell... sooner or later, time will tell. Until then, please do enjoy a small taste from the beta, provided by the one and only, TheLaughingMax!

Of course, as always, please bare in mind all you will see are from beta and not final. All are subject to change in the final release.

And with that, we conclude this Dev Blog for today. We really hope you will enjoy and looking forward to hearing your opinions about the Tau with very far sight and his fellowship of fellow minded Commanders. As for our next meeting, again, only time will tell. But keep in mind, the last remaining uncovered races are indeed the reworked Steel Legion and Renegade Guard.

Until then, take and have fun everyone!

- Team Unification

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LordofGilneas - - 712 comments

*the Banner Of Farsight Flies high, IN YOUR CORPSE.*
*Sound of the tau Shunking an ethereal loyalist*

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jackal34568 - - 126 comments

Thank you.

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emiliogarciac - - 25 comments


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blademaster83 - - 116 comments

I am a big fan of the Tau and this was a nice surprise to see. I didn't even know of the existence of the Farsight and I find your concept intriguing. We are eager for news, Unification team. Godspeed!

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Melancholic - - 43 comments

Sounds fantastic!

Your ongoing efforts to make new factions feel distinct is appreciated.

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stratostravis - - 8 comments

Can't wait for all the future updates. I hope the Orcs and Necrons can get some variety too.
Will the Tyranids be updated for the new units and models that were just reveled for 10th edition?
And what are the chances for a Genestealer Cult faction?

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Alguien - - 174 comments

Bad news: Tyranids won't get new units, only balance changes per the Nids mod team request
Good news: The unification team will make their own Tyranid race down the line, doubt it will use the new just revealed models
Other Good news: Jeanstealer Cult is also planned
However, that isn't for the next version.

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stratostravis - - 8 comments

I guess nobody really needs to see the horsec**k gun in DOW.
But I'll get started on hiding all my denim in preparation, thanks.

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Freezie_ - - 27 comments

We do need it though... it essential to the lore that the **** gun is added!

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Kekoulis Author
Kekoulis - - 3,654 comments

I do not think we will do those newwer ones at all tbh.

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Guest - - 698,122 comments

I'm 55 books into the Horus Heresy so I'm not a Warhammer n00b, but I'm sorry whut??? Who are the enclaves? Never heard of them before.. I'm guessing they are tau that can melee ;) ?

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Kekoulis Author
Kekoulis - - 3,654 comments


But if you need more lore in them.

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fuggles2k Creator
fuggles2k - - 986 comments

Ah, see the problem is you are reading space marine Vs space marine in the grand GW masterwork that, like all things GW, wants to make you think that there are only space marines.

I suspect actual wh40k is like the Truman show with infinite space marines telling you to behave or the xenos beyond the wall will get you and with no xenos actually existing in the universe.

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Guest - - 698,122 comments

That's very interesting, but I want to ask how the pinging and spoofing mechanic will work against AI. Will they randomly investigate a ping or simply be unaffected. I ask because I play exclusively vs ai and want to know if their mechanic will work against the AI.

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fuggles2k Creator
fuggles2k - - 986 comments

They will use it against you, but will not be fooled itself.

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pokemonstuh - - 121 comments

I see, well it's good to know they'll use them against us, though it's a shame it won't work on them.

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donczirr1 - - 21 comments

7x is sounding better as time goes by. Would love to see Bobby G, Calgar, Tigurius and co included so they can be teamed with the Ynnari to match recent lore developments !

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Kekoulis Author
Kekoulis - - 3,654 comments

Ultramarines are confirmed to be added but indeed will be later down the line.
Of course, all three big boys are confirmed to be in as well.

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donczirr1 - - 21 comments

Excellent - thanks ! I can't wait to recreate Gathering Storm battles but hopefully with the G-man losing less duels ! (or me having the good sense to keep him out of them)

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Kekoulis Author
Kekoulis - - 3,654 comments

In the meantime, you can recreate the Siege of Vraks in the next version. Or my favourite, a little of the Damocles Crusade.

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donczirr1 - - 21 comments

True - will give them a shot.

Following up more on the add-on -

What do you think of the following for a future Ultramarine / Roboute Guilliman idea:

Primary Power – Codex Astartes Implementation. Takes the form of a book like a Thousand Sons spell book. Within the book there are the following “Disciplines” that may be activated by Guilliman:

- Bolter Drill Omega : Recalling their endless battle drills - All Ultramarine squads with bolters and / or heavy bolter weapons experience a medium length increase of 150% for Ranged accuracy and damage.
- Advanced Fleet Coordination : Due to expertly practiced fleet maneuvers, Ultramarines Orbital Strike cool-down requirements significantly reduces for a medium period of time.
- By the Book Logistics : While active, all building activity (including weapon additions for already deployed squads and vehicles) increases speed by 150% - simulating the Ultramarines unsurpassed logistical skills.

All of the above abilities require Guilliman to be disengaged from combat.

If the timer for the ability is disrupted by the Primarch entering into personal combat, it resumes as soon as he disengages again. (Simulates Guiliman’s brilliance and ability to manage an entire battle force even after engaging in personal combat).

Using the above could make a Primarch deployment really impactful but significantly different from the direct battle prowess of someone like The Lion or Vulkan. Guilliman would be perfect for that.

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donczirr1 - - 21 comments

True - will give them a shot.

Following up more on the add-on -

What do you think of the following for a future Ultramarine / Roboute Guilliman idea:

Primary Power – Codex Astartes Implementation. Takes the form of a book like a Thousand Sons spell book. Within the book there are the following “Disciplines” that may be activated by Guilliman:

- Bolter Drill Omega : Recalling their endless battle drills - All Ultramarine squads with bolters and / or heavy bolter weapons experience a medium length increase of 150% for Ranged accuracy and damage.
- Advanced Fleet Coordination : Due to expertly practiced fleet maneuvers, Ultramarines Orbital Strike cool-down requirements significantly reduces for a medium period of time.
- By the Book Logistics : While active, all building activity (including weapon additions for already deployed squads and vehicles) increases speed by 150% - simulating the Ultramarines unsurpassed logistical skills.

All of the above abilities require Guilliman to be disengaged from combat.

If the timer for the ability is disrupted by the Primarch entering into personal combat, it resumes as soon as he disengages again. (Simulates Guiliman’s brilliance and ability to manage an entire battle force even after engaging in personal combat).

Using the above could make a Primarch deployment really impactful but significantly different from the direct battle prowess of someone like The Lion or Vulkan. Guilliman would be perfect for that.

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Guest - - 698,122 comments

I know this is rather late since the Praetorian Guard were revealed months ago, but I hadn't seen it asked or mentioned so thought I'd bring it up.

Are any of the new ork units (like the grot tank and stompa) going to be shared with the actual ork race? Or will they be exclusive to the Praetorian Guard? I feel I may already know the answer but thought I may as well ask since the normal orks are missing some of the fun grottiness.

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Caldaris94 - - 237 comments

From what has been said in the past, the only new unit Orks will get is Ghaz.

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Guest - - 698,122 comments

Wake up honey, unification dropped the Tau sub faction.

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neomax17 - - 255 comments

OMG !!! It's gorgeous !!!

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Guest - - 698,122 comments

I do think Eldar needs a revamp XD. Theyre so boring to play as.

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fuggles2k Creator
fuggles2k - - 986 comments

Play as someone else?

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donczirr1 - - 21 comments

I like the Eldar a lot - as is.

Lots of varied units, vehicles, titans, psyker powers - even Eldrad, Macha and some Phoenix Lords ....

Great work Team !

Only faction done better IMO is Demon hunters - Kal Draigo, Ordo Sinister etc

Ynnari are also awesome - just need to tuck Yvraine's ears in a bit =) Chrone Sword quests / prophecy stuff is very cool ....

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BurntBread07 - - 2 comments

Perfection, Im so very excited for future news.

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Guest - - 698,122 comments

This may be a stupid question, but is there any chance of the World Eaters' volume getting turned down a notch or two?

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Kekoulis Author
Kekoulis - - 3,654 comments

Already done.

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Guest - - 698,122 comments

You are blessed by the Emperor

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Xemit100 - - 11 comments

Hey, slightly unrelated question, but are the AdMech gonna get any more updates in the future?

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fuggles2k Creator
fuggles2k - - 986 comments

Yes, completely redone.

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Guest - - 698,122 comments

Oh you’re saying that they’ve already been updated and we’ll see this in the next version?

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fuggles2k Creator
fuggles2k - - 986 comments

Not for 7.0

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Northern_Petrol - - 42 comments

Hurry the **** up

This is my favorite DoW mod and I can't wait for 7.0 to drop

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fuggles2k Creator
fuggles2k - - 986 comments

Pretty rude.

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Guest - - 698,122 comments

your mod is amazing! cant wait to play 7.0. release its probably "when its ready" right? or can you say if it comes this year or rather next? you guys are awesome

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Caldaris94 - - 237 comments

The current plan is this year. Of course "Best Laid Plans" and all that.

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fuggles2k Creator
fuggles2k - - 986 comments

I saw a website Today saying we were being cagey, not sure about that, it's literally as soon as it's done enough that we are happy to kick it out into the world. Getting quite near now, but just so much to do.

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GeorgeOrwell - - 1 comments

I wish you'd balance the factions you already have rather than adding even more.

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Caldaris94 - - 237 comments

I mean, there are going to be balance changes for existing races as well, it's not just new races.
Besides, there is over 30 factions (or will be). It's outright impossible to get perfect balance.

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zombi100500100 - - 1 comments

And what about the stability of the game on 8 p ? Is it possible to create a separate mini mod with standard races , but with Unification improvements to standard races ? I want to yell at 8 games . If yes , then please do it .

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