You are Ezra Fischer, a wealthy jailer at Munich, Germany. One day, quite suddenly, a mysterious man by the name of Albert Luther began to purchase large swaths of your prisoners for vague reasons regarding 'needed laborers'. He paid you handsomely, so it was easily brushed off. However, the secretive nature of his operation, and his lack of a response to any of your letters began to make you suspicious. After several reports, and anomalous events, it becomes clear that something ancient and evil is being released into your world, with it's origin at the very place where you sent your prisoners. You leave everything behind one night to resolve it all.

Let's plays and reviews encouraged. Thank you for checking out this project.

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Major Update Released


Hey all, the story overhaul patch is out now. The original story was very complicated and not made well for a custom story experience, and I had been planning a new story to be grafted onto this one. I know this is a strange thing to do, but I hope it still provides a better experience to the player. I also fixed several bugs, and redesigned two maps. Feedback is appreciated.

Story Overhaul/Long Overdue Gameplay Fixes

Story Overhaul/Long Overdue Gameplay Fixes


An update on plans that I have regarding the story, and gameplay of The Intersection.

Showcase Video

Showcase Video


I have uploaded a showcase video on YouTube for this custom story.




The first full version of my first custom story The Intersection has officially been released!

General Development Update

General Development Update


Just want to give an update on a few things regarding the development of this project, and the plans that I have.

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The Intersection: Story Overhaul v1.01

The Intersection: Story Overhaul v1.01

Full Version 1 comment

A major update for this custom story. If this is your first time, or you want to replay, this is the version to download.

The Intersection - First Release

The Intersection - First Release

Full Version

The first version of my first custom story, The Intersection. This is not a full conversion mod.

The Intersection DEMO

The Intersection DEMO

Demo 6 comments

This is the short demo for my custom story "The Intersection"

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 73)
NintendoFan - - 9 comments

Hey, I think someone might've stolen your maps and used them in their own cs. Search "Echoes of Grief" in steam workshop for the game itself.

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Spuzzgekma Creator
Spuzzgekma - - 44 comments

I will check it out, thank you for letting me know

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Shyrtexx - - 547 comments

Great mod overall! However, I recommend you to fix the rust gate / wheel bug asap, as some people will surely do the same thing I did.

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AranDollan - - 1 comments

I am stuck in the kitchens, can't use the hollow needle on the locked door. Interestingly I also can not use the ladder in the first room with the oil on top. I installed Amnesia Remastered with the CS compatibility patch. Is there a certain way of doing actions in a specific chronological order that disabled the event for me?

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Spuzzgekma Creator
Spuzzgekma - - 44 comments

There’s two locked doors, but if both aren’t working, and the ladder isn’t as well, it could be an overlooked problem with my code, or an issue with remastered. I don’t think there’s any order of events that might get you stuck. I’ll playtest it and look at the code when I get the chance.

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KiraImmortal - - 1,055 comments

If you forgot to pull all the levers or missed a rod in Noisy Lobby, and then you come back later, the brute won't break the door anymore so you can softlock yourself easily. Make sure to destroy that door permanently by clicking SaveGame on it in the editor :) Or just force it to break onStart after a certain event.

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Spuzzgekma Creator
Spuzzgekma - - 44 comments

thanks, that was silly of me to miss. :P I'm going to make an update with a bunch of changes like this in the near future.

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Braka. - - 24 comments

Where is the last lever to activate the rods in the noisy lobby? ive activated the one inside the closet, the one on the side of a bookshelf and the one behind a bookshelf

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Spuzzgekma Creator
Spuzzgekma - - 44 comments

there's only three levers

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Braka. - - 24 comments

then what should i do after that?

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Spuzzgekma Creator
Spuzzgekma - - 44 comments

put the 4 disabling rods in their matching pedestals

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Braka. - - 24 comments

i did it, thanks still.

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Spuzzgekma Creator
Spuzzgekma - - 44 comments

if you've pulled all three levers down (to where they are stuck), and put all four disabling rods in, then you should be good to go. Did you hear a loud boom when you finished all of them?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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