The Cage Match (4.0) by DANN_BOEING takes place in a Cage-like environment which locks in two enemy teams and whichever team eliminates the other first has taken over the cage but they are still stuck. This map features Conquest, 1 Flag-CTF, Hunt, Assault and XL Modes with certain modes featuring brand new custom units which are all worth trying. This map was originally released on ModDB in 2008 by Gamewatcher. I am re-uploading and re-archiving this map in case Gamewatcher decides to delete all its files that it has on Star Wars Battlefront 2. I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR MAKING THIS MAP. ALL CREDIT GOES TO DANN_BOEING ALONG WITH ANYONE CREDITED IN THE README.
/\/\/\/\/\/\/ THE CAGE MATCH \/\/\/\/\/\/\
-----Version 4.0-----
By: [SBF]DannBoeing
Filesize once Installed: 358MB
Map Description:
The Cage Match is a small arena on the edge Realm of Chaos bordering Pepperland (thats right where 2 dimensions meet :D ). Here, Teams from all eras and some new fight to the death. There are 2 main spawn areas that lead to a center battle arena through a small passageway. There is also a higher platform for sniping units. There are also several ways of getting OUTSIDE the cage, from where you can unlock 2 different Secret Arenas to battle in. There are lots of other secrets outside the Cage as well.
There are 3 modes:
Pwnquest (con) (Classic/Updated Chaos Units)
----CW - Reps vs CIS
----GCW - Rebs vs Imps
Pwnquest II (eli) (Special Units)
----CW - [Reps + Rebs + Wampa] vs [Imps + CIS + Dark Wampa]
----GCW - Mutants vs The Droids
Stick Figure CTF (ctf) (Red Stick Men vs Black Stick Men, GCW only)
Chaos XL I (xl) (Like Pwnquest but with Tons of units)
Chaos XL II (hunt) (Like Pwnquest II but with Tons of units)
Updates from previous version:
Lots. Lots lots lots. Primarily tons of tiny weapon and skin enhancements and bug fixes. The outside has been totally revamped with a second secret arena high up in the blood red clouds of the Realm of Chaos. The Underground Secret Arena has also been revamped. The Lower Floating Fortress and Cage Fortress have both been revamped with remote turrets for Fort Wars. Lots of new weapons in the Droids vs Mutants mode. I've also added a Stick-Man CTF mode using thunders new stick figure model and sledgehammer models. Both have rifleman classes of stickmen and a Super stick man with a giant sledgehammer thats unlockable at 30 points. I also gave all units tumble control like in my other updates. I've also added a new weapon thats added to almost all units called the "Happy" bomb which basically just blows you up with a giant smiley face without doing any damage. Just sends you flying. Good fun. Oh yeah, and thanks to Phazon_Elite, i also got some custom background music with songs from the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Oasis, and the Steve Miller Band, as well as one song "Going Downtown" from my high school band "The Magical Space Ship to the Future."
Bugs/Issues: The Chaos XL modes (hunt and xl) are very very chaotic, and require a good deal of system memory in order to run stabley. If you have below 700MB of RAM, or a slow graphics card, these 2 modes, or possibly other modes may freeze or crash. Stability online may also vary. Other than that...ive actually fixed all the weapon bugs and balance issues i think. Others may come up as the map is played online, server hosts should have good system memory etc or people may crash when map changes.
Install Instructions:
If you have any previous versions of this map remove the old CAG from addon *before install*
Then Simply run the installer and install the map to the *\Star Wars Battlefront II\GameData\addon\CAG" directory. Installation should take a few minutes. The default directory is C:\Program Files\Lucasarts\Star Wars Battlefront II\GameData\addon\CAG.
Make sure you know where your Star Wars Battlefront II Folder is and that you have enough space (358MB) on your computer before you install. Once Installed, the map should appear on the instant action and multiplayer game menus.
To uninstall the map, simply remove the CAG folder from addon.
Thunder for his Giant Sledgehammer model and infamous Stickfigure model.
Rancor for setting up a special combo for the sledgehammer.
FragMe for his Durge Swoop Bike Model
Gogie for his HK-47 model
Phazon_Elite for setting up a custom background music Sound LVL for the megazillionth time.
Everyone Else on Gametoast Who was Able to Help Me with this Map.
Additional Photos of the Loading Screen, Map & Custom Units: