"This thinker observed that all the books, no matter how diverse they might be, are made up of the same elements: the space, the period, the comma, the twenty-two letters of the alphabet. He also alleged a fact which travelers have confirmed: In the vast Library there are no two identical books. From these two incontrovertible premises he deduced that the Library is total and that its shelves register all the possible combinations of the twenty-odd orthographical symbols (a number which, though extremely vast, is not infinite): Everything" in this game, search for clues and discover the story of your long lost family

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The code pt.2



It has been a long time since we last gave an update on the programming side of our game and what new mechanics we introduced. With multiple pictures and source code

Firstly, we need a quick recap of all the mechanics we explored in the last programing DelLog. By then, we already had a working map, with teleporting doors.


Since that update, we have done a lot of new and exciting stuff that we are thrilled to share with you!!


The doors

Firstly, we worked on making sure that the mechanics we already had worked perfectly fine, we changed a few things in the code but it remained mostly the same. Now, every time the player walks up to the door, a button with the letter "E" written on it will appear, making it simpler for the player that this is an interactable object.



The shelves

One of the most important things that the player can do in the game is interact with shelves and pick up some books, some of them have specific content on them, others are just randomly generated text.

We have now created the mechanic of approaching a shelf and interacting with it. Whenever the player approaches it, similar to the door, an "E" key appears that tells the player that they can interact with it.

After pressing "E" a shelf appears on the screen that will let the players select a book.56810


The books

Finally, as the player presses any of the shelves on the screen, a pop-up of a book with numbers at the bottom represents the page they are in and randomly generated text.

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That's all we have so far. Hopefully, you enjoyed this article. As always, we are gonna leave with a message from our programmer.


"I just wanted to give a shoutout to my fantastic team, including my Game Designer and Artist. These guys are the absolute best! They've been so supportive and patient with me, and I really appreciate all of their hard work and dedication. We make an incredible team, and I feel so lucky to work with them. Thanks for being amazing, guys!"

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rufusscintilla - - 1 comments

Does it have dragons? I like dragons!

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