The Age of Decadence is an isometric, turn-based role-playing game set in a low magic, post-apocalyptic fantasy world, inspired by the fall of the Roman Empire. The game features a detailed skill-based character system, non-linear gameplay, multiple skill-based ways to handle quests, choices & consequences, and extensive dialogue trees.

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AoD June update

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We added two new locations - Hellgate and Dead River, new enemies (a spider-like construct and a giant scorpion), new characters to talk to, new items, and numerous improvements:


  • Darius' armor, Al-Sahir's armor, and Bringer of Storms (broadsword) have unique icons.
  • Nets now appear on affected characters' models.
  • Rebalanced stats of unique weapons and armor.
  • Balanced the number of nets found on traders.
  • Balanced and added dialogue checks to improve flow
  • Added more civil SP rewards.
  • Tweaked armor and helmet crafting schematics.
  • You can now craft Lorica Hamata (chainmail).
  • Buying price now goes from 125 to 100 percent (before: 150 to 100).
  • Antidote is available earlier, more levels.


  • Fixed camera issue after asking the blacksmith to repair items.
  • Critical strike to arms reduced dexterity instead of strength.
  • Nets' effect doesn't stack anymore.
  • Fixed most (hopefully all) coordinates issue and crashes in old and new Teron
  • Fixed dialogue illustrations' issues in certain screen resolutions.
  • Added armor damage chance to all weapons
  • Added a proper conversation with Cado in MG Teron. Now all issues with repeating quests and teleporting should be fixed.
  • Fixed issue with Aemolas and some merchants teleporting in new Teron versions.
  • You can't attack Faelan while under his control anymore (when he forces you to fight your comrades).

What's left?

  • the final location (the temple) and the associated endgame content
  • the monastery's lower level, accessible via portals
  • to be able to use the console at the tower of Zamedi and access the databanks
  • negative reputation effects
  • extra quest options, like infiltrating a tower instead of charging into the breach or being able to talk your way past the Aurelian soldiers
  • extra quests like Lord Miltiades long awaited arrival to Ganezzar (only if you vouched for him and said that he's the noblest of men.
  • extra flavor like the body of a certain 'god' being displayed for a few coins, minor conversations here and there, extra training, etc.

We'll save the temple for last and focus on everything else for now, improving and polishing the experience leading up to the temple.

For more information, videos, and players' impressions, please visit our Steam page:

AoD May update

AoD May update

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A major update adding three new locations, 30 new quests and situations, system changes, improved Crafting, tooltips, and balance.

AoD October update

AoD October update

News 1 comment

A new update containing various fixes, changes, and improvements.

AoD August update

AoD August update


A new update adding an option to return to the starting town and see the consequences of your actions, plus changes to Crafting and Alchemy.

AoD Combat Guide

AoD Combat Guide


Annotated combat guide explaining the combat system in details.

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The Age of Decadence Demo R4.3

The Age of Decadence Demo R4.3

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An updated, fully playable demo showing the starting town, 2 satellite locations, and over 30 quests.

Patch R3/R3.1 to R3.2

Patch R3/R3.1 to R3.2


The R3.2 incremental patch for The Age Of Decadence.

The Age Of Decadence - Combat Beta Patch R3

The Age Of Decadence - Combat Beta Patch R3


This patch will update The Age of Decadence combat beta demo to version R3.

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SigniferLux - - 1 comments

I am an RPG lover. And when i say RPG, i mean in the traditional way of roleplaying games, of a complicated and intricate system, of multiple choices with equally multiple consequences and a lover of simple but beautiful stories, far apart from the disgusting "new age" RPGs, inserting a "plot" just to call it such.

This game is a hope bringer for the true idea of roleplaying games lost with the rise of the need for action. The people behind this game must have spent time and soul to create such a marvelous, and true, roleplaying game.

I salute you for doing the best you can to create a good game. Thank you.

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ApornasPlanet - - 4,129 comments

Best RPG ever! A must buy!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
TKAzA - - 3,154 comments

Best looking Torque game I've seen in ages, tracking!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
NIKI87 - - 490 comments

Any news on a release date?

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VinceDW Creator
VinceDW - - 4 comments

We've just released the third chapter, bringing the total number of locations to 19 out of 22. I'd say that we need 3 months to do them, but when it comes to estimates, my track record leaves much to be desired.

Either way, only 3 locations to go. We'll keep you posted.

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Omegakill - - 367 comments

Any plans on putting this up for steam summer sale?

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VinceDW Creator
VinceDW - - 4 comments

I wish we could as Steam's sales are a great way to gain visibility, but we sold close to 10,000 copies at $25 and we don't want to **** off our supporters by having a sale before the game has been released. Next year for sure.

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Omegakill - - 367 comments

Congrats on the release :) Playing (GOG) this now, amazing game.

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NIKI87 - - 490 comments

Just finished the demo and loved it, Do you have a release date at least
a rough estimate?

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VinceDW Creator
VinceDW - - 4 comments

We're planning to start the final beta test in June and run it for 2-3 months.

Overall, we've released 15 locations out of 22. We'll probably release 2 more before the beta test, the focus on testing the endgame locations.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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