The Tactical Duel Map is the map equivalent of the duel mode. You start with lvl 1 hero and week 6 army strength, level up via sphinx, buy artifacts, learn spells, upgrade and you're ready for battle! Interested in friendly games, tourneys, guides, replays, gameplay discussions or otherwise keeping an eye on the changes? If so join our discord community! More details in the Summary or the Files tabs.

Post news Report RSS Testers wanted! Duel Map Update (June 2024)

Following the special Turncoat round, the main map is being brought up to speed. Who's up for some testing games? :)

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During the first half of 2024, the Tactical Duel Map has undergone an interesting evolution.

  • The artifact pool has been expanded and a third artifact merchant has been added.
  • The army size has been slightly increased, bringing t1-5 closer to the power of t6-7.
  • A few third alt upgrades have been added / re-evaluated.
  • There have been new and improved battlefields, along with an improved combat camera so you can better appreciate them!
  • Thanks to RachidSystem's scripts, a few features are now smoother and easier to use.


The map is in a very nice spot and will require some polishing and fine tuning. That's where you come in!
I would appreciate your feedback or even better, some games with you! Those interested in helping me out, simply contact me on Discord and we can arrange some friendly games. Even if you haven't particularly played this map, fresh eyes have a value of their own :)


What's new on the latest version:

- Level cap has gone from lvl 20 to 18. This means less passive skills but it's also harder to cover all your bases.
- The starting gold has been increased. With relic prices closer to their old standards, some extra gold was warranted.
- Battlefield width returns to 10 tiles. Not that 11 was unbalanced but it felt less.. tight.

And more. The map is available here.
Hope to see you on the battlefield! Have a good summer everyone.
- Elvin


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