Khm...khm... Nobody knows when the first tank lovers appeared. Modern History states, that once ancient tribes of tank lovers inhabited the whole world. The bones of the first tank lovers were found in the eastern Russia and dated from 3978 B.C. Nevertheless historians are still arguing where the first tank lovers appeared. Some of them state that the first tank lovers appeared in western Europe, among common german tribes, others say that they appeared in boundless steppes of Russia, the 3rd are sure that the first tank lovers came from the North... At those severe times, tribes of tank lovers were wild, isolated and fought with each other. They didn't even know the differencies between T-34 and Sherman, IS and Tiger tanks, ERA and cage armor...
But such ignorance could not exist forever! Sooner or later this outstanding day should happen! It happened on the 11th of September 2009 A.C. somewhere in Eastern Europe, in the territory of modern Slovakia. A strong leader came to the rule in the one of the most militant tank lovers tribe. vlado32 was his name. He destroyed all his internal opposition inside the tribe and concentrated the whole power in one hands. He had an idea of reunification of all tank lovers in the world. Historians are still retelling with excitement his legendary speech when he climbed on IS-2 tank: "COMRADES!!! Hard times came to our Motherland! Ignorant tank lovers leaders fight with each other, aggressive nomad tribes of tank hunters want to annihilate us. But I look in future with optimism! I believe that now we will start to write the history! It is a day of our destiny! "cries from the crowd" It is a day when we will overturn the world! "loud cries and applause" It is a day when we will overthrow the rule of pigmy tribal leaders! "ovations" We will unite all the tank lovers in the world! We will live in prosperity! I know that today we have only few tanks and we are outnumbered, but we will reach the times when we will have hundreds of tanks! "crowd is getting mad" I promise a personal tank for everyone..." crowd triumphed. His last words disappeared in cries...
And he began to invade the nearest tribes of tank lovers. There were a lot of tribes which wanted to join to vlado32, but there were even much more of those who didn't want to obey. Terrifying...khm..."drinking a glass of water"...khm...Terrifying civil war between tank lovers outbroke. But the situation became even worse. Unlimited forces of wild and aggressive nomad tank hunter and common tank haters also wanted to destroy young group. They were using guerilla tactics and were walking with RPG-7 here and there. Losses of tank lovers were horrific. Dark times came to the tank lovers group. The future of the group was nebulous...
At the same time, new tank lovers commander joined the forces of tank lovers. It happened on the 26th of September 2009 A.D. His name was flogger. True tank lover, skillful diplomat, he was born in the family of true tank lovers. Historians state that even his gran-gran-gran-gran parents were tank lovers. He came from the South and brought new army of tanks lovers with him. He estimated the situation very quickly. He understood that without the help from outside they will never win this bloody war, and the tank lovers group will be finished...
The situation for group became dolefully. Each day tank lovers lost their ground, casualties were increadible. Dark clouds thickened above the group. The disaster was so close as never before...
One day after one more terrifying defeat, vlado32 and flogger gathered for the war council.
- vlado, the situation is critical. We won't stay long in this situation. We have to change our strategy...

- I know my friend. I've already ordered to start the expedition to outer lands, and you will lead these brave tank lovers in this fateful mission. You should find our comrades in far lands and bring them here...
At the end of September when flogger was already far from the heart of the group, bad news have come. vlado32 disappeared without a trace. Last defenders of the group were destroyed. The anarchy triumphed in the group...The spirit of the tank lovers was broken...
Long, cold days flogger and his true followers were wandering around the world searching for their comrades...Everyone was in subdued spirit. And then, suddenly, on the 8th of October 2009 A.D...The help has come from the place nobody expected. The savior has come from the severe territories of the east. ComeradeStalin was his name. He was a leader of harsh tank lovers, true steel men, who fought with tank-hunters for many ages. Many years ago all tanks of ComeradeStalin's family were burnt by tank hunters, and since those times, abhorrence to tank haters sits strictly in his blood. He swore to annihilate all tank-hunters everywhere in the world. He was glad to join flogger's holy crusade against pathetic tank hunters, and hundreds of his followers as well. Long and hard homecoming expected for our heroes... And vlado32 still kept silence...
On their way home they encountered heavy resistance of ignorant and wild tribes of tank lovers and numerous forces of tank hunters. But there were even more of those who wanted to join this crusade! Each day the strength and spirit of tank lovers were getting stronger and stronger. The might of true tank lovers grew with each passing day. Once splayed fingers - today they became a mighty fist, which destroyed all their enemies. With iron and blood, ComeradeStalin united all tank lovers tribes. The battle of the age was oncoming! The army of True Tank Lovers, against the army of Tank Hunters. The ground was trembling when these two superpowers commenced the Fight. Rivers of burning fuel from destroyed tanks filled the battlefield! The balance of the forces was unsteady, nobody knew who will win and who will lose? Who will triumph and who will fall to Oblivion? Both sides were ready to fight to the last drop of fuel and to the last cumulative shell. And..."cough"..."cough"...khm...khm... And, when nobody already expected this, vlado32 with his followers returned back from the exile and broke through the enemy line. Enemy formations were broken, frontline of tank hunters was crumpled. Three giant groups of tank hunters were clamped between heavy tanks of ComeradeStalin and vlado32. Enemies began to flee in panic. But flogger, who commanded light and medium tank divisions, fulminantly closed them the way to rescue and thus locked the trap...
In few hours everything finished. Cannons silenced. Tank Lovers triumphed. This Legendary Date, the 19th of October 2009 A.D was immortalized for centuries. In few more days remainings of tank haters rebels were ruthlessly finished by flogger.
Many days past since that glorious battle. Everyone in the group live in prosperity. The power in the group was divided between 3 dignified rulers: vlado32, flogger and ComeradeStalin. This triumvirate rules fairly for tank lovers and unsparingly for their enemies.
P.S. Locals gossip, that they have seen in the nearest forest one strange hermit, playing with single AT shell from destroyed A-10. Our special services reported that his name is KaanTech. Once he was our comrade, but then he betrayed us, left the group, ran to the forest and swore to destroy us. But nobody took him seriously, thus he became mad, organized a sect with one occultist and worship to AT shell as to the idol.

Sincerely yours, chronicler of Tank Lovers Group, ComeradeStalin.

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Liamsucks - - 11 comments

In case you're wondering why Tamagakure disappeared:

He was outed as a racist and pedophile alongside several members of his YOUJO WOT Clan. See these posts:

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OrangeNero - - 6,593 comments

More tanks Generals! Build moar tanks!

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ns-mars - - 614 comments


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SKAND3RB3G - - 169 comments

Remember when moddb wasn't a graveyard? I member.

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Dando[SVK] - - 680 comments

was it ever?

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OrangeNero - - 6,593 comments

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murauder - - 3,669 comments


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OrangeNero - - 6,593 comments

There is no "and" unless you want to add something.

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murauder - - 3,669 comments

And your point from digging up old news?

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OrangeNero - - 6,593 comments

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