Without making this an Era mod I have managed to (subjectively) create a more perfect stock Battlefront side mod.

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This wouldn't have been possible without all the talented modders on Gametoast who did the heavy lifting half a decade ago so that a modder like me could soar.

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In my heart I really like how the game looks normally, so this mod aims to stay as close to the Original Pandemic style as possible.

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One of my biggest pet peeves is how many units will share the same weapon model like the clone engineer and the clone trooper share the DC-15 blaster rifle, this mod will fix that.

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RSS Articles

Been almost a month since the classic collection released and since Stock Sides plus released. I'm not going to sugar coat this but I've been waiting for a second update to release before I release this mission.lvl edit but I don't think it's coming out anytime soon or will be made obsolete with another update.

This was made with a hex editor and works thanks to my incredible Stock Sides plus mod which needs to be installed as a prerequisite. Here is a video where I show how it's done, it should also work on any custom map that doesn't include it's own custom sides.

As a final reminder you need stock sides+ (at least rep.lvl) installed for this to work.

Stock Sides+ Release

Stock Sides+ Release

News 2 comments

Stock Sides+ is now officially released and multiplayer compatible.

Stock Sides+ Starfighter Showcase

Stock Sides+ Starfighter Showcase


What is it? Stock Sides that have been "enhanced" with Pandemic styled models and features.

First look at Stock Sides+

First look at Stock Sides+


What is it? Stock Sides that have been "enhanced" with Pandemic styled models and features.

RSS Files
Phase 1 Clone commander on Geonosis Stock Sides+

Phase 1 Clone commander on Geonosis Stock Sides+

Source Code 1 comment

An edit to mission.lvl that makes him appear on Geonosis with Stock Sides+

Stock Sides+ Multiplayer compatible version

Stock Sides+ Multiplayer compatible version

Source Code 5 comments

Multiplayer Version of Stock Sides +, with a few less features so multiplayer works

Galva Minor Ventara City

Galva Minor Ventara City

Source Code 2 comments

An urban map with tight corridors and open streets where tanks clash. update v1.1 fixed bug with Trenox on xl mode where he becomes a speed runner

Stock Sides+

Stock Sides+

Full Version 26 comments

What originally began as a Project to Ai-upscale and add details to each texture eventually morphed into a personal mod that ballooned in size and scope...

Space Galva Minor

Space Galva Minor

Source Code 1 comment

A map that features Ai Boarding Parties as well as nice new starfighters to play with

Roche Asteroid Field

Roche Asteroid Field

Source Code 1 comment

Custom map with custom starfighters, frigates and capital ships with interiors.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 29)
uo123 - - 142 comments

There is a little bug, with the skin changer, when yo change the republic skin, the magnaguard cloak texture is bugged. i think it shared textured with the clone commander.

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MDPtoaster Creator
MDPtoaster - - 112 comments

yea that happens

Reply Good karma+2 votes
🦇Pachira🦇 - - 491 comments

Clone Marine doesn't seem to be changeable by skin changer, though it might be a Classic Collection bug.

The regular ground forces Clones are skin changer compatible though.

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MDPtoaster Creator
MDPtoaster - - 112 comments

that's really odd, I only messed with his texture.

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🦇Pachira🦇 - - 491 comments

Changing him to Phase 1 works, and you can change his legion skin after too. But as Phase 2 you can't change his legion skin.

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MDPtoaster Creator
MDPtoaster - - 112 comments

that's a skin changer issue that can't be fixed

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🦇Pachira🦇 - - 491 comments


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🦇Pachira🦇 - - 491 comments

I like the DC-17 pistol you did, fits with the Pandemic style.

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🦇Pachira🦇 - - 491 comments

Would you be able to replace the Galactic Marine commander with some sort of Commander that matches the other Clones? That way it's even more 501sty for the campaign.

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MDPtoaster Creator
MDPtoaster - - 112 comments

I could and even toyed around with the idea but that kind of goes against the philosophy of this mod, trying to stay as close to the Pandemic vision as possible.
The Clone wars units are compatible with the skin changer though.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
🦇Pachira🦇 - - 491 comments

I understand, I just find the Galactic Marine commander unfitting. Never liked that decision by Pandemic.

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