The stand-alone mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly aims to be the most stable and customizable experience for fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. It's powered by the Monolith 64-bit engine, a custom fork of the X-Ray engine.


Changed formula for NPC's detection. It is now heavily based on light and distance. Added weight, body state, memory and many other factors. Flashlights/headlamps/campfires are now giving visibility boost to enemy. Modified luminosity itself (a lot).

Stealth 2.31
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Wookienator - - 1,023 comments

sneaky breeki

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morgannoor1991 - - 488 comments

not work on Hotfix 8 im so sad

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

It might work on U4H8 if you delete/comment block with 'mcCrouch' and 'mcAccel' in script, remove "* crouch" from "step_incr" equation and delete Mora's no Amnesia files (you can get moddb version of it, its for u4h8) ;] But then it won't matter if you stand or crouching, not sure there's other way to add it for previous versions.

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reter - - 615 comments

Cool! Thx for the tip, installed in my anomaly

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Have fun ;] But keep in mind, I mentioned that there's something wrong with luminosity on RC19, so it's probably on U4H8 aswell. Hope I was just wrong in my observations, try it.

Reply Good karma+6 votes
reter - - 615 comments

thx, how can i try testing it fast?

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Hm, you will have to uncomment test tool in script, remove "--[[" and "--]]". Then go to game and watch console numbers of luminocity(orig) during different weather, here are some examples of how it should be:

w_clear1 (time 13:00): under sun = 1.0 ; in shadow = 0.4
w_cloudy1 (time 17:00): under sun = 0.66 ; in shadow = 0.32

You can use F7 weather editor for it. Oh, and you also have to place cursor on any NPC or console won't display anything.

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Guest - - 698,191 comments

bro you use U4H8?

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motiv_ - - 18 comments

cheeki breeki

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StalkerAnomalyPlayer - - 447 comments

I'm about to try this on RC22, I'm on my first playthrough and have a lot of experience with CoP and SoC, as well as CoC. I'm hoping this mod actually makes stealth harder and makes the NPC / AI generally more challenging. I hate it how you sometimes have to walk up 3-5 feet next to NPC's for them to detect you. Even on Hard and Survivalist with Hardcore AI aim enabled the furthest engagement distance I have been spotted and shot from is about 80 or 100m. It was kinda far but at the same time I feel like it should be further, I'm hoping this mod does that. I'll report back and be sure to review and such once I see the changes and potential improvements in game!.

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

The thing I noticed in all Stalker games, there's no golden middle between stealth and non-stealth, NPCs are either notice you at any time or not notice at all. So the purpose of this mod was not to make stealth harder (but ye it's quite challenging here ;p), but to make it possible without breaking non-stealth gameplay. NPCs in realistic version can notice you from approx 115m (more in danger state), but if you want them to see even further just add max_view_distance in m_stalker, I left some examples of different range there so should be easy ;] There's also a test tool in script that you can uncomment for even easier tweaking ;p

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whereismy - - 238 comments

с рилизом епта

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zoust - - 365 comments


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Guest - - 698,191 comments

а он работает на RC23?

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments


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TalDoMula - - 96 comments

Worked fine on RC23 here, gonna update the addon now and see

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Tnx, I just compared RC23 to RC22 numbers too. Seems like they didn't change ambient_light too much, so mod should be perfectly fine to use on RC23.

Reply Good karma+5 votes
lebmbno - - 52 comments

Yo thanks for the mod and the post on the discord. Enjoying coming back to this game after many years, cheers

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Glad to hear it, yw ;]

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rynnegan - - 3 comments

it works on RC19?

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Yes, I didn't test it too much on RC19, but it felt like one engine variable wasn't working as expected or so I thought...try it out.

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Guest - - 698,191 comments

you can put in your file a variant with the modification for DX8 is that I can't find where to configure

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elstrelok41 - - 15 comments

I need too

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Ok, updated with DX8 version.
Edit: sorry, redownload again please, I decide to keep luminosity from weather configs as they should be same as dx9+ ;p

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alexm160 - - 94 comments

It's good, it doesn't seem to destroy stealth, but it affects FPS quite badly for me (i7-3770/1060-6GB). I don't know if it's from the script or the LTXs, or whether there is any solution that still keeps most of the mod's features.

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Huh, that is weird. I don't have strong PC and the only FPS drop I experienced is when I uncommented lower block for testing and spawned 20 npcs with flashlights who look at me all the time, although I didn't lag with this block commented out on my next try.
Can you describe when and where this happened? I'll take a look at it.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
alexm160 - - 94 comments

Sorry, my bad, I forgot to mention I increased NPC spawns quite a bit. I changed the npc_in_squad values in the squad_decr files. Increased numbers by 25-50% more, I increased it even more a few hours ago (+50-100%).
It happens everywhere. In the rookie village, with ~15 NPCs, after cleaning out the map, I lose about 8% FPS, other times more.

Did a quick test, which is not 100% reliable with such a dynamic game, but still it's info. With the mod fully merged, I get a very variable 45-50 FPS. Without it it tends to stay closer to ~53-55.
I think it's gets worse worse with more squad activity, I just did a quick test at the burnt house (in the swamp) at night.

I used WinMerge 2011 to quickly try a few combinations, and the biggest problem is visual_memory_manager.script. Reverting that to vanilla RC23 seems to bring FPS closer to ideal, but maybe still slightly lower than vanilla.

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Turns out it's "distance to campfire" check that I added lately, really eats around 5-10 FPS when a lot of NPCs looking at you/each other and there's a campfire nearby...funnily enough it doesn't drop FPS when you are in the range of campfire that affect luminosity.
Something is very wrong with either campfire scripts or engine.
I'll turn it off for now till I figure out another way of adding them.
Lot of thanks for letting me know tho! ;]

Reply Good karma+2 votes
alexm160 - - 94 comments

Tried it quickly, it seems to be a much smaller decrease now. Features cost performance, of course :). I will play with it a little, but for now it seems the FPS is a slightly less stable with the mod, but nowhere near as much as before. Thanks!

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Still? xd
Alright, I'll try to do something.

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alexm160 - - 94 comments

Like any truly dynamic game, the FPS oscilates slightly so it's a bit hard to get 100% accurate measurements.
It's a very small decrease now, maybe 1-3%, not something that makes the game hell. Doing AI stuff using scripts is probably going to cost some performance no matter what, I mean it's not native C/C++ code.

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Despite of function running every frame (or so), I'm still not sure why it's so demanding for you, I thought lua is better at calculating that much. But I'll try my best to optimize for people with millions of NPCs ;p

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Well, I'm sorry man, but I've been spawning 60 NPCs around me and testing every single block. I always get same FPS numbers as on vanilla, maybe -1 FPS at max with that many npc looking at me.
If you are sure that you didn't uncomment last block of script, or if you sure it's not other mods then I honestly don't even know how else to reproduce it.

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alexm160 - - 94 comments

I have a variety of mods merged, but I have no conflicts with the files your mod changes (1.3.5 Realistic).

It's really not a big deal, the AI is better and my perforamance decrease is very very small with 1.3.5 - worth it. Thanks for making and supporting the mod!

I did get one episode of NPC amnesia though - attacking the army outpost in the swamp with an unsilenced SVD from the little wooden fences on the hill to the east. Killed a few soldiers, then the few more kinda just sat down over the corpses of their bros :)
This was the only time I had this happen, but will report if it happens again.

EDIT: Just noticed you posted an update, I was crouched when that happened :)

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Mora's no amnesia mod only prevents them from forgetting about you after 15 seconds if they lose vision. If they didn't see you before (i.e. distance too far) they'd just sit around in danger state instead, this is unfortunately "normal" behaviour in this game and probably need a lot of changes in other scripts (maybe engine) to fix;[

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Foxhed - - 256 comments

Something i noticed since i downloaded this addon:
- Enemies that are far away will stare at you for long periods of time without doing nothing. they will stare even longer if you are in the shadows.

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

will PM in disc.
Upd: So apparently NPCs reset threshold everytime actor leaves their vision, even during combat. We don't notice it in vanilla because the main equation variable is based on frames (always high), so other factors aren't very significant. Was a little bit more complicated to balance it out in my mod.
Should be much better now and thanks ;]

Reply Good karma+2 votes
manzmnl - - 485 comments

Nice work!
Did you change Mora's mod or just include it? Because his latest version includes a newer xr_combat_ignore script. Can I update it or does yours include some necessasry changes?

EDIT: Well, the only difference is that yours include a higher value for rnd. I guess it's up to personal preference.

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

xr_combat_ignore.script haven't really changed much, only maximum random time, you can change it if you want. xr_danger.ltx I already updated to his newest.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Guest - - 698,191 comments

Nice! What about if I already have the NPC whitout amnesia mod? Just overwrite?

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments


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nalorox - - 2 comments

What's up with updating every 5 mins in the past 15 mins or so?

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

Small adjustments, 1.5.9 will probably be final version.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
nalorox - - 2 comments

Okay, thanks, is it safe to just paste new one over previous version?

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments


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OhShazbot - - 21 comments

Lol bet you that other guy is gonna re-release his with working campfires in a day or 2....

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DennyW - - 47 comments

Hey, will your mod work together with this, considering the further light ranges?

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

In terms of luminosity it's gonna work as flashlights are still 25m, just add *2 at the end of lines 60 and 70 in visual_memory_manager.script

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pizzaman11 - - 8 comments

Would it be possible to have grass and foliage hide the player based on Grass Size? Or is there something with the base detection implementation that prevents that?

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bvcx Author
bvcx - - 2,224 comments

To my poor engine knowledge I think it would be very hard to implement even for devs. Foliage sounds easier but I'm not sure I can do it in game files.

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Qball. - - 108 comments

Since those are 2D, the AI does not have blocked vision. Same with shrubs and tree leaves. That is an engine issue.

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