Star wolves is a 3D space RPG with deep strategy and tactical elements. The game thrusts players into a world of freelance space hunters in the XXI-XXII century A.D. during a time of political crisis for the all-powerful Empire and the three mega-corporations that control all the known worlds. Corruption prospers planet-side and only space can give a man his freedom, but not without a cost: space is not a safe place anymore. Human space pirates, rogue AI computers that rebelled against humanity and empire patrol ships roam space in search of easy prey.

Players begin the game as a bounty hunter with little more than an old, run-down space fighter and a dream, but as they advance in the game and prosper, their piloting and battle skills improve, allowing access to more advance spacecraft. Players can control a party of up to six bounty hunters, each possessing different skills, abilities and personality.

Team tactics give players vast opportunities in battles when shear fire power isn't enough. Tactical ruses, planning and executing ambushes or deploying spaceships' special abilities provide cunning commanders the ability to crush enemies according to their style of play.

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Update of September )



I came back online with September's update.

So. In general:
BCA (24.11.2019):
- adapted systems-locations of the starting sector SW2;
- adapted story pilots SW2;
- adapted pilot database Brina-KT for the plot SW2;
- rewritten system for creating flights to match the type of SW2 flights;
- integrated the bulk of the SNK ships and VKS;
- prepared plot Intro for the story SW2;
- developed a entegrate system of missions of SW2;
- transferred 6 missions SW2;
- and other edits.

In details:
The Brina-KT pilot is ready for the team ))

Available for download:
Discuss and bagreports goes here:


Я вернулся в сеть с сентябрьским обновлением.

Так. В общем:
BCA (24.11.2019):
- адаптированы системы-локации стартового сектора ЗВ2;
- адаптированы сюжетные пилоты ЗВ2;
- адаптирован пилот базы Брина-КТ для сюжета ЗВ2;
- переписана система создания звеньев для согласования с типом звеньев ЗВ2;
- интегрирована основная масса кораблей СНК и ВКС;
- подготовлено сюжетное интро для сюжета ЗВ2;
- выработана система переноса миссий ЗВ2;
- перенесено 6 миссий ЗВ2;
- и прочие правки.

В мелочах:
Пилот Брина-КТ готов для команды ))

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Figuration of the starting system

Figuration of the starting system


Looks like a Debris, you know.What can we do with "technology of a hollow sphere with multiple exceptions".

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StarWolves1 MS Upgraded Mod v4

StarWolves1 MS Upgraded Mod v4

Full Version

Name: SW1 MS Upgraded / Version: v4 /Languages: english, german / Release: February,10th 2008 / Author: Tech

StarWolves1 MothershipsMod v1

StarWolves1 MothershipsMod v1

Full Version

Name: SW1 Motherships Mod Version: v1 Languages: english, german Release: September,11th 2008 Author: Tech

StarWolves1 Berserker Mod v3

StarWolves1 Berserker Mod v3

Full Version

Name: Berserker Mod Version: v3 Languages: english, german Release: February,10th 2008 Author: Tech

Patch 1.1 French

Patch 1.1 French


This release addresses a handful of gameplay issues and mission script problems as detailed in the release notes.

Mini Patch German

Mini Patch German


This "mini-patch" addresses two minor typing errors in the demo and full versions.

Star Wolves Demo

Star Wolves Demo


This demo contains a tutorial and one Standard Patrol mission.

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Kraosdada - - 108 comments

Ok. How do i get this game to run on Windows 10?

EDIT: I managed to do it. It turns out the game's DX9 libraries can't run on Windows 10, but replacing them with dgVoodoo2's allows the game to work on modern systems.

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RT2... - - 3,305 comments

I have just modded it up to 8 fighters usable in the missions.

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Guest - - 698,127 comments

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