The game begins with a standard mission, the Galaxy-class starship USS Dauntless (NCC-71879) is in orbit of a planet in the Vesuvi system. Captain Wright is onboard a shuttle en route to an orbital research station when the Vesuvi star suddenly goes nova. The resulting shockwave is devastating, destroying the planet's orbital stations and obliterating the Captain's shuttlecraft. The USS Dauntless escapes under impulse power, but sustains damage to her warp nacelles. The ship is towed back to a Federation drydock by an Akira class, and fully repaired by worker bees. The executive officer(the player) is promoted to Captain. Soon the player is joined by Captain Jean-Luc Picard. The ship departs drydock for Starbase 12, the command center for operations in the Maelstrom region. As the game progresses, you and your crew are transferred to the USS Sovereign, the pathfinder of the Sovereign class. The vessel will eventually become a key factor in solving the mystery in the Maelstrom
• 8k planetary textures in QBR release, released later • 4k Singleplayer planetary textures - this release! • DirectX 12 support • Added shaders: SSAO, HDR, Chromatic Aborration, Filters and more • Up to 4k character textures • Remade Textures for everything • Remade music • Remade sfx • Remade voices • Full singleplayer based Modification • Photorealistic ambition • Multiplayer capable • Modding friendly! Presets for 1080p, 1440p, 4k, Ultrawide available! stay tuned!
M i n i m u m r e q u i r e m e n t s :
- CPU: i5 / i7 Intel 6xxx Series / AMD Ryzen 1xxx Series
- GPU: Nvidia GTX 970 ( 1080Ti / 2080 / 3060Ti recommended if playing on high resolution )
- RAM: min. 8GB DDR3
- HDD: 18GB Modsize .Will work on any HDD, faster on SSD
- Monitor 1080p at least, BCPE is preconfigured at 1920x1080 !!
- Works well on Windows 10 / 11 due DX12 support
- A working copy of Bridge Commander v1.1
For Star Trek’s 55th anniversary, some classic Star Trek games have returned to GOG. Here’s five Star Trek mods to get you in the mood!
This short tutorial will give you the basics on creating Klingon textures by hand using Paint Shop Pro.
This is the Tholian ship as it appears in the original effects shots of the Star Trek: TOS episode "The Tholian Web". It is a highly maneuverable ship...
Has it always bothered you that the Kessok ship's engines have the wrong colors or that the Tea Earl Grey Hot suddenly disappears? Do not worry: Adobe...
This preset export any textures from Substance 3D Painter to a "Bridge Commander" compatible TGA-format.
OUT OF DATE. NO LONGER NEEDED WITH LATEST VERSION. Bugfix patch for BC-Remastered. Fixes several issues present in the main install of Bridge Commander...
Bridge Commander: Remastered creates a screen-accurate and canon compliant enhancement of Bridge Commander that greatly expands the combat options in...
Here is a simple way to play even the vanilla version of BC in Widescreen!
Hey fellows need help the game turned backscreen with cursor on me my game is the GOG version
Anyone know where to buy this game?
GOG had it recently
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Does anyone know how to create my own mod? Or know a useful tutorial?I want to start doing my own mods!
Try here...
how very annoying i used for getting mods for BC and other old games RIP Gamefront that we only have half a month until Gamefront closes its door, anyone willing to download and backup all these Bridge Commander mods before April 30th?
You can acess them at Nexus Mod!
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