This is the download for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly 1.5.1 - the final version of the 1.5.x update series. Do NOT install this on top of older 1.5.0 versions, use a new, empty directory instead. Saved games from 1.5.0 are compatible and we recommend to make backups of your saves before updating to this version.
Anomaly is a stand-alone mod. Use a new, empty directory. Do NOT install version 1.5.1 on top of older versions of the mod or any of the original S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. And do NOT use older addons that have not been updated to be compatible or you will encounter crashes.
![Separator Separator]()
Install instructions
1. Create a folder for Anomaly, for example C:\Game\Anomaly
2. Download and unpack the repack in the folder you made
3. Check here if any hotfixes exist for the latest update
4. Start the launcher and select the renderer you want to play with, toggle AVX if you have a powerful CPU
5. Start the game and enjoy!
![Separator Separator]()
Anomaly 1.5.1 is also available as a torrent download, use this magnet link if you prefer this.
![Separator Separator]()
Join our Discord:
We have a big community dedicated to the mod, covering all kind of topics. This is also a great place to ask for help with installing Anomaly or if you encounter any technical problems. Click on the image down below to join:
![Separator Separator]()
To see a list of all developers and contributors to this release, click here to see our credits document.
And as always: good hunting, stalkers!
![Separator Separator]()
i guess its too hard to answer correctly .
Huy znaet.
Dammit Google. XD
znaet znaet
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ewe kak znaet!
Soglasen, huy ego znaet.
I'm so proud of the team and how far thing has come but I wish we could have had a proper countdown and stuff.
Is this right : 1.5.0 -> RC 18...23 -> 1.5.1 . In development Timetablet ?
Anomaly 1.5.0 Beta u4h8 > RC18-23 > 1.5.0 Final + hotfix makes it 1.5.1 Final
1.5.1 is standalone, do not put it on top of another version, only clean folder!
Postuję w epickim
И в дамки😁
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What a Huge coincidence, Good on ya Dev team! You have provided me countless hours of entertainment when I didnt have internet.
how do you not have internet lmao
outages happen dude. lmao.
Заходи! Сбоку заходи!
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Man, the browser downloaders really hate me...
So much for playing the version at launch.
Use the torrent link
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa suka aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Why does it say not enough memory when i try to unpack it??
can't figure it out
samee here
the drive you downloaded it on probably doesnt have enough space, the zip file is 8 gigs while the game itself is probably more, make some space!
nah i've got 70 gigs free space and still same error
If your system(C) drive is low on space, this can happen.
I have C,G,A,B,D,H SSD Drives. just because C drive is full don't mean anything, only to you're pleb system
Use Winzip
Never WinZip which is akin to a scam, it's 7-Zip and the 7z format all the way.
how is winzip akin to a scam?
The 7z archive leads me to a message saying: "The free trial of express zip plus has expired, closing the file" and i dont even have express zip or that crap
My external drive has a whopping 5tb and still the same problem.
The issue was Winrar for me. I installed winzip instead and it worked fine. Winrar seems to have this issue
i use both 7zip and winrar mostly winrar cause i know my ways lol
You need to use the program 7 zip for unpack. Winzip dont work :)
Which program are you using for unpacking? It unpacks fine with 7-zip.
Other issue may be low RAM. I got 16GB of it and archive unpacked fine. But even then at such high compression level it shouldn't exceed 2GB when decompressing. So I still assume it's the archiving program you use which probably isn't properly supporting 7-zip archives.
I'm using .7z, I have 91GB(SSD of 240GB) of free space and 6GB of Ram. I don't know what is going on. In my opinion it should unpack just fine, however the not enough space continues.
Edit: I just solved it, all I had to do was uptade my winrar from a 32 bits I had to the latest version 6.02 and 64 bits.
Thank you, it was helpfull.
get your ram up chump
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Unpacked size is 14.95 gb. Maybe u don't have enough space
16,2 gb
What worked for me is placing the WinRar file into the same folder I want the game in, then right clicking and selecting "Extract here". Otherwise, when I tried manually moving the files from the winrar by dragging them I got an error.
ayy i had the same problem and i figured out why. someone touched on it in comments. it's because your 7zip is on a drive that doesn't have enough space for the files it's extracting as it's running them through that drive. fix i did was i opened up the zipped file and extracted a few files at a time. another fix could be to move 7zip to the bigger drive so you have extra room to extract with (i did not do this, myself so i'm not 100% on that).
had the same issue.. give your computer enough space and virtual RAM.. i just did that.. files extracting.. I'm unzipping on an external hd quite fine..
Late answer, I know, but I've recently come across a quirk of 7Zip that might explain the issue: Depending on how you unpack it, 7Zip first unpacks everything into your System's TEMP folder, before moving it to the desired location. This also applies if this location is on a completely different drive or partition. It definitely happens with drag & drop into an Explorer window, but there might be other ways that also cause it. There is a setting for a "working directory" or something, but as far as I can tell, it doesn't work, as I wasn't able to change the location to somewhere other than the TEMP folder. I assume this could cause the problem of not having enough memory if the system drive is very full. Even worse, if your system is on an SSD (and whose isn't, these days), 7Zip will write all the data on it, even if you want to unpack it to a conventional hard drive. Now, this is unlikely to affect the SSD's life time in any meaningful way, but it's still unnecessary. One way to get around this is to enable the second folder view in 7Zip and drag & drop within that. Or you could use PeaZip instead, which doesn't do this.
you gotta get more ram thats why
True had the same issue with my old pc and more ram helped