This is the download for the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 update. Many 1.5.1 addons need to be updated to be 1.5.2 compatible. Install this on top of a clean (un-modded) 1.5.1 version. Saved games from 1.5.1 are compatible but we recommend to make backups of your saves before updating to this version.
Anomaly is a stand-alone mod. Install this 1.5.2 update on top of a clean Anomaly 1.5.1 installation. Do NOT install version 1.5.1 or update 1.5.2 on top of older versions of the mod or any of the original S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. And do NOT use older addons that have not been updated to be 1.5.2 compatible or you will encounter crashes.
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Mini FAQ
Q: Is this the next big update for Anomaly that we've been waiting for?
A: No, this is a collection of smaller bug fixes and improvements for the current version (1.5.1) of Anomaly. It's more of a maintenance update to make the current release more stable.
Q: What has changed in the 1.5.2 update since we released version 1.5.1?
A: A change log is included in the update as a text file, it contains all changes and a list of files that were modified. Any addons that change files from that list will be incompatible until they are updated.
Q: Will my addons or mod packs for 1.5.1 still work?
A: That depends. Many addons will probably still work, but some of them need to be updated to be compatible with changes in the 1.5.2 config files and scripts. It's safe to assume any 1.5.1 addon that has not been updated or tested to be 1.5.2 compatible by their author can cause issues or crashes.
Q: So when is the next big Anomaly update coming?
A: We're still working on the 1.6 update. A lot of progress has been made but there is also so much work still left to do. For now let's say it'll release when it's done and we will share more details when we get closer to that point.
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Install instructions
1. Create a folder for Anomaly, for example C:\Game\Anomaly and install Anomaly version 1.5.1
2. Download and unpack the 1.5.2 update in the same folder where you installed version 1,5,1
3. Check here if any hotfixes exist for the latest update
4. Start the launcher and select the renderer you want to play with, toggle AVX if you have a powerful CPU
5. Start the game and enjoy!
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Anomaly 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 Update is also available as a torrent download, use this magnet link if you prefer this.
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Join our Discord:
We have a big community dedicated to the mod, covering all kind of topics. This is also a great place to ask for help with installing Anomaly or if you encounter any technical problems. Click on the image down below to join:
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To see a list of all developers and contributors to this release, click here to see our credits document.
And as always: good hunting, stalkers!
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two hundred and seventy thousand seven hundred and thirty five!
you were first, but at what cost?
Odio a cierta minoría relacionada con el pollo.
third boil
Less go
Better update then minecraft LOL
What ?
F to Pay Respect
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Oh wow - without any announcement! You better create a small News article for people to see this.
Did the scripts changed compared to 1.5.2 RC4 ? Very nice update, lots of fixes :D
I like how someone down voted your comment for no ******* reason. Some people really are brain dead. Btw any update planned for THAP?
Awesome, thank you for your work. Can't wait for the next big update!
Is it just me or does this version run a lot smoother and is less unstable?
Did someone say smoother and less unstable!?!?
I'm downloading this right now!!! Godspeed!!!
ITS LOT SMOOTHER NOW! wow can't wait for mods to update their mods for 1.5.2
Heres what i notice
i think theres less stutter?! also more frames i might be wrong with frames but i don't feel/see any stutter yet
and thats it there might be more but if the mini FAQ not lying its just bugfixes
I was thinking, it may be all the mods that you have(n't) installed now
I tested 1.5.1 to see the difference idk if this is just my pc but its lot smoother on 1.5.2
I tested 1.5.1 (with no mods) to see the difference idk if this is just my pc but its lot smoother on 1.5.2
I can only post 2 comment on guest so i just rigester
Can you provide some support for Ultra Widescreen monitors? I have issues with the pda map, inventory, etc... They are all stretched and not visually pleasing to look at. Also anything on the side of the screen are really enlarged. I can provide images of the issue when i get the time.
downvote this or your mother will die in her sleep tonight
interesting but it's too early I won't take it now
Sumthing I still do not... understand. All updates never adjust the carry weight option. Why will you not do that? This is the biggest enemy to a hoarder myself! NOT cool bro!
Thanks for the meal <3
The default carry weight limit is fine.
Plus you can set it to whatever you want it to be.
I agree. The slider only goes to 50. In a world where zombies exist I don't see why the limit can't be set at like 2000 lbs. Thats more than enough. So, the zone it made one guy (or more) super strong. Why is that such a strech?
Greetings from Argentina.
¡I love you guys! <3 , thank you for this update greatly improved the stability in my game, the 1.5.1 freezes me randomly, and I could not find that it generates it.
So far 1.5.2 has not frozen and I have been playing like 6h.
The upcoming updates: they could remove the false sounds heard on the stages, or add the real sound, that if there is a mutant or something in the distance, that the sound heard is real, for example.
I find the rest incredible what they have done with S.t.a.l.k.e.r, if they can add more complexity and more immersion better I still love.
PS: I can’t stop playing it.
(I apologize if my English sounds weird, it’s not my mother tongue.)
espero no tener bardo con la traducción,funciona la del o hay que esperar a ver que onda bro?
Aguante ARGENTINA papu
Hola saludos, Mira yo lo tengo de esta forma instalado
1.5.1 y luego meti 1.5.2 como dice directamente en el nota de parche nunca use por cierto.
los adds que tengo son:
la traduccion ( hasta ahora no he encontrado nada raro osea en ingles o signo o algo bug o que tenga un crasheo).
luego tengo este add que quita los sonidos falso de fondo.
y por ultimo como tengo una gpu AMD '' rx580 8gb ''
le meti un complemento que encontré que transforma el '' DX10'' en '' Vulkan '' para que el juego valla mas fluido con AMD ya que me iba falta osea mucho stutter, cuando le meti eso no tuve mas eso y + la 1.5.2 me quedo 100% estable el juego almenos ami ya nos se me cracheo ni congela ni tengo stutter.
Si tenes gpu AMD y queres saber como se instala es super facil lo que bajas de aca:
De hay vas a la carpeta x64 y copias todo los 6 '' dll '' y los metes en bin del juego del launcher selecionas Direcx 10 por que el 11 no anda con este complemento es para 10 y inicias el juego y vas a notar la diferencia, desconozco si sirve para nvidia. Un saludo
Maestro, soy usuario de AMD y me habia rendido con esto de que el juego en algunos escenarios con muchos npcs (por ejemplo cuando a los monolith les da por visitar el sur) me daba mucho stutter. ¿Podrias explicarme paso a paso como arreglo eso? Que archivo descargo (he visto que tiene muchas versiones ese link), como lo pego, en donde. Seria de gran ayuda! Saludos desde Arg
Para para, el addon que quita los sonidos de fondo te anda bien en la 1.5.2?
EDI: El 1.5.2 viene con las animaciones de uso de articulos por defecto? (por ejemplo si te pones vendajes, el personaje saca una venda y se la pone en el brazo, o si comes ves como abris la lata y te mandas con cuchara al buche y asi)
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So will this patch break my playthrough on moded game?
Like Gamma and EFP?
not too late..