Reanimates the Spas 12 with a more accurate method of reloading the gun.
Hey everyone, this mod replaces all 3 variants of spas with a single one and uses the 5.56 NATO suppressor to avoid creating bloat. it will also make the suppressor more easily available rather than making an entirely new one for just this gun.
and just so you guys know, I've been silent for a while since I was working for some exclusive sets for CWWP. Since its been a long while, I thought it'd be nice to share one of its sets to the public.
- Here is my version of the spas 12 set using the whole holding the button to open the carrier latch thingie and all included.
- A couple of variations for shell loading animations are included that will play randomly to prevent the shell loading animation feeling very repetitive and robotic
- Ammo check animations
- UPDATE 1.1:
- Add new ammocheck script from Utjan that is more cleaner, make sure to load the AmmoCheck mod from Ishmael at the very last so other mods that edit that script dont affect it.
- Update 1.2:
Update 1.3:
Update 1.4:
- Update 1.5:
- Reduce FLAMBOYANCY of sprint animation.
- Update 1.6:
- Include new Retexture by Cr3pis as Optional
- Mini update: change comparison texture in FOMOD
Spas Retexure Comparison
- 1.5.2 with modded exes is strongly reccomended!
- Although they are included, lease overwrite this addon's scripts with the ones from Aoldri's Universal Animation Scripts as they will be updated there if any patches are made in the future for them
- AMMO CHECK ANIMATIONS: This mod is required for them to work properly and MAKE SURE TO OVERWRITE ALL ADDONS WITH THE AMMO CHECK MOD ie; load the ammocheck mod last:
- AmmoCheck By Ishmaeel:
- (This is because other mods overwrite the ammo_check_mcm.script and this new update by Utjan allows us to play magcheck animations without touching the ammo_check_mcm.script)
- Animations:
- Icons:
- Models and Textures:
- Lauer95 for the spas 12 model and textures.
- Garkain for 12G suppressor and the shotgun shell texture and models
- Cr3pis for providing me with more darker texture and suggesting the usage of Phong Metal material option.
- Sounds:
- Void Interactive, Rzen1th, Activision
- Scripts:
- Aoldri for universal animation scripts
- Barrybogs for magcheck animation script
- Demonized for Inspect Jam animation when pressing shoot
- Lucy for Shotgun reload fixes.
- Utjan for the new ammo check script
- Testing and Feedback:
- Asnen, BarryBogs, Blackgrowl, Jurkonov, Krepin, Kronq, Tengo
Damn he's good
Thank you :)
Still we can't change of firemode?
Anyway 10/10
Thanks man! Ah sadly that'll involve too much scripting though which i dont really wanna delve into ^^
Hmm. Anomalies scripts thanks to the engine do not allow you to do this? I'm not very familiar with them, it's just interesting.
you can modify weapons behaviour and all with scripts but im not sure how as i am not that knowledgeable in that area unfortunately
I hope in the future developers will add this directly to the engine. It's not difficult, for example, the Abakan can already change the firing frequency in a different fire mode
the abakan is a singular exception :) It has a special script just for its 2-round burst....
I mean I would love to be able to have my M3 Benelli to shoot either in pump or in semi-auto, but currently that is not possible.
There is empty meshes/dynamics/weapons/wpn_spas12 folder. And pictures are from fort12 mod.
I thought of adding world models but decided not to, the fort pictures I used them as base while creating the fomod for MO2
VARY GOOD jam animations all of it
my only thing is the gun color / texture is all the same vary clean grey crayon color there is no black or dirt or wear or some depth to the texture just an idea
Thanks mate, oh yeah there are some scratches here and there but not thaat much but oh well, i cant really control that aspect of the gun since i dont have much knowledge regarding textures, so I'm afraid I cant do anything to it :(
no worries nop bog deal
do u have acsses to black / dark color ?
I do have a model from garkain that has a black color I'll try putting that as an optional thing maybe later on then
It's amazing but it would be even better with scopes to put on lik red dots and so on.
Oh yeah but the technique i used to reload would not allow me to put on any scopes on this shotgun sadly
Yoo thanks man!
Damn beautiful, what will be your next project though? Will it be the G3A3?
Heyy Thanks man! I have some stuff comin up, but as of rn, im making the px4 use a modified animation of the fort anim mod so that i can release a beretta addon to the fort pistols animation pack.
The best from the best, elite **** as always boss.
Yoo thank you qata!! really appreciate your kind words ^^
ammochecks my love
great work! best stalker animator out there!
Thank you ^^ although I'll have to give that to strifer and ghost2142 :catpray:
Amazing work broskyyy
Yoo thanks bro!!
This is an exceptional piece of work!!! Flawless animations and exquisite attention to detail bro. Thank you so much for the upload and for your work!
Thank you ^^
The fog is coming
we all will be chilling in the bing for sure
Здравствуй друг, отличные анимации для дробаша, подскажи пожалуйста почему он у меня не стреляет, все моды не обходимые установлены, может я что-то пропустил?
oh, im not sure why but is it like not shooting when you press the trigger?
Не другие стреляют, а какой-то нет просто я тыкаю на мышку, 0 реакции.
здравстуйте вы решыли проблему с спас 12 который не стреляет ?если да то как? спасибо!
the spas is coming
spasibo :flush:
Very nice!
Heyy thank you man :D
crashes when I reload any gun
Whats yhe crashlog? Are you using gamma? If do, update weapon parts overhaul
The good soup as always
Thank you fujin :), wont be as nice as the cakes you make though
wow sweet first time ever i really like shotgun addon
Amazing job! But it cannot work properly on GAMMA. Can you please make a patch? (For GAMMA)
Expression : <no expression>
Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
Line : 206
Description : fatal error
Arguments : LUA error: f:/gamma\gamedata\scripts\uni_anim_core.script:62: attempt to call field 'get_jam_status' (a nil value)
stack trace:
You seam to be using gamma, make sure to insrall the latest version of weapon parts overhaul by ahuyn over here:
Thank you :)
There any intentions for doing animations for pistol jams as well? Such as double feeds or stove pipes and clearing?
all I need is a crowbar and I'm good to go ;)