Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles is a total conversion for the fantastic game Star Wars - Empire at War: Forces of corruption. This total conversion will replace every single Star Wars asset of the original game with Stargate assets. This includes units, buildings, icons, sounds, videos and so much more. Pegasus Chronicles offers 3 playable races, the Ta'uri (alliance between Earth and the Asgard), Anubis (a mighty systemlord) and the Wraith. Beside these 3 playable races, you will meet many non-playable ones like the Replicators, the Asurans, the systemlord alliance, the Aschen, the Ori and many more. Each faction will have several space and land units, well known from the series or completely new ones. Contrary to our first full version for the normal Empire at War, the next release will offer finished GC maps, in which you can play through the known Stargate storylines and experience a lot of never seen missions and adventures.
Hotfix for Stargate Empire At War Final 1.3 fixing the Ark of Truth bug and the General Hammond bug. Put the files into your Star Wars Empire at War\GameData\Mods\Stargate\DATA\Xml folder and overwrite the existing files. Attention! This hotfix is NOT for our FOC mod Pegasus Chronicles but for the normal EAW version instead.
So for EAW, not Pegasus Chronicles?
pretty sure pegasus cause i thought that the ark of truth bug was only in pegasus
I noticed it said place in Lucas Arts/Star Wars Empire at War not FOC. And Pegasus Chronicles doesn't have GCs yet.
It is for original SG:EaW. Baal uploaded this patch on request of an user in our official forums.
Please dont try to use this one on TPC ;)
It is for Empire at War, there is no 1.3 for pegasus yet :)
And it is in C/programs/Lucas Arts/Star Wars Empire at War/ folder :p
It is for the old 1.3 version for EaW, NOT for Pegasus Chronicles NOT for FoC. It is mostly a reupload from a old Patch to Moddb, because there was no download for it anymore.
It's "Hammond"! With an O!
Does this still work with the fan made update
Please note: This is just a small hotfix for the old mod Stargate Empire At War Final 1.3, not for Pegasus Chronicles! Always read correctly.
Ryuseimaru: Spelling mistakes corrected. Thanks for info.^^
Does anyone know what the heck the ark of truth does In the game??