this is pretty much a Playground were i have Edited Files and Other Things btw it's not finished Have Fun and Enjoy :)

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Why the Long wait


Hi sorry for the long waiting time the general reason why I have not Updated you on SCP C:B Goofy Edition is Because I am... well Lazy I have not found any time to Develope the mod or gotten any Energy to even Develope on the Mod it self so the long wait has been do to Lazyness and loss of energy to Develope on the Mod it self, and I would like to also say sorry for the long wait for any news what so ever. that is basecaly what I wanted to say have a Nice Day everyone :)




Public Beta is released of course with not that much Content

RSS Files
SCP Containment Breach Goofy Edition Update 1

SCP Containment Breach Goofy Edition Update 1

Full Version

WAIT IS IT TRUE!!!!!??????? Yes it is we Have Updated it

SCP Containment Breach Goofy Edition

SCP Containment Breach Goofy Edition

Full Version

This a Stupid and Silly Mod made by me RasBall_Gaming it Started Development in May 2023 and had a Long Pause due to Trouble in Development but now it's...

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