Rise of the Reds – or ROTR for short – improves upon the C&C Generals formula while also adding its own distinct elements to it. Most notably, the mod adds two completely new factions, the tank-heavy Russian Federation and the defence-oriented European Continental Alliance. In addition, the three original factions China, USA and GLA have been greatly expanded and redesigned in a variety of ways, with several new units, buildings, powers and abilities to explore and combine in your in-game tactics.

Report RSS Russia Update: Drilling Along

Hello Generals! This week we are exploring our Mishka rework, and how its new kits give our favourite little driller more utility than ever before.

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Hello Generals!
How has your week been?
We've had a productive one with many continued code optimisations and bug fixes coming to fruition. We also have these shiny new toys we'd like to present to you all, the new Mishka kits.

The humble Mishka has always been a player favourite since its original introduction, and has gone through a plethora of changes and role adjustments over the years. Being a basic scout unit it has always been a consistent sight on the battlefield, providing reliable vision and information to players as well as assistance in clearing out pesky minefields and explosive ordinances. There have been many attempts to find an extra 'role' for the Mishka and help it find more prevalence in the mid-lategame environment - usually with it gaining some level of fireport based combat ability. In 1.87 this eventuated with a meta of Mishkas becoming the primary combat unit for Russia, filled with RPG conscripts, Shock Troopers and Iglas drilling over the map and through opponents bases before they had a chance to respond. Although we love to see people's enthusiasm for the Mishka in combat, one thing we never want is a single unit invalidating the remaining unit roster such as in this instance. Although the community balance patches both made changes to this to mitigate the impact and refocus the Russian meta within their own gameplay environments, for 1.9 we decided that rather than directly nerf the Mishka, why not explore how its role could be expanded upon and refocus the unit so it would not invalidate the other units, but support them directly?

Coincidentally, at the same time we began redeveloping the Mishka a gameplay decision was made to allow all factions to have start the game with radar by deafult. However, seeing as Russia was the only faction that needed a seperate building based radar that was not attached to their Command Centre equivalent, the idea was floated to combine the issues into one streamlined, drill-equipped solution.

Thus, the new Mishka kits were created to fill in 3 main holes within the Russian arsenal.
Firstly, a radar unit for the start of the game to allow Russian players to use their radar minimap whilst they tech up to their Radar Tower. Secondly, a unit that can act as a reliable support unit that can assist in combat without invalidating the rest of the roster with its fireports. Finally, a unit that can act as a Tier-1 bridge to give healing to Russian infantry should the player avoid the Infirmary tech route and focus on a Weapons Bunker. With these roles in mind, we set to work, and the new Mishka kits were created.

Russian Mishka Opentop

The MT-LB is a lightweight armoured utility vehicle, first introduced to the Soviet Army in the early 1970s. It was produced at the Kharkiv Tractor Plant in the Ukrainian Soviet Republic, and licensed for further production in Bulgaria and Poland, for an estimated total of 55.000 making it one of the most mass-produced military vehicles in existence. Used throughout the Warsaw Pact and many Soviet allies from Angola to Vietnam, it spawned a dazzling variety of variants made for every conceivable role, many of which would see service in conflicts far into the 21st century. In the 2030s, Russia introduced a new production series of the vehicle featuring modern components, improved ergonomics and a unique screw-based propulsion system. Optimised for amphibious operations and rough terrain from Arctic to marshland environments, the new MT-LB became a reliable favourite among the troops much like its predecessor, earning it the affectionate nickname of "Mishka". Like its predecessor, the Mishka spawned numerous variants, available to commanders who requisition the necessary Assault Armaments to modify their vehicles in the field.

Although not designed as a combat vehicle, the Mishka often serves as a light assault carrier for Russian infantry, particularly with forward reconnaissance, expeditionary and rear echelon security forces. In this configuration, the passenger hatches on the top-side of the vehicle are opened and fortified with sandbags, plank covers and other improvised elements for a degree of additional protection, allowing the infantry to fire their weapons on the move.

Render Description: MARS2588

Russian Mishka Mortar

For lightweight forces that cannot operate heavy artillery systems like howitzers or multi rocket launchers, portable mortars provide essential indirect fire support. The Mishka can be converted into a light mortar carrier and stocked with enough high-explosive shells to provide quick and effective supporting fire for infantry elements in early engagements when the bigger, more terrifying weapons of the legendary "God of War" cannot be brought to bear yet.

Render Description: MARS2588

Russian Mishka Infirmary

Faced with a highly aged population and years of neglect in medical services, one major aspect of Russia's military reform was in the improvement of safety standards and military healthcare. This led to the creation of new medical facilities, first aid training for all personnel and the implementation of a reliable casualty evacuation system. Mishkas modified into mobile infirmaries play a key part in this, providing medical assistance to infantry in the field.

Render Description: MARS2588

Russian Mishka Radar

A fourth, rarer variant of the Mishka is a radar carrier, which according to doctrine is to be deployed immediately at the beginning of combat operations to provide commanders with radar coverage prior to the construction of a dedicated facility. In addition, this variant benefits from extended vision compared to the default. It should be noted that only one of these "Radar Mishkas" can be deployed at any time as it is only intended as a temporary or fall-back option.

Render Description: MARS2588

That's all for this week. We wish you well and that your drills may be the drills that pierce the heavens.
We will be back next week with more exciting units and content to show you. Don't forget. Believe in yourself. Not in the you who believes in me. Not the me who believes in you. Believe in the you who believes in yourself. (10 points to anyone who gets the reference and what it has to do with Mishkas.)

Till next time Generals!

Post comment Comments
Major-11 - - 29 comments

still tears up terrain like butter

Reply Good karma Bad karma-2 votes
Nagato2044 - - 5 comments

Gurren Lagann

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
ThiccestRicc Author
ThiccestRicc - - 68 comments

Based. 10 points to you.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
DrDaher - - 73 comments

A young digger that discovers a small powerful mecha :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Gittish-Lad - - 129 comments

"Good as done!"

"I'll do it without delay!"

I missed the old voice lines. Although I don't know where those voice lines came from though..

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Guest - - 698,158 comments

That Mishka Radar is useful for the GLA Sneaky Bastards!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
MaelstromX103 Creator
MaelstromX103 - - 2,183 comments

Just to clarify, it doesn't detect stealth

Reply Good karma+5 votes
M.Leo - - 224 comments

Nice work guys, keep it up.

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SADevil - - 49 comments

Radar Mishka should be very useful for an artillery support.

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RevolterOcelot - - 37 comments

Ok, but where's the one with naval gun?

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The_Hunter649 Creator
The_Hunter649 - - 453 comments

We scrapped that when we scrapped the navy in the mod ;)

Reply Good karma+4 votes
Guest - - 698,158 comments

Hmmm... with Radar Mishka, the Russian player would still have a functioning minimap in spite of losing a Commander Center by whatever means?

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MaelstromX103 Creator
MaelstromX103 - - 2,183 comments

All factions now have a minimap at the beginning of a match. The radar Mishka is the way we did that for Russia

Reply Good karma+2 votes
8ft_Robot - - 372 comments

i like the new Mishka lore confirming it is an MT-LB but a successor of it. (like how the Paladin is the Abrams successor).
looks like the GLA mortar buggies are getting their shoes stepped on

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Thirsty_Hirsty - - 211 comments

Like these a lot, great work as usual guys! 🔥

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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