RoSA Project Evolved is a HD Textures Mod that similar to RE4HD aims to recreate the original game textures in higher quality, recreating the textures with the most fidelity possible and using the original sources when they are avaliable.

Textures takes between 1 to 5 hours to be made. Sometimes I recreate the same texture several times in order to get a result that looks good to me and I always remastering or remaking older textures, allways in the intention to make the mod look like the original game but in HD. The focus is not be just a texture mod, the focus is to do a project that feels like using a glasses, generating a feel that the textures are part of the game at point that you forget that you are using a mod.

The story of the mod:
RoSA was initially released by dima001rus and MaKs_IV in 2012, but late discontinued. In 2018 MixMods team got permission from them to keep working on the mod, but sadly it was also discontinued. In 2021 I got permission to keep working on the mod and made thousands of textures from scratch.

When I started working on the mod, the initial ammount of textures from other authors was around 1500 textures, the mod was covering only the exterior world, so there was no vehicles, characters, cutscenes, interiors textures avaliable. My version is made to cover the entire game. I made over 3 thousand textures in 2021 when I first started my version. I have replaced several textures from the other authors, so I belive that at this point there's around 600 or 800 textures from them, I do plan to replace all their textures, leaving only my assets since the older textures are not up to the currenty quality standard of the mod and have severe compression artifacts due the tools from the time. I also create my own textures from months ago everytime I feel that I can do it better with my current skills. So the mod is always being refined, the goal is not only cover the entire game, but also doing it with a quality superior to official games. And as we can see on GTA Trilogy Remaster, I managed to achieve my goal.

RTX Remix Version of the mod:

The screenshots from this page was made in real-time using a older version of RTX Remix in the game.
Note that the textures does not contain PBR shadermaps yet.
RTX Remix is still in the early stages of development and sadly it does have several bugs in GTA San Andreas, due that, I can't specify I release date for the first version of RoSA RTX yet. Stay tuned for more news.

But you can already use RoSA + RTX Remix, just install RoSA on your game and put RTX Remix on top, it will work with no problems, the only downside is that as I said, it will be missing PBR shadermaps.

Current plans for the project:

-It will be built using our project "Proper Fixes" that is a mod that fixes over 5 thousand bugs around the map of the game. Not only that, Proper Fixes also makes a lot of improvements around the game map.
-All textures from RoSA will recieve shadermaps.
-There will be new improved HD models.
-All weapons from the game are being recreated by my friend, and all of them have animations and are functional (while in vanilla game all of them are static).
-There is plans to replace the low poly map terrain with modern high poly terrain, so no more low poly square roads and cliffs in the game.
-There is plans to improve the characters models.

The current state of the mod:
There's thousands of textures left to do and sadly a lot of textures in the mod (mostly from the other authors and my old textures) need to be edited or entirely remade. I'm working on the mod totally by myself now and differently from when I started, I'm no longer a schoolgirl and my parents expect me to have a income to pay help pay the bills. Since RoSA is too time consuming, it's impossible to make the mod while having a job on the real life, so the patreon donations is the only way to keep the mod alive. Despite the money from patreon being a small ammount, It's enough to help me pay bills, so my parents don't kick me out of the house for not being in college/job. The mod was paused for over one year, but since I'm unenployd at moment and my family is passing through some finantial problems, I decided to move the project to early acess on patreon, where I also unlock free download of the version from two months ago day 15 of each month, so you can already test the mod for free, just go there and search the unlocked post with the download link on mediafire. (RTX Remix version not avaliable yet). The mod is only still being developed because of the support from patreon. Without the support, this mod would not exist. If you like my work, please consider support on there.

Reply to the people attacking me because of the Patreon:

I finished school, my parents want me to help with the bills. The money from patreon is not much, but it helped me to pay some bills of my parents. If I had no income, they would force me to get a job, thus the mod would be dead. I love this game and want to see a full remaster of it. I make mods for GTA SA since 2014, it's has been one decade of it, I released hundreds of mods for free and never asked for donations or anything like that. But as an school graduate, I need to have a income to help my parents pay the bills, so patreon was the only way to keep doing big mods like RoSA without my parents kicking me out of the house. Even working daily on RoSA, it will take a few more years to finish the mod. A single texture can take several hours to be finished. And after getting a job, doing this mod on my free time would be impossible, I would manage to make just a few textures per month, the updates would be very slow and I would be too tired, this is not a thing that I can keep on going for one decade.

You might say:

"I dont care. If you need money, then get a job! and If you don't have time to both having a job and working totally for free like a slave on this project ,then depart and leave the modding to the pc community."

The FREE VERSION of mod gets 6 thousand downloads per month and RoSA is one of the most popular mods for GTA SA. Yes sure, I will stop working on the mod and letdown 6 thousand people just because a random guy told me to do it.

I never would think that people would attack a mod that have MONTLY UPDATES FOR FREE. Each month 6 thousand people downloads the free version of the mod, and they are only using it because the support from patreon. Without the support the mod would be dead. If the supporters ammount decrease or I get a job, the mod is dead and I know that soon or later both will happen, so I'm working as fast as I can to finish the mod before the circustances turn it into a inviable task. At moment it already don't worth much working on the mod, I work on the mod from early morning untill 11pm seven days a week, no rest days, no holidays, no vacations. I would recieve more money working on mcdonald's for less time and less stress and with all advanges of a real job (hollydays, weekends at home, vacations). The thing that most motivates me is the passion that I have for the project and the will I have to see it 100% remastered. If I was thinking about farming money, I would be doing stuff for gta v. But I won't let attacks from ungratefull and unreasonable people let me down.

There's absolutely nothing wrong in how the project is handled. And no one other than me is being affected negatively by it.
I'm the only person here working everyday 16 hours on it, I'recieve several hate messages (people even do montages with my photos and tell me to make a onlyfans if I want money), I endure the stress of trying to finish this mod fast so I can move on with my life, I'm delaying college/real job over a mod that pays just a few dollars per month. Everything around this project hurts me, but despite that, I endure everything because I want to see the game fully remastered and I would feel bad if I gave up on this.

If the mod was totally locked on patreon, I would understand the outrage and attacks, but literally in a few hours there will be the release of a free update for the mod.

The mod IS FREE and have more frequent updates than other projects. There's is absolutally no reason to attack me. I have seen people eternal locking enb/reshade/textures for over 5 years on patreon and no one goes after them, on their own pages to attack. So why going after me? I also had recent attacks on the Nexus page. I'm doing nothing wrong. To put in short, I want this mod to be completed, over 6 thousand people also want this, and my parents wants me to pay bills, so the mod has a early acess on patreon alongside with a FREE montly update, free and paid versions are released at same time, I give my parents the money to pay bills, they don't complain about me not having a job or doing college, and then I recieve time to work on the project. I'm not taking any advantages here, I'm just getting more and more hurt as time passes.

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RoSA Project Evolved  - December

RoSA Project Evolved - December


Attention: be sure to read the page description and the readme file. Watch the gameplay file to see how it looks before downloading it.

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h.g141 - - 1 comments

this is updated version in November 2023?

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Guest - - 698,207 comments

This comment is currently awaiting admin approval, join now to view.

Guest - - 698,207 comments

Your work is incredible, there Will be a new version of Proper Fixes?

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Jessica_Natalia Creator
Jessica_Natalia - - 7 comments

yes, it was released a few days ago on mixmods with over 2000 new map fixes, we worked the entire 2023 on it

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Guest - - 698,207 comments

The best texture Mod for GTA San Andreas

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Jessica_Natalia Creator
Jessica_Natalia - - 7 comments

Most recent textures download has been released and a gameplay video is available.
Keep in mind that it's still missing PBR. PBR will be added after Nvidia fix the issues in the game.
This version modify the game files instead of inject textures using remix, that's because, as said on the mod page, I will use my mod "Proper Fixes" as base, a mod that fixes over 5 thousand bugs in the game map, and since "Proper Fixes" is still being updated (I expect to release a new version on the next few days), this would change the texture hash.
A proper PBR update will hopefully be avaliable in the upcoming months.
Keep in mind that at this point, Remix has several issues on GTA SA, It don't really worth using for gameplay yet, it's more to satisfy your curiosity in how the game would look remastered.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Jessica_Natalia Creator
Jessica_Natalia - - 7 comments

My message to people sending me hate messages here and on Nexus just because I have donation pages (kofi for single donation and patreon for montly).

Besides deleting your comment, I will also report to the moderators.
I will not let any more hate messages to keep inside my mod pages.
This IS NOT a paid mod, every day 15 of each month there is a free update for this mod, in fact, in a few hours there will be released another free update. And on 15 march there will be the next one, and april and so on until the mod is finished or get canceled.

You are not being forced to donate anything. You can get montly updates for this mod for free forever without giving me a single dime for it.

If the mod was totally locked on patreon, I would understand the outrage and attacks, but again, literally in a few hours there will be the release of a free update for the mod. The attacks don't makes any sense.

If you want a more in-depth explanation on why I made donation pages, check my previous comments here. I know, the comments are big, but I had to address all necessary things. You are no admin on Nexus or moddb, you have absolutelly no right to attack me, I'm not doing anything wrong, I'm not breaking the rules of the sites. From now on, I will stop replying attacks, I will just report the the moderators and block you from this page.

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dibdob - - 1,346 comments

"I do not have time to put in such big project for free"

The bare-faced cheek of it ,i'm almost lost for words.

Kids today ,so bloody entitled.

You've turned a community made pc mod into a PAID MOD ??????????????????

Get a job !

Leave our pc modding where it's supposed to be !!

If you don't have time ,then depart and leave the modding to the pc community.

My god , it's about time the game companies started clamping down on these patreon shysters,long overdue.

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Leolords97 - - 1 comments

when a retard using their brain to post a comment KEKW

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Jessica_Natalia Creator
Jessica_Natalia - - 7 comments

This is not a paid mod, the mod is updated for free each day 15 of the month.
At moment the version for vanilla game is avalibalbe and you can use with RTX Remix but it will not have PBR.
Version for RTX Remix with proper PBR support will be started once Remix gets more stable (At moment it does have several bugs).

Patreon and kofi are optional platforms for people who wants to donate. Several modders have donations platforms. The only entitled person here is you by trying to tell what people should do with their own money. If someone wants to support a project by making a donation or a montly donation, it's their choice, you are not obligated to donate anything.

"You've turned a community made pc mod into a PAID MOD ??????????????????"
Once again, this is not a paid mod, the mod do recieve free updates montly. When I started working on the mod, the initial ammount of textures from other authors was around 1500 textures, the mod was covering only the exterior world, so there was no vehicles, characters, cutscenes, interiors textures avaliable. My version is made to cover the entire game. I made over 3 thousand textures in 2021 when I first started my version. I have replaced several textures from the other authors, so I belive that at this point there's around 600 or 800 textures from them, I do plan to replace all their textures, leaving only my assets since the older textures are not up to the currenty quality standard of the mod and have severe compression artifacts due the tools from the time.

I work on the mod making new textures from early morning until 11pm everyday. And even with this ammount of focus, it will take a long time to finish the mod, since each texture requires many hours of labor. Would be impossible to make this mod if I had a job in real life. Patreon does not pay the same as a real job, it's not something sustenable. I work over 16 hours per day everyday on this project, the patreon generates just a few dollars per month. The major thing that drives me to do the mod is the passion for the game, because from the point of view of getting money this project is a terrible idea, It simply don't worth it, that's why I'm trying my best to finish the mod 100% as fast as possible, because I know that would be impossible to finish after getting a job.

You might say "If its for passion, then why accept donations"?
I finished school, my parents want me to help with the bills. The money from patreon is not much, but it helped me to pay some bills of my parents. If I had no income, they would force me to get a job, thus the mod would be dead. I love this game and want to see a full remaster of it. I make mods for GTA SA since 2014, it's has been one decade of it, I released hundreds of mods for free and never asked for donations or anything like that. But as an school graduate, I need to have a income to help my parents pay the bills, so patreon was the only way to keep doing big mods like RoSA without my parents kicking me out of the house. As I said, even work daily on RoSA, it will take a few more years to finish the mod. And doing this mod on my free time would be impossible, I would be too tired to work on a project this big, not to mention that would take over one decade to finish it.

"If you don't have time ,then depart and leave the modding to the pc community."

The FREE VERSION of mod gets 6 thousand downloads per month and RoSA is one of the most popular mods for GTA SA. Yes sure, I will stop working on the mod and letdown 6 thousand people just because a random guy told me to do it.

I never would think that people would attack a mod that have MONTLY UPDATES FOR FREE. Each month 6 thousand people downloads the free version of the mod, and they are only using it because the support from patreon. Without the support the mod would be dead. If the supporters ammount decrease or I get a job, the mod is dead and I know that soon or later both will happen, so I'm working as fast as I can to finish the mod before the circustances turn it into a inviable task. At moment it already don't worth much working on the mod, I work on the mod from early morning untill 11pm seven days a week, no rest days, no holidays, no vacations. I would recieve more money working on mcdonald's for less time and less stress and with all advanges of a real job (hollydays, weekends at home, vacations). The thing that most motivates me is the passion that I have for the project and the will I have to see it 100% remastered. If I was thinking about farming money, I would be doing stuff for gta v. But I won't let attacks from ungratefull and unreasonable people let me down.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Jessica_Natalia Creator
Jessica_Natalia - - 7 comments

There's absolutely nothing wrong in how the project is handled. And no one other than me is being affected negatively by it.
I'm the only person here working everyday 16 hours on it, I'recieve several hate messages (people even do montages with my photos and tell me to make a onlyfans if I want money), I endure the stress of trying to finish this mod fast so I can move on with my life, I'm delaying college/real job over a mod that pays just a few dollars per month. Everything around this project hurts me, but despite that, I endure everything because I want to see the game fully remastered and I would feel bad if I gave up on this.

If the mod was totally locked on patreon, I would understand the outrage and attacks, but literally in a few hours there will be the release of a free update for the mod.

The mod IS FREE and have more frequent updates than other projects. There's is absolutally no reason to attack me. I have seen people eternal locking enb/reshade/textures for over 5 years on patreon and no one goes after them, on their own pages to attack. So why going after me? I also had recent attacks on the Nexus page. I'm doing nothing wrong. To put in short, I want this mod to be completed, over 6 thousand people also want this, and my parents wants me to pay bills, so the mod has a early acess on patreon alongside with a FREE montly update, free and paid versions are released at same time, I give my parents the money to pay bills, they don't complain about me not having a job or doing college, and then I recieve time to work on the project. I'm not taking any advantages here, I'm just getting more and more hurt as time passes.

Next time you want to attack someone, go learn more about them. You and no one can call me gready about this project. I did and keep doing everything I can to keep the project alive.
I have depression and daily suicidal toughts, I live in a house falling apart, full of mold on the walls, with leaking ceiling that forces me to use umbrellas inside the house when it rains, my dad threatened to kill me at end of last year and my most recent suicide attemp was a few days ago. but even having this ****** life that worth for nothing, I would never go around attacking and humiliating other people like you tried to do here.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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