Lost in Infinity's grasp, the Doom Slayer must break an endless cycle of death and rebirth. Classic Doom transformed into a roguelike along with upgrades...
Lindwyrm combines hack‘n‘slay combat, platforming, puzzling and housing in the shell of a roguelite action RPG. Crawl into thrilling dungeons, slay...
Rogue Rollout is a roguelike deckbuilder that challenges you to master the dice and strategically choose your path through an ever-increasing gauntlet...
The process has such parameters as: cycle time, consumables used per cycle, a equipment without which the process is not possible, as well as personnel.
In Mononeko, you weave attacks into the music, chain together movements and race against time to capture the kitten killers who are hiding a dark truth...
The king have been taken hostage and locked inside a Dungeon! A dungeon that changes each time you die, or complete a level. Complete in challenging different...
An autobattler roguelike about a cute gluttonous monster called Shadey. Guide Shadey through a mysterious dark fantasy world, feed him to make him stronger...
Babies Vs Monsters is a bullet hell rogue-like game with RPG elements. Designed with cartoonish animations, this game offers various characters, level...
In the game Spaceship Commander people fly to Mars like they go to their grandmother's village, some for work, and some as a tourist. Why to Mars? Because...
Fight off swarms of monsters, fill your backpack with various weapons and items and battle your way through powerful bosses! Each run is different as...
vapormaze is a roguelite FPS in a vaporwave maze. You are trapped in a maze of lies. To escape, you must find the truth. Shoot robots...
Cubed and Dangerous is a charming but punishing action looter shooter that seamlessly merges elements of action RPG build-crafting with the thrill of...
6.0 is here with a bunch of new cards! Main features are new Daily Challenge decks, a tweak to how players can hunt for the elusive Wild Cards, and the...
Caves & Swords invites you on an epic journey through procedurally generated worlds filled with mystery, danger, and untold treasures. Dive into dark...
* Everyone who bought Early Access and left a review on Steam. I'll add you all to the credits at the full release.
Neon Village is a deck-builder game that combines "match-3 puzzle" and "roguelike" elements. Gather unique residents and create your own neon village!
Splatter slimes, massacre mutants, and assemble your perfect Gunbot! Survive hordes of enemies in this top-down shooter roguelite by customizing your...
Version 1.3.0 is now here with new Game Mode, Weapons, Upgrades, Achievements and more! Starting off with a special 35% Sale on Steam.
I continue to work on technological processes (mining minerals, healing, production, etc.).
STAR SALVAGER is a roguelike, arcade-puzzler that totally reinvents the arcade-hall classic. We present an innovative mix of cabinet-style arcade action...
Hi, I am JuTek Pixel, developer working solo on this small title. When I started to learn C# and Unity a few years ago, brick breaker was my first tutorial...
An update on our first draft for a skill selection UI for playable characters.
In this devlog we explore our progress so far on the ATB battle system, the way in which we expect our combat to function, and some things we learned...
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