RSS Reviews  (0 - 20 of 174,814)

Brutal Doom

Mod review by Manny_F. Agree (235) Disagree (33)

Brütal Doom clearly deserves a 10, for several reasons:

First, it has been developed almost single handedly by a goodwill individual, who clearly has shown the outmost dedication and perseverance through 2 years of continued development, besides from being always open-minded and patient, hearing suggestions and criticism and enduring ludicrous amounts of flame-wars on some of the forums where the project was being discussed. Such professionalism must be taken in note.

Second: the level of compromise put into the mod. Rather than simply rush things, all versions, besides from adding increasingly surprising new features, kept trying to improve the core gameplay, gradually polishing it. From the crude first versions, which had a very “experimental” feel, to the current V 0.16, which plays very smoothly and makes me think we may not be so far from the final 1.0 release, there’s a world of differences, and that clearly proves the effort put into the mod.

Third: the mod itself. While the titular buff in brutality is already worth it, that’s only the peak of the iceberg of awesome BD is, the added gameplay elements, way too many to mention here, expands DooM into a whole new level and makes worth to revisit old WADs just to see how everything’s different and how new strategies can be pulled off.

The increased difficulty, criticized by some, helps a lot to bring back the feelings we all had in our heads back in ’94, when we really feared our enemies and never felt really safe walking around an abandoned techbase or hell itself. We’ve all got used to DooM tricks by now, but BD just forces us to forget everything we’ve learned and find new ways to fight back the monsters we had come to take as easy pickings. Hard fights in classic DooM will make you cry blood in BD, but, when you finally manage to win, you really feel like you’re the Doomguy, a puny, fleshy mortal who has just kicked Hell’s *** for all eternity. And in the end, that’s all that really matters.


Project Zomboid

Early access game review by Broax Agree (247) Disagree (48)

This is one of those examples of how great indie alpha funding can be... Project Zomboid is a real work of love fueled by a great community and great interaction between developers and fans. Even if it's just in the earliest stages the colossal potential it has for modding alone makes this a game full of potential.

As for the game itself it has great music, and awesome atmosphere... It's a great ride for all the nostalgic gamers that fondly remember isometric games. And the structure of this game allows for limitless replayabilty with random spawning NPCs, zombies and items!

Use your survival instincts to scavenge for food, make your own weapons, and try to survive for as long as you can. Because as in life, in PZ the only certain thing is death...



Mod review by Mkilbride Agree (196) Disagree (21)

Underhell is one of those mods that comes along every so often, that makes you look at retail and remember when they used to make good games like this...and saddens you a little that the industry can't turn out gold like this these days.

In a world of MMO's, Call of Duty FPS's, we get a classic game with a good story, incredible atmosphere, and depth to boot. Fun gameplay on top of that?

This is a lovechild, and that is what makes it amazing. This is the result of someones vision come to life. They didn't do what's popular, or what could make them money, they made what their vision was...and it is glorious. So often these days you see a promising game, turned into a ****** game due to this, like Alan Wake, for mere profit. Developers used to take risks, but now they have franchises...that make them easy money, so why take risks, why innovate?

This is the first game to have genuinely creeped me out since I played Amnesia: The Dark Descent, which is the scariest game ever.

The atmosphere is so amazing I got lost in the world, I felt like I was exploring my own house. Level design for "The House" is top tier. It does not get better than this, basically, it is at a level where few games go, especially retail games.

The action part of the game, while not as good, surprised me. I thought I'd get sick of it fast.

I did not. It was intense, tactical, it felt like Swat 4 gameplay meets had a feel that I couldn't run and gun, but I could be a badass. Which I like. No regenerating health either, so it makes you play the game more scared. Checkpoint system, so no save, reload, save reload, ect.

Also, console commands are mostly locked, so cheating, noclipping, anything really is hard to do, which helps preserve the majesty of the world that has been crafted.

Overall, I want more games like this to be produced, and I am eagerly awaiting the episodes to come.

Cozur's God Complex make this mod not enjoyable, he refuses to listen to fan requests and treats any criticism unwell. All in all, he should have never released this mod if he was going to pretend others that download this mod do not exist in any form apart from to inflate his overblown ego.


A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

Mod review by Morpheus__ Agree (263) Disagree (94)

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
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For what you said against the World of Ice and Fire Mod. way to get personal isn't it. Your review went too far. And the way you review people's mods is equivalent to bullying...............

And what makes this funny as hell is as soon as you rate a 1 on competing mods, you delete it afterwards so people can't see how much of a complete ******* you really are.


Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Mod review by Pharaoh-of-Unrest Agree (156) Disagree (19)



S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Chernobyl

Mod review may contain spoilers by Lоnerboner Agree (139) Disagree (15)

An endeavour that should be complimented by not only our small S.T.A.L.K.E.R. community, but modders around the globe. A project that started as map-pack which grew into a full modders resource and base for role-players, free-play enthusiasts, weapon pack lovers and of course die hard stalker fans alike.

Call Of Chernobyl is the embodiment of what I think "modding" should be. Team Epic spend their time and effort in not only creating something, but polishing it, adding onto where others would've stopped. Initially, as a map-pack, all what had to be done was smart terrains, the spawns and no other gameplay changes. As the year went by, not only the gameplay, but the engine, has been optimized and added onto.

Now, I gave a 10. Lets give some argumentation as to why I gave this mod a perfect score:

Engine optimization: 10/10
- FAST loading times due to ALL of the cleaning of unneeded repetitive code by Alundaio. This mod with all its goodness runs better than vanilla CoP on my old Q9550 / 4GB DDR2 RAM / GTX275. I am enjoying DX10 with sun-shafts ON and near 70FPS at some times, with little dips below 60. The performance speaks for itself.

Compatability: 10/10
- The creators of CoC have not only envisioned their "modders resource", but they have also provided the needed tools to allow modders to fully decode, unpack and change whatever element about CoC. A fully upgraded SDK with level files, tutorials and videos on how to do whatever, all within their own free time. Team Epic deserves nothing less than their name, Epic.

Gameplay Mechanics: 10/10
- New mechanics are EVERYWHERE. From in-game commands for the (previously unused) num-pad keys, changing of squad size, spawns, probability of mutant spawns, frequency and of course my favourite feature, artefact degradation, this mod has it all. CoC 1.4 offers so much to not only the modder, but also the player. Some argued it became "stale" and "boring" after a while, but this definitely switches up the gameplay.

Graphical fidelity:
- Call it placebo, but CoC looks and sounds so much better than vanilla CoP. Not only the graphics themselves, but the overall feel of the game feels more polished. From unique soundtracks to, albeit by another team, honest and powerful weapons, the gunplay, a vital organ of any game and mod, feels "up there".

All in all a 10 out of 10. I can't add anything more, since this review was revisited on the 26th of September, 2016, and I have yet to really get into the whole 1.4 version of the mod.

But I am a VERY pleased fan. Alun, Darryl, Bangalore, Neko, Borovos, ExImIeR and 2C, WELL DONE. Thank you, really.


Rise of the Reds

Mod review by 501General Agree (141) Disagree (17)

awesome mod, with lots of potential rivaling some of the best mods.

the fact that its still in development speaks wonders of whats to come.


Edain Mod

Mod review by TheMost Agree (136) Disagree (14)

You could think im exxagerating the value of this mod,but i can only tell you : try with your hands.

Edain mod is without any doubt the best RTS based on the LotR series,and,but this is just my opinion,the best RTS overall.

While being much more true to tolkien than any other EA's work,it combines great complexity with good-balance in an excellent way.

But what,above all things,makes this mod stand out are the models of the units,heroes and buildings,just take a look to the gallery on the site.

Edain mod has everything in order to be BfmeIII,and while i know it is doomed to remain a mod,even though one of the greatest mod ever,i can understand that the creators have talent,and that they are being able to creat a masterpiece only with their passion.

I don't want to make any spoiler,i would ruin everything.
But i heavily suggest you to try this mod,even if you aren't a LotR fan.
It is worth it.


Pokémon: Generations

Game review by ShugoKite Agree (112) Disagree (5)

It's 3D Pokémon with real time battles. Who hasn't been waiting for something this amazing?


Third Age - Total War

Mod review by X4VI3R Agree (121) Disagree (11)

It's hard not to give this one a 10.
It has almost everything you'd want from a LOTR mod in M2TW, and much more.

The only criticisms that i could give: As for right now, it lacks some really important plot parts from the earlier Third Age.
But Sub-Campaigns for each faction (or some) could definitely help on this subject.


Great mod, at least for 0.91, but the creator is kind of an *** and inmediatly ban or delete any critic or question regarding support,like someone already said, cozur ego is too much to handle the amount of errors this mod have,it's sad cause this will mean the fall of this mod


Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Mod review by Landkreuzer Agree (103) Disagree (8)

Exelent mod that adds tons of new units, more or less closer to codex and easy to install. I really like the fact that this can run along the tyranid and inquisition mod.



Game review by Kizzycocoa Agree (136) Disagree (31)

Minecraft is a small building game that looks like it will be very boring at first glance. You look, and you see blocks, you see animals and you see people building dirt houses. Without knowing the mechanics, it cannot be understood.

However, once you play, you can suddenly see why people enjoy the game.

Minecraft is portrayed as a building game. You put blocks down and build things, which is reflected in the only easily accessible free version.
Minecraft is NOT simply a block building game. It is a crafting game, a learning game, a gathering game and overall, a survival game.

Minecraft comes with no aim. It simply lets you do what you want, which is why it is such a diverse game. Some use it to create beautiful masterpieces in architecture, while some use it to fight blocky creatures. Some even use it for both, creating entire cities, while fighting off the creatures of the night.

Minecraft has a form of beauty about it, and shows that every time you explore the world. It also doubles the beauty with a second dimension, used for fast travel in the real world. These both show a harsh contrast of design, but are both amazing in their own ways.

Even as you read this, there is likely more being added to Minecraft, as it builds up the gameplay. It is supposedly alpha, and supposedly worth £8-£9. I however do not believe that. A simple start-up of a Minecraft world outweighs even major commercial game's quality.

When you hit that buy button, you are paying for a final release, that will continue to grow. You are not paying for an alpha. To call it alpha is simply insulting.

Not many games can have original gameplay, art style and good community interaction. But this game, despite originally being a Infiniminer clone, pulls it off in ways that words simply cannot describe. It has such a diverse genre, it cannot be summed up in one sentence.

That alone is why Minecraft is such a brilliant game, and why it will be popular, years after it is finished completely.


Mount & Blade: Warband

Game review by TomiMaFox Agree (93) Disagree (4)

One of the best games I ever played :D


Warsword Conquest

Mod review by jobels Agree (101) Disagree (10)

Amazing mod. Has a really interesting setting and all the factions are just awesome. Hands down, the best mod I have ever installed for Mount & Blade.


Project Zomboid

Early access game review by warlordpompey Agree (105) Disagree (14)

The quintessence of immersive gameplay. It's an open world, not because you're told that it's open, but simply because you can approach the game from any survival model you choose to adopt.

I have spentg countless hours in-game and meta-game, and this is still a pre-alpha!

Huge potential for growth and an excellent foundation to build upon. If you like enveloping zombie-themed gameplay, get Project Zomboid now.


A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

Mod review by SudoKnight Agree (172) Disagree (67)

The pathfinding is garbage, glitches are everywhere and crashes are too frequent. Not only that, but the developer is more arrogant than anyone else I've ever met. He doesn't take critique maturely, he doesn't listen to bug reports and he rarely responds to questions. Cozur honestly shouldn't be a modder, he acts like a child and tells people to go hate on other mods. I hope others will realize that this is a lost cause, so many other mods deserve attention.


Pokémon: Generations

Game review by Cruellyricisti Agree (76) Disagree (1)

I must say, the art style your team has gotten spot on. The environment, Pokemon models, all of it. Perfect. The real challenge, in my opinion, is in if you're able to make this world feel alive. Which is the key difference between the original Gameboy games, and the television series. Will the Pokemon have personalities?

Will I see a group of Spearow flying overhead in a delta formation, led by a Fearow? Streams full of Magikarp, swimming in schools? Herds of Miltank roaming the grasslands? Will this one be brave, and that one cowardly? If Wartortle is my favorite, can he hang outside of his Pokeball for a few? Can I walk my Growlithe? Can I have my Ivysaur Vinewhip, and hold on to that Onix, while my Feroligator finishes him off with a Hydrobeam?

What about unconventional moves? Pidgeyotto flap up a Whirlwind, Cyndaquil, fill that Whirlwind with fire and let's finish off this grass queen. Are they able to acknowledge each other, or are they completely oblivious of one another? So many questions, I know. You've decided to take on a much loved, and fondly remembered, childhood pass time. Do it justice, the way Nintendo hasn't bothered to.


A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

Mod review by Achudnow Agree (135) Disagree (43)

I love this mod. I really do. However, I am forced to give it a terrible rating because of its maker. Like a number of people before me, I've been turned off by Cozur's rude, childish, and incredibly arrogant attitude. He's a ****, pure and simple, and I'm feel forced to go elsewhere for a good Game of Thrones M&B:W Mod. They are coming, don't despair. Don't bother dealing with Cozur's total lack of support or even ability to display basic courtesy.