RSS Reviews  (0 - 20 of 174,814)

Third Age - Total War

Mod review by Greek_hoplite Agree (18) Disagree (250)

LOTR is crap..........

Cozur's God Complex make this mod not enjoyable, he refuses to listen to fan requests and treats any criticism unwell. All in all, he should have never released this mod if he was going to pretend others that download this mod do not exist in any form apart from to inflate his overblown ego.


Brutal Doom

Mod review by mrthejoshmon Agree (32) Disagree (169)

Brutal Doom is an over the top (and OVERRATED) mod for the classic DOS Doom games.
The weapon sprites look nice and smooth... That is where the positives end I am afraid.
The sounds within this mod are terrible (excluding voice acting), the weapons sound like water guns compared to the sounds of the enemies screams of pain (Seriously are you into sadism and **** bro?), the screaming blasts over every other sound going off, it is pure ear hell!
The balancing of the mod is absolutely shagged: More than 10 imps and your *** is on Ebay, Cyberdemons are pussies that can be absolutely crushed in ten seconds (They are literally giant glass windows), if you bump into a baron of hell in a corridor you are brown bread, if you see an arachnotron you will be loading game soon (Dead simple is near impossible on UV), mancubus shots annihilate everything, all you will ever need is the shotgun, the chaingun is wank (And doesn't even penetrate 1 imp making it useless) and the list goes on.
Gameplay: It is basically CoD: Hell Warfare with added gore porn and sadism in the mix, it ruins megawads and cripples original Doom gameplay.
Graphics: the enemy sprites look absolutely hideous, seriously you can see color changes and cut edges of the things (you know, like an unfinished product?)
And then we have the author and his fantards (Not all Brutal Doom fans mind you, just rabid SGT Mark loverboys):
The author is, and always was, a complete and utter egotistical little self obsessed, misogynistic, rascist, suicide endorsing ******* (and that is hardly scratching the surface), he takes negative opinions as "Jealousy", how comical.
Then you have his hardcore fanboys who defend his ******* actions to the grave, attacking (via messages and such, not physically) anybody with a different opinion and accusing them (like Mark himself) of being "Jealous", how comical.
I used to be a fan, but then it hit me: The mod is wank, the authors a **** and so are the fanboys, avoid this ****.


Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Mod review by OberfuhrerG Agree (17) Disagree (134)

It sucks ****.


Black Mesa

Mod review by Aleksei_Lenin Agree (15) Disagree (128)

At first i made a really nice review to this game mod. But then i advanced further in the game and i got really ****** off... Yeah its pretty and scenic , yeah most of the voice acting is great and the music is fantastic but there is a huge annoying gash that just makes the game ****!


Soldiers...Im fine with other critters plaing running to eat you but soldiers(well the alien soldiers suck in this department as well). Anyway so where were we? oh yeah - soldiers.... They. were. terrible. I felt like i was playing Soldiers of Fortune 2! All they did is snipe like crazy from miles away! Like literally, you can be hiding like mad with only the head of ur ***** hanging out from cover or moving like the wind and they will be just standing miles away with their back towards you and then they just 180 and repeatedly hit you in your face!! Even after u kill a few of them all the do is the same stupid **** --> just running straight to you! **** ! that is so annoying! generally my fights with them were too quick! The lasted somewhere between 2-20 seconds ! either complete clean sweep with headshots before they even fire a shot or (mostly in case of the bigger fights that happen on larger arenas) they ended with my death while i try to end the nuisance so i could enjoy the game. The other annoying part was that i could enter an arena and stand either by the entrance or in a spot where there is cover and headshot them continuously until my revolver is out and i have to switch to shotgun cause by that time the rest of the brainiacs are coming to check me out up close. ITS ANNOYING. There is no time to change strategy really... you change that once u load after you get killed once again.

ALSO smg got really ****** up. Too accurate and nades too fast and straight... cant wait to get to the point where AI will start using nades... i bet thats going to be a blast... right to the face... and my quickload button... COOL GAM

I always try out GoT mods, but now I have actually played some time on this mod, I can't play any more. It's utter rubbish. I'm sorry, I am going back to Cozur, at least he can code.


Republic at War

Mod review by z3rOx Agree (34) Disagree (120)

Worst MOD EVER!!!!


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

Mod review by stooe Agree (108) Disagree (110)

It's Lost Alpha. Should it be rated any less?


Third Age - Total War

Mod review by VisioN Agree (3) Disagree (109)

There is NO .bat file or shortcut on my desktop or anywhere to start the program. Therefore this is a massive FAIL. Don't tell me I did not follow instructions, because i did. Even disabled UAC and firewall and tried reinstalling and redownloading the file. Obviously this was not well put together, and the only people that seem to be reviewing this are the people whom it worked for. I know plenty of people that have had it fail on installation in the same way as me and I have seem more claim that it crashes repeatedly on startup or in midgame. Need to polish your product.


Republic at War

Mod review by Silly-From-Poland Agree (8) Disagree (109)



Brutal Doom

Mod review by Sgt.Shivers Agree (13) Disagree (109)

The creator is really messed up.


1860s Old America

Mod review by Extradaemon Agree (142) Disagree (103)

I'm submitting this low score not because the mod is bad. It's an ambitious mod witch fails in the expected areas. I'm giving it a low score because the author insists on selling the final release in return for good reviews. A complete disregard for any creative criticism and an extremely disrespectful practice to both the community that supports it, and those who intend for and use the review system for it's intended purpose. NOT being used to blackmail users into giving the mod good press.


Many have criticised Gabrilduro for his extremely obnoxious behaviour in the past, but this has taken it to a whole new level, his cult of personality is out of control, and it's time for a long, hard reality check. The below image is a small collection found through a few minutes of browsing the 1860 mod forums:

As for the mod. It's average. It's a full conversion with many weak areas, the majority of textures are downright ugly (, The map is empty and lacking in any polish (, And many of the flavour items are simply ported from some of "Gabby's" older mods, which are of a worse quality than this. ( "Only MP" factions prove my point exactly) And don't get me started on the multiplayer (

I suppose that's all I can say about the 1860's Old America mod and the powers that run it. The only positives I can possibly say are that the music choice is stellar for assisting immersion, if only the rest of the mod hadn't stopped that happening a long time ago.


Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Mod review by aleksey2 Agree (8) Disagree (103)

Дерьмо макаки.



Mod review by FBtheUndead Agree (146) Disagree (101)

With the intention of being realistic, it ends up feeling like its "overly" realistic, while some aspects make sense, others do not. The idea that a trained military sniper gets too tired to even move after WALKING about 100 yards, only carrying 10 pounds of equipment, seems silly to me. A normal person might get tired, but military personnel are trained to run for miles with much heavier equipment.
The ai could still use work, their detection system is most certainly unrealistic and can be very easily abused. Vendors won't buy weapons that have been worn at all, which all of them are since it is "hard to get good weapons into the zone." It doesn't make sense that all vendors would only buy and sell weapons in perfect condition if this were the case. A smuggler can get better weapons in then the military, who controls what goes in an out? Come on now.
A decent mod, the retextures look like silly grimdarkness, the designer is clearly more interested in his own opinion as opposed to the community's though.
You should probably just stick to vanilla on master difficulty.


Republic at War

Mod review by Silly_poland_Kid Agree (8) Disagree (99)

Worst Mod Ever
Troll has Been Created


Brutal Doom

Mod review by SArais Agree (17) Disagree (95)

A god-awful one-shot gimmick. Overhyped and overpraised. Bother yourself with higher quality mods like DoomRLA, Russian Overkill, and more. Not worth any MOTY, especially not with stolen assets.


A Clash of Kings (Game of Thrones)

Mod review by Morpheus__ Agree (263) Disagree (94)

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

For what you said against the World of Ice and Fire Mod. way to get personal isn't it. Your review went too far. And the way you review people's mods is equivalent to bullying...............

And what makes this funny as hell is as soon as you rate a 1 on competing mods, you delete it afterwards so people can't see how much of a complete ******* you really are.


Republic at War

Mod review by betterthanyou Agree (5) Disagree (94)

try to make the game available to download to everyne. my friends and i hae had a tough time trying to download this mod because you a too many requirements. for our computers u ned winzip(u shouldn't need that). i have xp.


Republic at War

Mod review by hipogriff Agree (4) Disagree (91)



Half-Life 2

Game review by MasterBandit Agree (9) Disagree (89)
