A prisoner wakes up in his prison cell and sees that the prison looks different. There is no one. This is a good time to escape.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 19)

Good mod!


Claylex says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree

This mod is pretty short at only 30-40 minutes but sweet!

You take the role of a prisoner in some kind of combine prison (?) Now you have to escape it

You have 3 weapons in the game, the wrench, the pistol, and the shotgun, with limited ammo and supplies. You also only get a select number of health items so be careful, especially playing the higher difficulties

Overall, I'd say if you wanna waste some time and play another cool/short HL2 mod, go play this!

Also, shoutout to the mod team for fixing the issue I had with the vents!


IMUH says

Agree Disagree

Great gameplay and custom assets, but lighting and brushwork can sometimes be a bit hit or miss, and there are a couple frame drops

A surprise release from the makers of Evacuation. Albeit a short but sweet one. This is basically straightforward Resident Evil style mod with a banger OST and a nice boos fight at the end. Had a good time.

I streamed this on 24.06.2024 and I had fun with this mod, I saw the Trailer a bit and got myself hyped up for it, so I got the game running the moment I saw it.

In terms of gameplay there's nothing too much I can say that I have to be against of, I loved the computer stuff, I feel like it could of been used for more puzzles than what was given in the full release, the animations for cutscenes were also pretty well done, in some cases you can see the arms clipping with the FOV but I think that can be easily fixed, the reason for why I give the mod a 9/10 is part of the gameplay, as I had a bit of a hard time picking up the health stuff up when I needed the most, and that was mostly at the boss battle when I was running low on health.

The gunplay was pretty alright to me, I liked the pistol and the shotgun.

Visually the mod was alright, it wasn't overdone but it wasn't too empty either, a bit hard to see in some parts without flashlight, but that's on purpose after all as you don't have a flashlight, the exterior parts of the mod happened to look a lot more prettier than some parts of the inside areas of the prison and hospital in terms of detailing.

Audio wise it had the standard HL2 audios, the soundscapes on the otherhand was a custom shipment coming with the mod, and I liked the new soundscapes the mod came with, the music was also absolutely bangers, I loved it.


Mazdo says

Agree Disagree

Very good, but it's too short :(


MPy says

Agree Disagree

Prisoner is a interesting atmospheric mod with elements of horror.

The mod was obviously going for something a little more minimalistic and simple when it comes to the gunplay, however it still has the same "Half-Life 2" feel that essentially 99% of the mods nowadays have which isn't inherently a bad thing but it can get a little tiring.

The enemies were mostly standard Half-Life 2 zombies, however the mod team added their own zombie types which is an awesome idea.

The gameplay was lacking in many ways and mostly consisted of just walking around until you find the correct door/key/card, rinse and repeat. Between the puzzle areas sprinkle a few enemies and that's the gameplay summarized.

Visually, the mod isn't too unique however it has a fairly consistent Nova Prospekt-esque art style mixed with other Half-Life 2 like areas. Some parts of the map were poorly lit which in theory should improve the atmosphere and keep you on your toes, however considering that the enemies are the same Half-Life 2 zombies the surprise factor gets lost almost instantly, at least for me.

Even though the animations were rough, they were a very refreshing addition to the mod that you don't get to see in hl2 mods every day.

All in all, fairly solid but very short experience. While I feel like the overall idea of this mod could've been executed better, the overall experience was captured very well through these 2 maps.


agreenman says

Early access review Agree Disagree

What kind of prison has no prisoners? Where is everybody? Can you imagine having to send a guard all the way down here just to feed one guy?

Oh... is this horror? I like it. I take back my previous comments.

Spooky soundscapes.

Manages to cram in some unique ideas like the fast battery zombie (although Thunder's Leaves did it first) and crazy orb-thing zombie controller. Would like to see these implemented more in a full-length release.

This was weird and not at all what I expected. I'm into it.


Dubaser says

Early access review may contain spoilers Agree Disagree
