In a world ravaged by a relentless virus that turns humans into zombies, survival is the only goal. Our story follows a determined protagonist from Camp One, led by an ex-military strategist, Hanks, who is hardened by loss and years of combat. Hanks’ life has been a relentless battle, not just against the undead but also against Moon, a ruthless leader of a formidable group that extorts and terrorizes other camps. As tensions rise and resources dwindle, alliances will be tested, and the fight for survival will intensify. Navigate the perilous forest, make strategic decisions, and uncover the dark secrets of this post-apocalyptic world.

RSS Reviews

jackhorly says

Early access review Agree Disagree

The varied mission objectives in Hunter Moonstrike keep gameplay dynamic and interesting, ensuring that players are constantly engaged and presented with new challenges to overcome.


ghasemi213 says

Early access review Agree Disagree

The sense of accomplishment after successfully fending off a massive horde of zombies is unbeatable!"


qjcniid says

Early access review Agree Disagree

Very entertaining


azimghasemi92 says

Early access review Agree Disagree

The sense of accomplishment after successfully fending off a massive horde of zombies is unbeatable!


azimghsemi99 says

Early access review Agree Disagree

Surviving against the relentless hordes of zombies in this game was an adrenaline-pumping experience!


farhadsaroblandi says

Early access review Agree Disagree

Greate Game thanks


adm.sata says

Early access review Agree Disagree

so fun


Marcella_Douglas says

Early access review

Triston_Conroy says

Early access review