Freedoom is a project to create a complete Doom II-compatible IWAD file which is Free Software' The IWAD file is the file used by Doom which contains all the game data (graphics, sound effects, music, etc')' While the Doom source code is Free, you currently still need one of the proprietary IWAD files from id in order to play Doom' Freedoom aims to create a Free alternative' Combined with the GPL-licensed Doom source code this will result in a complete Free Doom-based game' The Freedoom project has already succeeded in creating a complete set of replacement textures for the original Doom games, as well as a large amount of extra material (sound effects, graphics, sprites, etc)' All of the Freedoom material can be freely redistributed, modified and reused without restriction provided credit is given to the project'

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 35)

Great project.



Absolutely love this!


Provides easy access to the DOOM experience on old hardware, on many different systems.

A great project



This Just a Great Exampale Of What Open Source IWAD Sould Be. I'm Glad That They Made This


its a good game

Looks like a bootleg.
Very nice and good.


Its free