Thanks to my friends who helped me to make this mod. This mod is made in the most difficult mode that you can think of and you will face the most difficult enemies and demons that you have seen in different mods, so be careful with your ammunition and make every shot carefully so that you don't get into trouble. This mod is beta now. I hope you enjoy this mod. Thank you
Hi new update is out now..... Let me tell you about changes.... New reload for rifle and revolver.. New empty reload for pistol.... Add new keys on options..... Add special weapons ( secend fire for guns but not all guns)..... Add throw mine..... New kick animation and style..... Add new ammo boxs for better gameplay..... Soda heal pick up for inventory...... New sounds..... Loot box for found ammo and guns..... More damage add for kick and weapons...... New railgun and sniper rifle....... Add coins and data pad for buy some guns and ammo and healt pack..... Fix start game style (secretary B class and survival)...... New death animation...... And about enemys change........ Low Hp for zombies and zombie scream spawn..... Change one imp and add new imp..... New chaingun guy...... And one new emeny...... Thank you for download.... Have fun...
It crashes as soon as I shoot, what source port are you using?
Use gzdoom (last gzdoom update )
i am using and its crashing too
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Its saying this is out of date,that the full version has been archived by the uploader?
You cant downloaded or what.?
Check its fix now please
If its not working please try with gzdoom v4.11 or 4.12 sorry about that
How turn on light ?
You can turn on light when you want to run witch on doom wad you want and on options you can active it just go to light
Mod is fix now on new gzdoom