Raiding.Zone is a pve arena game in Voxel style inspired by World of Warcraft and Warframe.

The gameplay is oriented around the roles Tank, Healer and Damage-Dealer.

  • 10 weapons with 70 different spells
  • 6 dungeons on 3 difficulties
  • 12 armor and trinket items with unique spells
  • Essence and Talent system for further customization
  • Available on Windows, Linux and Mac

You mind is sentenced to a lifelong service in the Raiding.Zone. There is no hope to ever escape this status. You can only train yourself, climb the ranks and archive the highest honor.

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Raiding.Zone doesn’t have “classes”. Instead, your equipment determines your abilities and your role in the raid. The weapon gives your main spells and sets your role. Your armor and trinket will grant you a defensive and utility spell each.


While using your weapon, you gain experience. This experience unlocks different talents on each weapon. You can choose one talent for each level.


You can further customize your items by mounting essences. Essences grant raw stats to your item. It will also unlock certain augments on the right essence combination.

The Idea of Casual Raiding

I am a huge fan of MMORPGs. I particularly enjoy the raiding experience. I like to play in coordination with other people to defeat a boss. In recent years, I developed an aversion to the current direction of popular MMOs.

I don’t want to grind for hours to have one hour of raiding time. That feeling sparked the idea to develop an MMORPG that focuses on raiding. Since October 2021, I worked on Raiding.Zone in my free time. I am a professional developer since 2016. This is my first experience with game development. I enjoy the learning process.


I will use Steam Early Access to implement changes that need community feedback. For next year, I plan to add new content, community, and competitive features. After that, I have some roughly lined-up ideas. But if they don’t resonate with the community, I might change or abandon these ideas.

You can support Raiding.Zone

I am in urgent need of testers. I want to remove as many bugs as possible till the release. If you are interested, you can visit my Discord. Every tester will get a special avatar for their efforts.

Raiding.Zone is present on Reddit, Itch.IO, GameDev, IndieDB, and YouTube. If you want to support this project, you can follow me there. I am also eager to help any creator that wants to make content about Raiding.Zone. I can provide invites, marketing material, and technical insights.

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Release - War Room



I’ve finished the war room in the prison complex. It is accessible through the compilation core.


It contains emitters displaying all active raids in your current zone.


Currently, it serves as a visual representation. I plan to add more meta information to those emitters. The goal is to enable joining or applying to raids from this room.

I had time for some bug-fixes.

The third stage of Sludge Madness is now accessible.

The code checked if Varanoth died, but he only appeared in the next stage. I changed it to Phenia and Gooness. Now it is working again.

Fire nova will not crash the client.

The Unity client is not able to parse NaN double values. The Fire Nova spell produced such values and crashed the client. I removed the NaN values, and it behaves properly now.

Upcoming changes - Further development

  • Reintroduction of Bloodshed Arena
  • Character Animations
  • Spell Key Rebinding
  • New Weapons and Accessories for the new levels
  • Bot-Control enhancements
Release - Desert of Pain

Release - Desert of Pain


Relased the Desert of Pain. New cell upgrade is now available. I have also had the time to fix some bugs.

Elemental Council

Elemental Council


Meet Kryona, Cassey and Ember. All of them will bring their subordinates.

Teaser: Desert of Pain

Teaser: Desert of Pain


New world level with four different zones. You can fight thunder, earth, fire and water.

Release - Run of Elements

Release - Run of Elements


New raid Run of Elements containing Pit of Elements, Buried Entrance and Firebound Forge.

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Full Version

Linux version of this game. You will need an account or an invite to play it



Full Version

Windows version of this game. You will need an account or an invite to play it

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