Quake 2 is another classic from id software.
While not modded quite as much as it's predecessor or Q3A, it is still a blast to play and the mod's on offer are bundles of fun. Just step into Quake 2 Rocket Arena, armed with the new and almighty rocket and rail gun and you will be gibbing for hours on end.
If you dig fast paced action, then load up the good ole Quake 2, fire up a mod or two and have some fun!
At last, Quake II: Heavy Metal 2.0 - the complete revision and remake of Quake II sound effects - is properly launched. Not only does this version feature a massive amount of new sound FX, but it also remakes or improves upon the vast majority of the ones existing in the previous release. The BFG unleashes with a polished thunderous explosion and revs up to match, fixed single shotgun, new railgun with a railgun recharge, even more oomph to the rocket launcher, further refined the destructive cannonade of the hyperblaster, and of course, - the game's items now sound meaningful and pleasing when you pick them up; just to name a few.
Strogg weaponry has powerful audio upgrades as well: now when you face these enemies, you'll hear that they mean business. Heavy machineguns speak well for themselves, just as good as the rockets do, and a barrage fire from a Tank - will sound exactly like it should. Blaster bolts have a flight and impact FX, which makes them sound even more intense as you dodge and hear the projectiles woosh by and hit the walls around with a becoming bang. I have been keeping things low-key, until i could come up with a proper trailer for the mod. And now, here it is:
Strogg voices also underwent a warlike transformation. To achieve that, i imagined how those cybernetic combinations of man and metal would power up for action. Machine parts whirring, weapon systems activating and loading ammunition, motors humming, jetpacks firing, computer systems running checkups and booting and so on. Juxtaposed with various degrees of each Strogg's ability to speak - led me to create a unique and quite impactful soundscape for (almost) every Strogg warrior, giving them some kind of personality and making them sound formidable and imposing. Even when they are taking damage, they can still maintain such image now. Having that said, i still had to make sure that the voices are unique enough for each of the Strogg and one cannot be confused with another. This is why certain voice fx were kept as they were.
Player action fx went through a modification as well: the annoying whimper and jump sounds have been replaced with something that does not clash with the soundscape flow, which to my vision - solely consists of the atmospheric harmony of music, Bitterman's guns and the Strogg. There are many other subtle sound balance touches, where anything too jarring that breaks this atmosphere - is either subdued or silenced.
On the subject of music, Q2HM 2.0 "Technosphere" makes changes to the version 1.4 music sets, altering the metal set quite significantly with new tracks and going for a more of a hard-rock sound. Also, the second set now consists of dark electronic atmospheric tracks, which work with the game just as good as hard-rock does. The metal set will return with a vengeance, not to worry. But that will only happen in the next version. And speaking of the next version: at the moment, mission pack support remains minimal (limited to player guns only), but that will change in the future. Expect the next version to dot the i's and cross the t's for the maxed out audio-experience of entire Quake II saga.
Let's rock-n-roll, Marine!
Master Weapon 3000 version 1.1 with updated positioning, new chaingun and hyperblaster and a few more tweaks.
The highly ambitious Quake II sound mod finally returns to propel the atmosphere and gameplay experience of this legendary shooter to the ultimate level...
The award-winning Call of Duty Rio is becoming a full game on Unreal Engine 5. This time focused on the best graphics available on modern PCs and Consoles...
The lastest version of the OSP Tourney DM mod (client) for Quake II. Originally released by the Orange Smoothie Productions team.
This is a version of Quake Remix 2000 that supports Yamagi/older versions of Quake II! Download 1.1 if you are using the remaster!
This is a version of the N64 Pack that supports Yamagi/older versions of Quake II! Download 1.3 if you are using the remaster!
This is a version of the PS1 Pack that supports Yamagi/older versions of Quake II! Download 2.0 if you are using the remaster!
This is a version of VHS Quake II that supports Yamagi/older versions of Quake II! Download 1.6 if you are using the remaster!
80's themed Atmosphere/tone overhaul mod. Comes loaded with extra content, supports all campaigns, a brand new soundtrack to jam to, and no balance changes...
Is anyone making a Quake 2 remastered mod that's not graphics only?
Double world records while completing Quake Enhanced Edition in 18:06 and in 16K UHD video resolution (15360 x 8640 pixels) for the first time on YouTube. I used Intel i9 9900K and Nvidia Titan RTX video card.
Enjoy all the levels preview with updated Enhanced visuals and keep in mind that Quake II enhanced does not understand correctly some movement from Quake II classic original - this is why sometimes movement is jerky due that it does it even at 999 fps at 4K UHD video resolution.
I like the original Quake better but this is by no means a bad game, a good old shooter with some nice features added since the last game.
For newcomers, you can start with the remastered version but keep in mind they took some liberties with it and changed elements that affect how the game played originally. Some weapons and enemies behave differently now, you can find addons to revert the changes back, those should have been optional. Other than that Nightdive knocked it out of the park yet again, id software treats their classic titles very well.
Will Moddb admins add the Quake 2 Remastered and source code news into the main page or not?
idk tbh
Did it by myself, see if gets aproved.
The Quake 2 remaster that dropped today is pretty fantastic IMHO.
Nightdive has made a well done effort in this! ^-^
q2xp 1.27.0 in my opinion a disgusting port that ruins the Quake atmosphere
if you don't like it do it better
Well, he's right. It sucks.